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Surrender of New Netherland 1664 - Signers of the Remonstrance

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  • Lare (or Hilary) Criolyo (bef.1627 - aft.1683)
    • Lare Criolyo was born a black or 1/2 black Creole slave (half Caribbean Euro/Portuguese/Spanish, & half black). Capt. Jan de Vries came to New Netherland in 1644 and brought Hilary with him. He had b...
  • Hendrick Albertus Bosch (1619 - 1701)
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  • Jan Janse Van Breestede (c.1624 - 1641)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R-1681732659@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fa...
  • Lucas Vanderburgh (c.1618 - 1669)
    about - Lucas Dircksen Vanderburgh - Family Tree Genealogy* born - 1618, Holland* died - 1668, NY* parents - Dirck Vanderburgh & unknown* married - Annatje Cornelius Shrubber about 1652 in New Amsterdam
  • Pieter Tonneman (c.1610 - d.)
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Setting the Stage

"At its peak, only about 9,000 people lived in New Netherland, leaving it vulnerable to attack from the English, who fought three wars against the Dutch, their main commercial rivals, between 1652 and 1674 and who vastly outnumbered them in the New World. The breaking point came in March 1664, when English King Charles II awarded the colony’s land to his brother, the Duke of York, even though the two countries were then technically at peace. Another issue: Unlike the VOC, the Dutch West India Company (WIC) had no right to deploy troops. (see wiki article.)

A few months later, four English warships with several hundred soldiers onboard arrived in New Amsterdam’s harbor and demanded that the Dutch surrender. New Amsterdam only had a small fraction of New Netherland's fire power and meager numbers of soldiers. Though Gov. Pieter Stuyvesant at least outwardly prepared to fight, prominent city residents and relatives persuaded him to stand down, and on September 8 he signed the colony over without any blood being shed." ~• adapted from Wikipedia

Postscript ~• Later, in 1673, during the Third Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch re-conquered Manhattan with an invasion force of some 600 men. But they gave it up the following year as part of a peace treaty in which they retained Suriname in South America."

Description of this project's purpose


The complex multiple relationships of the 93 men who signed the Remonstrance of September 1664 are examined here.

  1. icn_favorite.gif Interactive Relationship Graph < signers / blood & marriage linked / place of origin / governmental ties in New Amsterdam
  2. Geni Document A now obsolete list that first attempted to identify all established Geni profiles with the 93 men who signed ~ now just a resource to use for double-checking. More complete details are now in this project.
  3. Clarke surnames with trees
  4. Global searching in Billard
  5. icn_check.gif Youtube examines some elements of the prior 'DWI' period''


  1. Notice: Most of the signers of the Remonstrance had houses that were on the very tip of Manhattan. Take a look at this other interactive site: The Castello Plan. These are linked on the Relationship Graph just mentioned.
  2. Another observation: Many of those who signed went on to great success under the British regime.


. As of 1/4/17
There still a few people still not identified; the Graph Commons chart is now highly developed.

The 93 men who signed

(Key to abbreviations: (B) = Burgomaster; (S) = Schepen; (Sh) = Sheriff.)

  1. P.{aulus} L.{eenderzen} Van der Grist , (ed. notes Grift)(B)
  2. Cornelia Steenwyck (B) , {ed note: this must be CorneliS}
  3. Jacob Bakker (S) , (1631-1730); one of 3 husbands of Margrietje Stuyvesant, Pieter's 1/2 sister
  4. Isaac Grevenraat (S)
  5. Timotheus Gabrie (S),
  6. Nicolaus de Meyer (S) , aka Nicholas de Mayer born in Hamburg; future Mayor of New York
  7. Pieter Tonneman (Sh)
  8. Balthazar Stuyvesant
  9. Hendrik Kip (the manuscript doesn't specify if this is Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, senior or junior)
  10. Abram Wilmerdoncx, son of Abraham Cornelisz Wilmerdonck (one of the Directors of the WIC).
  11. Martin Krygier de Jonge , (the younger, son of the Captain by the same name)
  12. Stephanus van Cortlandt ; only in his 20's at the time of surrender; rode the transition of power into immense wealth.
  13. Cornelius Pluviers (Cornelius Janszen Pluviers)
  14. Hendrik Bosch
  15. Hend. Janss. van der Vin, on the council of Burghers early 1660s
  16. Jeronimus Ebbingh , (or Ebbinck); a wealthy man, married well: his wife was the dau. of the one-time DWIC Director Johannes de Laet who, in turn was associated, again by marriage, with even greater wealth: Sir Peter Vanlore
  17. Isaac de Foreest
  18. Arent Janss. Moesman
  19. Symon Janss. Romeyn
  20. Willem Raasenburgh
  21. Tomas Davits, {perhaps Thomas Davidszen seen in the baptism record with #47 Dionys Isaacqs (another man who got himself in trouble) : 1665 Apr 26; Denys Isaacszen, Lysbeth Jans; Isaac; Thomas Davidszen , Catalyntie Jans} ~• This is evidently, with some degree of certainty,the same man as the the skipper who travelled to and from Albany, who was married to Anneke Schaats, dau. of Dom. Gideon Schaats of Albany. Tomas was mostly estranged from this woman who was as wild as he was.
  22. Reymout Reymouts, "Reymout Reymoutzen", leatherworker (mentioned as a fire fighter, maker of buckets (Affairs of Men p.50}
  23. Balthazar de Haert , died in 1671; one of three husbands to Margarietje Stuyvesant
  24. Evert Duyckingh
  25. Bocle Roeloffs,
  26. N. Varleth , {probably Nicholas Varleth who was married to the director's daughter}
  27. Johannes van Brugge √, {probably: Johannes Pieterszen Van Brugh, I} ~ a wealthy merchant
  28. Allard Anthony (Schepen, then Burgomaster (1656) see "Affairs & Men" op.cit) also a schout (sheriff) 1671-1672
  29. Jacob Kip
  30. Cousseau , (most probably De Hr. [Jacques Cousseau] of Pearl Street (1665) (Schepen in 1665)per (MoC), considering the role that he played in the surrender; see the document regarding the appointment of Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Jacques Cousseau to treat with the English for surrender)
  31. Hendrik Obe (aka. Tamboer, Tambour, or drummer; source: "The Iconography of Manhattan Island")
  32. Tomas Hal, (mentioned as being a fire warden in 1661 {Affairs of Men p. 47}
  33. Jochim Beekman, (part of the "small citizenship" list as 'Jochem Beeckman '} {affairs of Men p. 88}
  34. Juriaen Blanck , (alternate spelling Juryaen Blanck}
  35. Jan Janss. Preste, (perhaps Jan Janse Van Breesteede; the issue with Jan, son of Jan (Hans, Johannes) is the same than with Hendrick, son of Hendrick, or Jan, son of Hendrick, for that matter; the names are very common)
  36. Johannes de Peyster ,
  37. Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt
  38. Lodewyck Pos ,
  39. Govert Loockermans ,
  40. Conraet Ten Eyck
  41. Cornelis Clopper (Cornelis Janssen Cloppenborgh)
  42. Anthony de Mill
  43. Hendrik van de Water
  44. Gerrit Janssen
  45. Jan Hendricksz. (Jan Hendricksen van Gunst?)
  46. Hendrik Hendricksz. (Note: at least one genealogy of the Van Doesburg family claims that this is Hendrick Hendricksen Van Doesburg. Since only one Hendrick Hendricksen Kip is clearly identified as Kip in this list, it seems that this other Hendrick, son of Hendrick, could also be a Kip. However, many Hendricks with this patronymic were living in New Netherland in that time period.)
  47. Dionys Isaacqs
  48. Jan Brouwer ,
  49. Arent Isaacqs , – a shoemaker- living on High street in 1665 (MoC)
  50. Jacob Teunissen, also known as Jacob Theuniszen Quick
  51. Allard Konninck
  52. Andries Rees
  53. Jan Vinge , had a large parcel outside the wall on the North River (Hudson)
  54. Pieter Stoutenbergh , (aka Pieter van Oldenbarnevelt) in 1665 "living without the land gate"; a class 4 citizen)
  55. Hendrik van Dyck,
  56. Nicolaus de la Plaine ,
  57. Cornelia Gerloff, or, Cornelis Gerloffszen who married Geertie Dircks
  58. Warnaer Wissells
  59. Hermen Wissells
  60. Alexander Hulter, probably the relative of the first husband to Jero. Ebbingh's wife ~ well-connected with a DWIC share-holder.
  61. Tomas Lamberts ,
  62. Frerick Arents
  63. Abram Klock
  64. Isaacq Bedloo , (alderman 1667-1673, when he died)
  65. Pieter Winster
  66. Jan Gerrits van Buytenhuysen, aka Jan Gerritsen, the baker (of) Buytenhusen
  67. Jonas Bartels
  68. Meyndert Barents {lived on South William St. near Broad}
  69. Luycas Dircks (better known as Lucas Vanderburgh),
  70. Cornelis Janssen (NOT Cornelis Jansz Clopper. Is this Cornelis Jansen Visser? Cornelis Jansen van Hoorn? Another?)
  71. Tousein Bryel
  72. Jan Cornelia van Hoorn , {also known as Jan Cornelis Van Hoorn}
  73. Jacob Leyseler
  74. Claes Janss. Bakker
  75. Guilliam D'Honeur, (citizen 3rd class living at the Wall)"Guliam D'Honneur"; wife & child indicated in baptism: 1664 Feb 10; Guiljam d'Honneur, Christina Steentiens; Jannetie; Gerrit Van Tricht, Tryntie Cregiers
  76. Isaacq Constrict, (This surname should be spelled Coustrier. An Isaac Coutrier did become member of the Dutch Reformed Church in 1663. Sources: List of members of the DRC since 1649. Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, 'History of New Netherland; or, New York under the Dutch', vol. 2. Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan and Berthold Fernow, editors, 'Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York; Procured in Holland, England and France', vol. 2.)
  77. Isaacq Kip
  78. Fredrick Guysbertse ,
  79. Barent Kowrs
  80. Jan Dircks Meyer
  81. Jacob Leunens
  82. Jacob van Couwenhoven
  83. Jacob Hugens aka Jacob Huyck, who may have been a grandson of Peter Minuit
  84. Lambert Huyberts Mol
  85. Jan Jansz. van St. Obyn {aka Jan Janszen Manshaer}
  86. Egbert Meynderts
  87. Paul Richard, or Paulus Richard who married 09 February 1664 at Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam Celitje Van Der Wallen
  88. Daniel ver Veele
  89. Johannes Nevius ,
  90. Hans Kierstede , the doctor
  91. Ambrosius de Weerhem
  92. Abram Verplanck ,
  93. Abel Hardenbroeck

especially in New Amsterdam!

reading list

  1. From Privileges to Rights: Work and Politics in Colonial New York City Simon Middleton; University of Pennsylvania Press, Feb 3, 2006 - 306 pages (economics) ISBN 0812239156 (cloth : alk. paper)
  2. History of the City of New York by David T. Valentine, ©1853, pg 315-318. Also available on
  3. 350th anniversary passes unnoticed New York Times

sticker_new_right.gif Multi-document resource on Roots Web


  1. Russell Shorto and his books about the DWIC