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Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) - British Armed Forces (Officers)

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Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) British Armed Forces (Officers)

Also known as The South African War

Image Right - Boer War Memorial in St John's Gardens in Liverpool.

Geograph © Copyright Philip Halling and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence.

A Project aiming to include the profiles of the Britishofficers who fought in Anglo Boer War in South Africa. (1899-1902). Please add Military leaders and notable participants (Officers) to this project and/or the list below. "Other ranks" can be added to Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) - British Armed Forces (Other Ranks).

There is also a small section at the bottom of the page for British Women who were involved in the Anglo Boer War. There will be a separate project in due course once there are enough profiles to warrant it.

See also

The Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) - British Casualties

On 11 October 1899, the second Boer War broke out after Britain rejected the Transvaal ultimatum giving the British an ultimatum (Oct. 9, 1899) demanding the withdrawal of British troop reinforcements that had been sent to the Cape. The ultimatum had demanded that all disputes between the two states be settled by arbitration; that British troops on the borders be withdrawn; and that troops bound for South Africa by ship should not disembark.

The Orange Free State joined the Transvaal in accordance with the alliance of 1897. In the course of the war, the British Army was reinforced by volunteer contingents from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Cape Colony and Natal.

See also Anglo Boere Oorlog/Boer War (1899-1902) and Anglo Boere Oorlog/Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) - Boers

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( Field Marshal, General, Lieutenant-General, Major-General, Brigadier, Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, Officer Cadet)

















  • Age: 23
  • Regiment: 1st Scotts Guards




born in Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, Engl. on 6 April 1874 and studied architecture in England and in Zurich, Switzerland. He served with an English regiment in the Boer War, then emigrated to Canada in 1901. He was an active architect in Canada from 1908, designing several commercial, ecclesiastical and residential works for leading citizens of Red Deer including several buildings for Leonard Gaetz.





British Women who were involved in the Anglo Boer War


References and Sources


Officer Ranks

The rank system forms the backbone of the Army's structure and it defines a soldier or officer's role and degree of responsibility. Soldiers and Officers have different rank systems. Broadly speaking, officers have more leadership duties. However many Officers start off as soldiers, before gaining their commission.

Officer Cadet This is the rank held during initial officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Second Lieutenant The first rank held on commissioning. It is normally held for up to 2 years, during which time they complete special to arms training relevant to their Corps. Afterwards they are responsible for leading up to 30 soldiers in a platoon or troop, both in training and on operations.

Lieutenant Lieutenant is a rank typically held for up to 3 years. They normally command of a platoon or troop of around 30 soldiers, but with experience comes increased responsibilities. They also have the opportunity to gain specialised skills outside their unit.

Captain Captains are normally made second-in-command of a sub-unit of up to 120 soldiers. They are key players in the planning and decision-making process, with tactical responsibility for operations on the ground as well as equipment maintenance, logistic support and manpower.

Major Promotion to Major follows between 8-10 years service. Typically a Major will be given command of a sub-unit of up to 120 officers and soldiers with responsibility for their training, welfare and administration both in camp and on operations, as well as the management of their equipment.

Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonels typically command units of up to 650 soldiers, containing four or five sub-units. They are responsible for the overall operational effectiveness of their unit in terms of military capability, welfare and general discipline. Typically a two-year appointment.

Colonel Colonels are not usually field commanders (except in the Royal Army Medical Corps) - typically they serve as staff officers between field commands at battalion/brigade level. It is the lowest of the staff ranks and they are the principal operational advisors to senior officers.

Brigadier (aka 1 star) Brigadier is not considered to be a General Officer rank by the British Army but rather a Field officer rank. Brigadiers can command a brigade or be a director of operational capability groups such as a director of staff.

Major General (aka 2 star) Major Generals command formations of division size and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and hold senior staff appointments in the Ministry of Defence and other headquarters.

Lieutenant General (aka 3 star) Lieutenant Generals command formations of Corps size and other commands in the UK and overseas, and hold very senior staff appointments in the Ministry of Defence and other headquarters.

General (aka 4 star)

Generals hold the most senior appointments - such as the Chief of Defence Staff, Vice Chief of Defence Staff, Chief of the General Staff, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and Commander in Chief Land Forces.

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