There are already 211 users and over 6,017 genealogy profiles with the Holley surname on Geni. Explore Holley genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Hamilton Holley (August 12, 1804 – October 2, 1887) was an American politician and the 40th Governor of Connecticut.Life and politics Holley was born in Salisbury, Connecticut on August 12, 1804. He wa...
Lyman Holley (20 July 1832 – 29 January 1882) was a mechanical engineer and was considered the foremost steel and plant engineer and designer of his time, especially in regard to applying research to m...
See "Trinity County Beginnings," Trinity County Book Committee, 1986, p 446. Correspondents: Frieda Reese Gaskin; Ella Frances Dodd.
Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : May 17 2017,...
Anna Raye Smith Holley
9 Nov 1932
Galion, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, USA
6 Jul 2013 (aged 80)
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Bonne Idee Cemetery
Mer Rouge, Moreho...
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