The Donovan surname means, "Dark Warrior," usually referring to dark hair.
Balázs Déri
O'Donovan famillies are believed to be descended from Donn-Dubán ,meaning as above,
who was one of the sons of Ímar / Ívarr ,king of Waterford and then of Dublin until about 70 / 65 BC ,
that is equal to 995 and 1000 of the Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,now not in use any more after
the unification of the calendars somewhen in the early 1600s ,after which ,at least in Europe,
only the one of begin in 1387 BC has survived ,which is in global use now .
According to this 2023 is in fact 636 AD .
Ímar may probably be identical with Idwal,son of Mewrig of Gwynedd , and Ívarr maybe a Northern
reinterpretation of his name suffixed as usual with r : Idwal-R .
This name ,that in general terms corresponds to Somalian Waloid and to Arabian Walid ,
in his case might have been interpreted as Ir-Dual ,that is Double Ir .
In the Somalian noble genealogies namely Mewrig ,who ruled until about 94 BC ,
and is identical with Mithridat,king of Parthia ,was called Samaale Osmaan ,and one of his sons
was Irir ,identical thus with Idwal .
River Iriri in Brazil in the Holy Land of America ,where Irish rulers originate from too ,
may be named after him .
Mewrig ( Maurici ) was called so because of being the chief of Maori ,that is Mauri and Tsigan
peoples ,called generally Kale ,after whom he was also called Osmo Kaleva in Suomala and
Kale-'Aba in Arabia .
In Chimú he adopted the name Taycanamu ,because Te-Ika(n)-a Maui is the name of the home
of the Maori .
His father was alos Idwal ,called by Somalians indeed Waloid ,or Hiili ,for some reason .
Hiile was the son of Abroone,whose name ,in any case,is much more similar to Artaban ,
how Mithridat's father was named in Iran .
Ir-Dual thus might have been the chief of the Iranian Dval tribe ,and he was also the king of
Waterford because he could afford to cross the water between Wales and Ireland to become
the king of Dublin there,that is ,worth to his name ,a Double Irish .
His sons Donn-Dubán and Donn-Chada ,as well as many other members of the family ,
might have been named after river Don,at which the Iron Oseets had lived ,
from where they might have parted for other,Northern regions .
See Juruna,Nanti,.Morciego,Kaleva,Suomalainen,Somalia,Karjalainen,Savolax,Mocsinka,Csima,
Dublin,Suomi,Pao,Geisler,Geissler,Edinger,Jakab,Mauri,Moro,Fortaleza,Taulu,Karabas and others !