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Historic Buildings of Co. Tipperary E - L

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  • Thomas Barton (1694 - 1780)
    Burke, Bernard, Sir. A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland 6th ed . London : Harrison 1879. Vol I. page 86
  • William Barton (1723 - 1793)
    Burke, Bernard, Sir. A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland 6th ed . London : Harrison 1879. Vol I. page 86

Historic Buildings of Co. Tipperary E - L

Republic of Ireland

See Historic Buildings Ireland - Main Page

Image right - Killenure Castle

Due to the numerous Historical buildings and castles in of County Tipperary the project has been split into 4 projects.
(The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).


// //

If you have information about any of the Buildings mentioned below please share it here. If you have ancestors linked to any of the places please add them to the project.


The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in County Tipperary, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up.

Castles, Baronial and Historic houses

... in alphabetical order

Including Castles, Abbeys, Manor Houses, Mansions, Stately Homes, Country houses, Estate houses, Courts, Halls, Parks and other listed buildings of historic interest

Full sizes of the thumbnail images can be seen in the Gallery attached to the project or by clicking the thumbnail image. TIP - Use ctrl+the link to open the image in a separate tab, or use "back" to return to this project page) Sources for the images can be found in the image details as seen in the gallery.

Names with Bold links are to Geni profiles or projects. Other links take you to external biographical web pages. Please copy and paste the bullet used - ● - instead of * when adding items to the list.



Farney Castle Restored Castle

Farranrory Castle

Fethard (Court Castle)

Fethard (Edmond's Castle)


Galbertstown Castle

Golden Castle

Gortmakellis Castle

Graigue Castle

Grace, Castle

Grallagh Castle

Grantstown Castle

// Graystown - lying on a plateau of rock to the north of the Tipperary to Golden road, its 17th century bawn wall enclosing the 60 foot high remains of a 15th century tower, and the gable end wall of a house. Originally a seat of the Laffan family, it passed to Gyles Cooke in the 1650s.

Grove House Fethard



Ireton's Castle (aka Derry McEgan)



Kedrah Castle

// Kilcash Castle Ruins. Butler tower of six storeys, dating from the late 16th Century or early 17th century. There are remains of an attached later two storey house and fragments of a bawn to the north.

Kilcolman Castle

Kilconnell Castle

Kilcooley Castle (or Grangecastle)

Killaghy Castle Restored Castle

Killahara Castle, Restored Castle

Killaghy Castle The O'Dwyers' late 16th century strong-house at Killenure has been a roofless shell since the mid 17th century after the devastating wars of that period. It is unusual in that its defensive towers are circular instead of the more conventional square or spear-head shape. The O'Dwyer family's castle at Killenure was just one of several in the district used in the defence of the barony of Kilmanagh, whose clan chief ruled from the castle at Dundrum. In the 1630s Killenure was occupied by Charles O'Dwyer of Cullynuer 'Irish Papist' according to the Civil Survey of 1654. After the wars of the 1640s and 50s Kilmanagh was left totally devastated, and it is likely Killenure Castle would have been a ruin at this time. Those like the O'Dwyers who had taken a major role in the rebellion of 1641 were to be totally dispossessed and their ancestral lands distributed to (for example) many of the soldiers of the Crown as payment for their services. There is some uncertainty as to who became the new owners, but by the mid-C18 it is thought the Coppinger family were in possession, who rebuilt the old house attached to the castle ruin as a hunting lodge. The Cooper family were next to occupy Killenure when William Cooper settled here with his new wife in 1747. He would establish a family dynasty of Coopers at Killenure that endured for the next 200 years. The current owners, an artist and a designer bought it in 2007, and have commenced a venture that includes opening Killenure to the public.

Killahara Castle

Killaleigh Castle

// Castle

○ Reference Mike Searle - Georgaph 3037733 and

Killough Castle

Killowney Castle (aka Castle Wellington)

Killusty Castle

Kiltinan Castle

// Knigh Castle

Knockagh Castle

Knockane Castle - five storey tower house located just to the north of Toomyvara. It probably dates from c.1600-20.

The Standing
Ballgibbon & townlan
Irish Antiquities

// Knockgraffan, early Ráth, 16th century Butler tower having circular bartizans on the NW and SE corners and an east facing entrance doorway. Built by the Normans.

WIKI Knockgraffon

Knockkelly Castle

Kylenamuck Castle


Lackeen Castle

Latteragh Castle

Leiny, Castle

Lisbunny Castle

Lisheen Castle, Restored Castle

Liskeveen Castle

Lismallin Castle

Lisronagh Castle

Loughlohery Castle

Loughmoe Castle, Ruins

References and Sources

Tipperary Specific

▶︎ Geograph - Castles Ireland


WIKI Republic of Ireland

WIKI List of historical abbeys, castles and monuments in Ireland

Buildings of Ireland

Landed Estates

Irish Tourism - Buildings in Ireland

Irish Tourist - Historic Buildings

Irish Central - Historical sites to visit in Ireland

Architecture of ireland

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Other Pages for Historic Buildings of Ireland Counties

// Historic Buildings of County Cavan

// Historic Buildings of County Carlow

// Historic Buildings of County Clare

// Historic Buildings of County Cork

// Historic Buildings of County Donegal

// Historic Buildings of County Dublin

// Historic Buildings of County Galway

// Historic Buildings of County Kerry

// Historic Buildings of County Kildare

Historic Buildings of County Kilkenny

// Historic Buildings of County Kilkenny A-B
// Historic Buildings of County Kilkenny C - F
// Historic Buildings of County Kilkenny G - K
// Historic Buildings of County Kilkenny L - Z

// Historic Buildings of County Laois

// Historic Buildings of County Leitrim

// Historic Buildings of County Limerick

// Historic Buildings of County Longford

// Historic Buildings of County Louth

// Historic Buildings of County Mayo

// Historic Buildings of County Meath

// Historic Buildings of County Monaghan

// Historic Buildings of County Offaly

// Historic Buildings of County Roscommon

// Historic Buildings of County Sligo

Historic Buildings of County Tipperary

// Historic Buildings of Co. Tipperary A - B
// Buildings of Co. Tipperary C - D
// Historic Buildings of Co. Tipperary M - Z

// Historic Buildings of County Waterford

// Historic Buildings of County Westmeath

// Historic Buildings of County Wexford

// Historic Buildings of County Wicklow

// this project is in History Link 