Genealogy Projects tagged with netherlands on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Dutch Resistance 1940-1945

    Dutch Resistance 1940-1945 Nederlandse Verzetsmannen - Men of the Dutch Resistance 1940-1945 Dutch Resistance during World War II is the collective name for all individuals and groups who offered resistance during World War II to the German occupation of the Netherlands (1940-1945) and the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies (1942-1945) . The resistance was characterized in comparison...

  • Dutch emigration to America 1800-1950

    Dutch emigration to America 1800-1950==This project Dutch emigration to America refers to Americans who are of full or partial Dutch heritage.An estimated 4.5 million Americans claim total or partial Dutch heritage. Today the majority of the Dutch Americans live in Michigan, California, Montana, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin, Idaho, Utah, Iowa, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. In 2013 1....

  • Nederlandse Bronnen (Dutch Sources)

    This page provides an overview of available genealogical sources in the Netherlands. It is immediately a place where Dutch people work together to improve the exchange of sources and information. Feel free to add good sources - or start a 'discussion' for discussion. The Dutch version of this project is more frequently updated and has more sources in Dutch. For broader information and question...

  • International Dutch Portal

    (This portal is associated with the Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen , the portal for Dutch speaking Geni users) . This is the access point for the global Geni user community to the Dutch speaking users and Dutch-language sources. Tracing ancestors in The Netherlands and Flanders. This portal helps you to find... Dutch-speaking users who can help you with your research access to onlin...

  • Dutch Diaspora - Farewell Nederland

    Farewell Nederland==== Aim of this project ===This project functions as a research tool for users with relatives who originated from the Netherlands but also as a collection of profiles of the people who did leave to start a new life abroad.Please feel free to add profiles of the Dutch families or descendants to the project, ideally with a small note in the about section of the profile with the...

  • West-Indische Compagnie ‧ 1621-1791 ‧

    West-Indische Compagnie ‧ 1621-1791 ‧ Kamers van de WIC : AMSTERDAM in Amsterdam ZEELAND in Middelburg MAZE in ... 1622 : Kamer ter STAD en LANDE in Groningen - ⌘ - Kamer in het NOORDERKWARTIER aan de Binnenluiendijk in Hoorn - Noord-Holland - ⌘ internet:bronnen-documentatie-informatie-illustraties-boeken-etceteraa---> 1989 : Jaap JACOBS : 'De Scheepvaart en handel van d...

  • Split's Immigrants from other parts of Europe (1797. - 1828.)

    Split's Immigrants from other Countries by the Beginning of 19th Century and Their SurnamesAt the beginning of the 19th century, Split has seen a rapid increase in population by influx of people migrating from all over Dalmatia, the Apennine peninsula, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some Mediterranean and European countries. They were doctors, administrative staff, music teachers, craftsmen, s...

  • Emigrants from the Dutch province of Zeeland

    Emigrants from Zeeland==Over time people from the province of Zeeland left for South Africa, Indonesia, Suriname, North America and Brazil, to establish colonies, settlements, cities or communities . An important motive was trade : mainly countries where the VOC or WIC traded were popular with Zeelanders . Soldiers, merchants , landowners and administrators took their families to various trade ...

  • Talvik - Alta, Finnmark, Norge.

    Talvik, Leirbotn, Årøy, Langfjordbotn, Kåfjord, Alta, Rafsbotn This project contents genealogical information about people born in Alta area and Talvik area, Finnmark, Norway. * Genealogy / Slektsforskning, wikipedia Norwegian immigrants to United States. Goldminers in Alaska. Shipwrecks along the Norwegian coast. Genealogyproject on Geni . Northernlights route, pictures and history, Tr...

  • Dutch West India Company

    Dutch West India Company (Dutch: Geoctroyeerde Westindische Compagnie or GWIC; English: Chartered West India Company) was a chartered company (known as the "WIC") of Dutch merchants. Among its founding fathers was Willem Usselincx (1567-1647). On June 2, 1621, it was granted a charter for a trade monopoly in the West Indies (meaning the Caribbean) by the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands...

  • Rohel

    ROHEL Name - All About - ROHEL Name is of Dutch (Netherlands) origin - and/or - variant of the Surname ROCHELLE (English origin).… *see Rohel About bottom of project & on web link above... ____________________________ Family Trees on Geni ________________________ Czech Republic (WFT = World Family Tree, non-WFT) Daniel Rohel (ca. 1580 Jakubín, Častrov, Pelhřimov district, Vysočina, Bo...

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - Netherlands: Fatalities

    1918- Influenza Pandemic - Netherlands: Fatalities "Please add to this project any profiles of those who perished in the 'Spanish Flu' pandemic of 1918 De SPAANSE GRIEP-epidemie 1918-1919 De Spaanse griep was een griep-pandemie in de jaren 1918-1920. Deze wereldwijde epidemie eiste naar schatting 17 tot mogelijk 100 miljoen levens, een aantal dat het totale dodental van de Eerste Wereldoorlo...

  • Nederlandse & Vlaamse dichters

    neȇr-lands-talige poësie Nederlandse & Vlaamse dichters ✒ biedt U een link naar wikipedia-informatie om eventueel 'n nieuw profiel mee te documenteren. Streven is dat die informatie aan het betreffende geni-profiel gelinked wordt en hier slechts namen en levensdata blijven staan. de ABC… Nederlandse schrijfwijze : familie-NAAM-letter met 'de' ervoor De‧ABC… Belgische schrijfwijze ...

  • New Netherland

    New Netherland , or Nieuw-Nederland in Dutch, was the 17th-century colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands on the East Coast of North America. The claimed territories were the lands from the Delmarva Peninsula to extreme southwestern Cape Cod. The settled areas are now part of the Mid-Atlantic States of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut, with small outpos...

  • Emigrants from The Netherlands

    Collaborators welcome both translation help and research on specific destinations. Depending on the growth of this project, later sub-projects could include groupings based on time period, surname, city, state, country, and/or continent. ===GOALThis project is for seeking and finding information elsewhere by collaborating with Geni users around the world, thereby gaining easier access to local ...

  • Battle of the Java Sea - Feb 27-28, 1942

    Slag in de Javazee ‧ 27-28 feb 1942 ‧ Pertempuran Laut Jawa NIEUWS 2018 januari : Schending grafrust in Javazee Na de aanval van Japan op de Amerikaanse vloot in Pearl Harbour op 7 dec 1941, was de Japanse opmars door Zuid-Oost-Azie onstuitbaar. De geallieerde zeestrijdkrachten leverden een moeizame strijd tegen de Japanners en werden steeds weer het slachtoffer van luchtaanvallen. Hong Ko...

  • New Amsterdam - Immigrants

    < BACK . Only add people within the 1621-1674 date limits VOLUNTEER SERVICE... Struggling with the New Netherland records? A Dutch word you don't understand? An abbreviation that puzzles you? Try find an answer on the International Dutch Portal with Dutch speaking Geni-users - or CLICK HERE to post your question. . Objective This project functions as a 'repository' for the immigrants ...

  • Dutch in CEYLON ‧ Sri Lanka ‧ 1658–1798

    —continuing WORK to do!—AAN-vullen-COR-rigeren-MEE-werken? Welcome! Please add links and documents Dutch in CEYLON~Zeylon ‧ Sri Lanka ‧ 1658-1798 Op 5 mei 1601 vertrok Admiraal Joris van SPILBERGEN uit Veere in opdracht van koopman de MOUCHERON met 3 schepen naar de kust van Malabar, India en bereikte die plaats op 25 mei 1602. Op 30 mei datzelfde jaar landde men in SAMANTURAI AAN de oostkus...

  • Dunedin, New Zealand

    My great X2 grandparents were Joseph and Catherine Davies. Joseph was born on The Azores one of the islands of Portugal, Catherine was Irish, they meet in Victoria Australia had 2 children and then married. The family then moved to Dunedin where they has more children. Grandpapa Joseph then had an Italian Architect design and build a hotel, The Albion's which grandpapa ran until his death in 18...

  • De oorsprong van de familienaam Mooij

    Vooraf De titel is eigenlijk misleidend, want er is niet één oorsprong van één familie Mooij. Er zijn vele verschillende takken, die totaal niet met elkaar verwant zijn. Tenminste zo lijkt het mij nu voor te komen. Mijn bedoeling was/is om van elke tak de oorsprong te vinden. Een andere tussentijdse conclusie is dat vaak niet duidelijk is waarom een familie de naam Mooij gebruikt en dat de oors...

  • Dutch Resistance during WWII

    The purpose of this project to commemorate those individuals who had the courage to stand up and be righteous. Please add anyone you know was a member of a resistance movement or even resisted in their own personal wayThis project is loosely based on the list of Dutch citizens involved in resistance to the NAZI occupation of Holland during World War II on Wikipedia .The very nature of any resis...

  • NLD ‧ 1908 ‧ Summer Olympics

    Netherlands ‧ 1908 ‧ Summer Olympics* Geen Gouden medailles* Geen Zilveren medailles===BRONS* Bok de KORVER ‧ ‧ 25y ‧ football ‧ ⌘ ‧ * George François -Frans- de BRUIJN KOPS ‧ 18--19-- ‧ 21y ‧ football ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Albertus WIELSMA ‧ 1883- ‧ 24y ‧ rowing ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Caius WELCKER ‧ ‧ 22y ‧ football ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Jan THOMÉE ‧ ‧ 21y ‧ football ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Eetje SOL ‧ ‧ 26y ‧ football ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Everhardus -Edu- SNETHL...

  • Soesan, Susan, Suesan, Sousan, Sousa, Sjoesjan, Schuschan Family

    The Soesan family is a Jewish family, of which the geographical roots are very obscure. The oldest ancestor, David Schuschan (1660?-1724), who settled in Amsterdam, is said to have come from the city of Shush in Persia (= the biblical/historical Susa). However, these claims lack sources to support them. The Persian origin story seems even more unlikely, when considering the fact that there is a...

  • Rulers in the Low Countries

    Work in Progress (if you want to contribute to this page, please ask to collaborate first so that we can build a dialogue and get this structure right)=====.The Low Countries are historically the region that comprises the current countries of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg - as well as the current French départements Nord and Pas de Calais, and small areas in current Germany (including...

  • NLD ‧ 1900 ‧ Summer Olympics

    Netherlands ‧ 1900 ‧ Summer Olympics* Gerard Anne BERGH ‧ * François Antoine BRANDT ‧ ‧ roeien ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Joannes Matheus -Mathieu- CORDANG ‧ * Roelof KLEIN ‧ ‧ roeien ‧ ⌘ ‧ * Harrie -Harry- MEYERS ‧ ===ZILVER* Hermanus Gerardus -Herman- BROCKMANN ‧ 1871-1936 ‧ roeien ‧ * Joannes Matheus -Mathieu- CORDANG ‧ 1869-1942 ‧ * Pieter Casper Johan -Piet- DIKKENTMAN ‧ ‧ * Coenraad Christiaan HIEBENDAAL ‧ ‧

1-25 of 37 projects