Genealogy Projects tagged with resistance on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Dutch Resistance 1940-1945

    Dutch Resistance 1940-1945 Nederlandse Verzetsmannen - Men of the Dutch Resistance 1940-1945 Dutch Resistance during World War II is the collective name for all individuals and groups who offered resistance during World War II to the German occupation of the Netherlands (1940-1945) and the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies (1942-1945) . The resistance was characterized in comparison...

  • Lithuanians Within WWII Resistance

    If in your family tree you have Lithuanians who participated in WWII resistance, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography added. This should include not only local Lithuania's resistance participants, but also people of various nationalities and citizens of other countries, who's families are descending from Lithuania....

  • Danish Resistance Movements during WWII

    På dansk for neden, danish below===== The Danish Resistance Movement (Danish: Modstandsbevægelsen) was an underground insurgency movement to resist the German occupation of Denmark during World War II. By the German occupation in 1943 many Danes were involved in underground activities, ranging from producing illegal publications to espionage and sabotage. Resistance agents killed an estimated 4...

  • Polish Resistance Movements during WWII

    Of Major Significance ===== The Polish resistance movement in World War II, with the Polish Home Army at its forefront, was the largest underground resistance in all of Nazi-occupied Europe. === The Polish Underground State comprises the underground resistance organisations in Poland during WWII, military and civilian. It was one of the largest in the world andinxlided structures such as educat...

  • Resistance Medal

    The Resistance Medal (French: Médaille de la Résistance) was a decoration bestowed by the French Committee of National Liberation, based in the United Kingdom, during World War II. It was established by a decree of General Charles de Gaulle on 9 February 1943 "to recognize the remarkable acts of faith and of courage that, in France, in the empire and abroad, have contributed to the resistance o...

  • Italian Resistance Movements during WWII

    The Italian resistance movement (Italian: Resistenza italiana or just Resistenza) comprised different ideological and political groups. Opposing the occupying German forces and the Italian Fascist puppet regime of the Italian Social Republic during the later years of the war they were known as the Italian resistance and Italian partisans. ===== Outline of the situation In 1943, the Allied ...

  • European Resistance Movements

    The main information and outline is from The Military History of World War II: Volume 15: European Resistance Movements, by Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, Col., U.S. Army, Ret., Franklin Watts, Inc., New York, c. 1965. Book * May 10 The Unknown War.The Land of Lidice: Czechoslovakia.They Did Not Scare Us: Poland.Caged - A Story of Jewish Resistance - David J. LandauThe Holocaust, the Jewish Tragedy - Mar...

  • Resistance Movements during WWII

    This is the umbrella project for the wide range of Resistance Movements, Underground Organisations and Partisan Fighters during WWII that were active in almost every country though a variety of methods. >>===PLEASE ADD PROFILES TO THE RELEVANT PROJECTS LISTED BELOW===Should a suitable project not yet exist for your profiles you can create a new one. If you need help with starting another projec...

  • Engelandvaarders - England Farers 1940-1945

    Engelandvaarders= Engelandvaarder werd de erenaam voor alle mannen en vrouwen die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (1940-1945), na de capitulatie van de Nederlandse strijd-krachten en vóór de geallieerde invasie in Normandië op 6 juni 1944 (D-day) uit bezet gebied wisten te ontsnappen met de bedoeling zich in Engeland of ander geallieerd gebied bij de geallieerde strijdkrachten aan te sluiten om ...

  • Dutch Resistance during WWII

    The purpose of this project to commemorate those individuals who had the courage to stand up and be righteous. Please add anyone you know was a member of a resistance movement or even resisted in their own personal wayThis project is loosely based on the list of Dutch citizens involved in resistance to the NAZI occupation of Holland during World War II on Wikipedia .The very nature of any resis...

  • Victims of January 13, 1991

    This project honors the victims of Soviet military actions against Lithuania on 11 - 13 January 1991. The fourteen civilians killed were: Loreta Asanavičiūtė (1967 - 1991) Virginijus Druskis (1969 - 1991) Darius Gerbutavičius (1973 - 1991) Rolandas Jankauskas (1969 - 1991) Rimantas Juknevičius (1966 - 1991) Alvydas Kanapinskas (1952 - 1991)

  • De Zwarte Hand / The Black Hand: a Belgian resistance movement in World War II

    Objective= English This project focuses on the members of the Belgian resistance group De Zwarte Hand (The Black Hand).The resistance movement was operational in the beginning of the second world war. Their area of operations: Klein-Brabant and the Rupel area, a region somewhere between Antwerp and Brussels. The movement was soon discovered by the Germans and most members spent the rest of the ...

  • Belgian Resistance Movements during WWII

    During the war, it is estimated that approximately 5% of the national population were involved in some form of resistance activity. The persecution of Belgian Jews and conscription of Belgian civilians into forced labour programs increasingly turned patriotic Belgian civilians from liberal or Catholic backgrounds against the German regime and towards the resistance.Under German occupation, the ...

  • Greek Resistance Movements during WWII

    The Greek resistance movements were precipitated by the invasion and occupation of Greece from 1941-1944 by Nazi Germany and its allies Italy and Bulgaria. The movements, both communist and non-communist (EAM) battled the Axis occupiers in an effort, not only to save Greece, but also to save the Jews living there. ====Those involved risked their lives through many different and dangerous activi...

  • Nederlandse Verzetsgroepen - WWII

    Nederlandse Verzetsgroepen tijdens de Tweede Wereld Oorlog= Dutch resistance groups during World War II Dit project geeft een overzicht over de vele verzetsgroepen die actief waren in Nederland tijdens de tweede Wereld oorlog. Deze lijst is niet compleet, sommige verzetsgroepen zijn nog niet geïdentificeerd en beschreven. Aanvullingen zijn altijd welkom. ENGLISH : This project is an umbrella pr...