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Mike van Beuren's ~ notable direct ancestors

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From the American Flag back to Et Tu Brute!

~Saints, Kings and other Scoundrels, Witches~

~Farmers, Congessmen, Assassins, Preachers~

~• a compendium of DIRECT (!) ancestors from my own pedigree •~
~• and some of yours, no doubt •~


Here's a stab at a list of remarkable people pertinent to those of my close relatives living today. No particular care has been taken to be particularly comprehensive. Putting them in a timeline sequence order is fun way to look at them. For me it was interesting to recognize those who were alive at the same time...
~• Michael M. van Beuren (b.1952 ) curator. Doubtless, some of these assignations will be incorrect... but the wandering is nonetheless interesting... caveat lector

As one Owen Glendower hath had his demeanor assembled by one William Shakespeare in Henry IV part one :
Glendower. Cousin, of many men
I do not bear these crossings. Give me leave
To tell you once again that at my birth
The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes,
The goats ran from the mountains, and the herds
Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields.
These signs have mark'd me extraordinary;
And all the courses of my life do show
I am not in the roll of common men.
Where is he living, clipp'd in with the sea
That chides the banks of England, Scotland, Wales,
Which calls me pupil, or hath read to me?
And bring him out that is but woman's son
Can trace me in the tedious ways of art
And hold me pace in deep experiments.
Hotspur (Henry Percy). I think there's no man speaks better Welsh.
I'll to dinner.
Mortimer. Peace, cousin Percy; you will make him mad.
Glendower. I can call spirits from the vasty deep.

~• so goes the spirit of belief that each of us is so special and superior to the other. (big wink!) The "real" Glendower is referenced in the list below. His father, Gruffydd Fychan ap Gruffydd, Lord of Glyndwrdy , is my/our direct ancestor through the Bean/Albertson/Roberts (Welsh) line

(another) Caveat

There will frequently be multiple paths from you to the same individual in the past. The path can be recalculated by clicking on the double arrows icn_refresh.gif next to the statement of relationship on each individual's profile page. Don't neglect to wander through the related projects listed at right... to get a sense of others involved and many other relationships.


reverse chronological order
profile • (birth-death)• AMERICAN SURNAME REFERENCE
• The surname(s) IN CAPS indicates (at least one) line through which the pedigree travels. There may be several!

  1. Frank Black Wildman inventor of various types of knitting machinery elements • 1856-1947 • WILDMAN
  2. John Dustin Archbold oil baron, salesman • 1848-1916 • ARCHBOLD
  3. Edward James Saunderson, MP (1837-1906) my mother's ex-husband's grandfather
  4. Col. Theodore Weber Bean, (USA) PA 17th cavalry / historian • 1833-1891 • BEAN
  5. Pvt. Paul Lieberman, USA Civil War Cav. & Indian Wars • 1827-c.1902 • ZIEGLER
  6. Hon. Arnold Adam Plumer, Sr. banker, judge, US House of Representatives (PA) • 1801-1869 • PLUMER
  7. Col. Michael Murray van Beuren, USA Raised a Regt. in advance of the Civil War (NYC) • 1800-1878 • VAN BEUREN
  8. Adam Von Erden Abolitionist Baltimore merchant • 1750-1817 • VAN BEUREN > VON ERDEN
  9. Henry Spingler butcher, owned the 22 acre farm that later became a real estate empire in NYC • 1747-1814 • VAN BEUREN
  10. Capt. William Dana, Jr. fought at Lexington, Bunker Hill, & elsewhere • 1745-1809 • DANA
  11. Jean Christopher Pechin French immigrant merchant in war-time Philadelphia / funded the Revolution • 1737-1779 • HUNTER > BEAN • his daughter Mary Ingle was the wife of a carpenter/iron monger who made George Washington's coffin
  12. Dr. James van Beuren Loyalist refugee; fled to Nova Scotia / returned to New Jersey • 1729-1797 • VAN BEUREN
  13. Rev. William Currie (1710-1803) • BEAN • prominent locally in "Valley Forge" history
  14. Daniel Walker co-founded the Valley Forge, namesake of Revolutionary War encampment • 1693-1772 • BEAN > LEE > WRIGHT > RICHARDS •
  15. Rev. George Aeneas Ross, M.A. • 1679-1753 • HUNTER > ROSS • missionary for the English Anglican Church & ancestor of the first husband of Betsy Ross The Ross line traces back to the Scottish Stewart kings, as seen below, through Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots who was queen to James I. ~• this is a so-called CYCLE for me as the WILDMAN & BEAN lines are joined in my own maternal grandparents as well. See also: Fearchar Mac an t-Sagairt, Earl of Ross
  16. Dr. Johannes van Beuren immigrant colonial doctor New York & Brooklyn • c.1678-1755
  17. Daniel Doane mystic individual; Puritan turned Quaker• 1666-1743 • WILDMAN > STRADLING
  18. Capt. Jonathan Hunter fought for William (future King) at the Battle of Boyne against James II of England • c.1664-1734 • HUNTER • a descendant of Sir David Graham of Kincardine (1274-1329)
  19. Barent van Horn • 1651-1726 • WILDMAN • a New Amsterdam immigrant
  20. Reverend Rowland Ellis whence came Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania • 1650-1731 • ALBERTSON > LEE
  21. Mary Neff • 1646 - 1722 (a must-read story of conflict w/Native Americans • VAN BEUREN > Davenport
  22. Judge Samuel Richardson First alderman of Philadelphia, Quaker • 1635-1719 • BEAN
  23. William Alberson of Castledermot Irish tenth, founding West Jersey immigrant Quaker • c.1635-1709 • BEAN > HUNTER
  24. Jan Dircksen Meyer • c.1630-1700 • one of the 93 who signed the Remonstrance, a petition that 'convinced' Stuyvesant to surrender New Netherland to the British in 1664 (many of Stuyvesant's family signed) • VAN BEUREN > MEYER
  25. Adriaen Lamberts Smeets/Smits Tappan patent : on the Hudson • 1625-1702 • VAN BEUREN > LAENEN
  26. Lt. Gov. James Bishop • 1625-1691 • DAVENPORT > HEMINGWAY • Lieut. Gov. of New Haven colony / taught by Rev. John Davenport
  27. COFFIN, Mary (1621-1691) m. Adams from: Brixton, Devonshire; to: Boston' Mary's brother Tristram Coffin, Sr. at one time owned about one-fourth of the island of Nantucket, and the whole of Tuckernock; Mary's mother: Joanna Coffin came to Mass. colony too.¶ The man from whom the Coffin's purchased Nantucket was the owner of Nantucket Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands: Gov. Thomas Mayhew . Mayhew's niece, Hannah Gager (Mayhew), is also our direct ancestor
  28. Rebecca Nurse convicted as witch and executed • 1621-1692 • PLUMER
  29. Mary ‘Convicted witch’ Sanford convicted as witch and executed • c. 1620-c. 1662 • DAVENPORT > MORRIS
  30. Elizabeth Wildman, Quaker Martyr Quaker martyr (died at Lancaster castle) • 1616-1677 • WILDMAN
  31. Rev. Nicholas Noyes, of Newbury Salem Witch trials prosecutor • 1615-1701 • PLUMER > ADAMS
  32. Lieut. Gov. Francis Willoughby • 1613-1671 • Lt. Gov. Mass.colony 1665-1671 • DAVENPORT > TRACY
  33. Rev. Abraham Pierson • 1609-1678 • Puritan theocrat • DAVENPORT {Rev. Abraham Pierson is Rev. John Davenport's son's wife's father}
  34. Joris Jansen Rapalje very early New Netherland settler • 1604-1663 • VAN BEUREN > RYERSON
  35. Catalyntje Trico (wife of Joris) mother of 1st European female child born in New Netherland • 1605-1689 • VAN BEUREN > RYERSON
  36. Rev. Johannis Theodorus Polhemus, II Germany to Brazil to New Amsterdam • 1598-1676 • VAN BEUREN
  37. Gov. Francis Newman • 1600-1660 • Colonial Governor of Connecticut who negotiated with Stuyvesant • DAVENPORT •
  38. Rev. John Davenport, D.D. (the beginnings of Yale) • 1597-1670 • Elizabeth Wolley • PLUMER > DAVENPORT
  39. Dea. John Doane, of the Plymouth Colony Mass Bay colony • 1592-1685 • WILDMAN > STRADLING
  40. William Pynchon, Founder of Springfield, MA • 1590-1662 • DAVENPORT > ANDREWS; there is also a DANA path Pynchon also co-founded Roxbury (before Springfield)
  41. Reverend Ezekiel Rogers, M.A., founder of Rowley • 1590-1660 • DANA > BANCROFT
  42. Rev. Henry Whitfield • 1590-1657 • DANA > FOSTER > DWIGHT oldest house in Connecticut and the oldest stone house in New England
  43. Gov. George Wyllys • 1590-1645 • DANA > FOSTER > PYNCHON colonial Gov. of CT
  44. George Morton, of the Plymouth Colony co-wrote 'Mourt's Relation' that played-up emigration to Mass Bay colony • 1585-1624 • DAVENPORT > ROBINSON
  45. Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger Jamestown visitor /shipwrecked / Mayflower Passenger • 1581-1624 • WILDMAN > STRADLING > DOANE • June 2, 1609: Sea Venture Departure from Plymouth England for New World
  46. Rev. John Robinson, II Puritan leader / English Theologian at Leiden • 1576-1625 • PLUMER > DAVENPORT • one of the founders of the Congregational Church
  47. Elizabeth Polhemus (Leussler) great aunt of Jacob Leisler of the great rebellion in New York• 1571-1601 • VAN BEUREN
  48. Sir Walter Raleigh • 1552 - 1618 • ZIEGLER > DAVENPORT {most genealogists doubt this pedigree}
  49. George Woodward, MP Member of Parliament • 1549-1598 • BEAN > HUNTER
  50. Rev. John Rogers "The Martyr" first English Protestant martyr under Mary I of England • 1507-1554 • Adriana de Weyden (Duchy of Brabant) • DANA
  51. Sir John Yorke, Master of the Mint • 1510-1569 • JACKSON > PIM > ALBERTSON
  52. Sir Richard Rich, Lord Chancellor of England • 1496-1567 • >WIldman > Wells path
  53. Sir William Brereton, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland • 1473-1541 • PLUMER > NOYES > THURLOW • there is a path through the HUNTER family too
  54. James IV, king of Scots (1473-1513) killed at Flodden Field {Scotch immigrant branch of the WILDMAN family} Interesting quirk: These Stewart kings (James I thru IV) are in my WILDMAN line while the wife of James I is in my BEAN line. see: Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
  55. Sir William Griffith, Chamberlain of North Wales (c. 1455-1506) of Penrhyn Castle, Caernarvonshire> LEE (BEAN line) In an interesting quirk of history: Sir William was released from seclusion/exile because of the outcome of the Battle of Flodden Field where James IV, king of Scots was killed. Classify this as internecine warfare ;)
  56. Henry Clifford, 10th Baron Clifford, Lord Vescy • 1454-1523 • Henry Clifford led an army of several thousand men northward and met the Scots on Flodden Field where the English won a decisive victory, and King James IV of Scotland was killed. • through Quaker lines in Ireland
  57. Sir Rhys ap Thomas, K.G., of Dynevor • c. 1451 (in my Evans line) who figures heavily in English history "Some sources claim that he personally delivered the death blow to King Richard III at Bosworth with his poleaxe" (wikipedia) .. in support of the victory of Henry Tudor
  58. Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk • 1443-1524 • through the Phebe Saxton (Roberts) line • WILDMAN • Thomas descendants include Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I of England pedigree
  59. Christian I King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden • 1426-1481 • through the Plumer line
  60. Sir Henry "Harry" Stradling • 1423-1477 • Sir Henry Stradling was knighted at the Holy Sepulchre in 1477
  61. Catherine of Valois, Queen consort of England • 1401-1437 • Sir Owen Tudor • DANA
  62. Sir John Houstoun, Knight a Scot • 1397- • WILDMAN
  63. James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn • 1394 - 1454 • Hunter>Currie>Ross>Stewart path
  64. Sir John II Stanley, titular King of Mann • 1386-1437 • path Ziegler : He twice visited the Island to put down rebellions (1417 and 1422) and was also responsible for putting the laws of the Island into writing.
  65. Henrich Schenck van Nydeggen castle just off the Meuse (Netherlands): destroyed in WWII bombing • 1370-1452 • VAN BEUREN > HENDRICKSON • descendants were early NY/NJ immigrants
  66. Charles VI de Valois, roi de France • 1368-1422 • Elisabeth von Wittelsbach, Reine consort de France • DANA
  67. Sir John Howard, Kt., MP, Sheriff of Essex 1365-1437 (Crusader) Wildman side through the Plumley line
  68. Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy • 1364-1403 • (is on both my van Beuren side and my Wildman side (= though the Stackhouse ancestors of Gigglewick ( Jacobus James Stackhouse )
  69. Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney • c. 1345- c.1400 • BEAN>ROSS Earl
  70. Charles V le Sage, roi de France • 1338-1380 • DANA
  71. Marchweithian ap Tangwel, Lord of Is Aled in Rhufoniog • born c. 1015 (Wales) • BEAN> ALBERTSON • allowed to be one of the heads of the 15 tribes of Wales and compatriot in battle with Gruffydd-fychan-Ap-Gruffydd the next record here
  72. Gruffydd Fychan ap Gruffydd, Lord of Glyndwrdy • 1330-1370 • BEAN>ALBERTSON ~• He was the father of Owen Glendower, the first and last native Welshman to hold the title Prince of Wales. Glyndŵr appears as 'Owen Glendower' in William Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 1
  73. Pedro I el Cruel, rey de Castilla y León Two of his daughters were married to sons of Edward III, King of England. Isabella married Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York, while Constance married John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster. • 1334-1369 • DANA > Isabella Plantagenet
  74. Robert II, King of Scots (1316-1390) BEAN through PECHIN & ROSS
  75. Edward III, king of England • 1312-1377 • DANA
  76. Jan I Woutersz graaf van Egmond, hertog van Gelre • 1310-1369 • PECHIN > ROSS
  77. Ralph Dacre, 1st Baron Dacre (1290-1339) led English army at the Battle of Dornock against the Scots] {is in both the BEAN & WILDMAN pedigrees}
  78. Håkon V Magnusson, King of Norway • 1270-1319 * WILDMAN > STRADLING >THOMPSOM
  79. Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor • 1275-1313 • DAVENPORT > TRACY
  80. Sir David Graham of Kincardine • 1274-1329 • BEAN > HUNTER > ROSS taken prisoner by Edward I, freed when he switched sides
  81. Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots • 1274-1329 • BEAN > HUNTER > PECHIN > ROSS
  82. King Yuri I of Galicia, King of Ruthenia, Great Prince of Kiev, Volydymyr-Volhynia, Haly • 1253-1308 • path • through DAVENPORT to SANFORD (Essex, England)
  83. Matilda Magnusdatter, of Orkney born 1246 (my line's connection to the Orkney Islands of Scotland which then leads back to Norway: Saint Ragnvald III, jarl of Orkney • all this is part of our Rev. George Aeneas Ross, M.A. line of ancestors (BEAN > CURRIE > ROSS)
  84. Edward I "Longshanks", King of England • 1239-1307 • Marguerite of France, Queen of England • ALBERTSON > LEE > ELLIS ~• and other paths
  85. Robert I the Good, count of Artois • 1216-1250 (Robert died while leading a reckless attack on Al Mansurah, Egypt during the Seventh Crusade)
  86. Louis IX the Saint, King of France Saint Louis • 1214-1270 • HUNTER > LEE • the only canonized King of France
  87. Henry III of England (1207-1272) to whom we are directly related through the Plumers, on the van Beuren side and the Carlisles on the Wildman side. His consort, Eleanor of Provence, Queen Consort of England is also a LEE on the BEAN side see pedigree somewhat interestingly as the line of descent is through Wales.
  88. Baldwin I, Latin Emperor of Constantinople • 1171-1205 • TRACY
  89. Robert de Vere, 3rd Earl of Oxford, Surety of the Magna Carta aka Robinhood • 1164-1221 • DAVENPORT > ARUNDEL
  90. John Fitzrobert de Stokes, 3d Baron Warkworth, Surety of the Magna Carta • 1191-1241 • WILDMAN
  91. John I, King of Jerusalem & Emperor of Constantinople • 1170-1237 • BEAN > LANE > EVANS tree
  92. Fearchar Mac an t-Sagairt, Earl of Ross • 1170-1257 "1st" Ross associated with ancient Tain, Scotland • BEAN > CURRIE > ROSS
  93. William "The Lion", King of Scots • 1143-1214 • reigned as King of the Scots from 1165 to 1214. a VAN BEUREN & a WILDMAN too, through the BROWN and CARLISLE families (2X)
  94. Henry Fitz-Ailwin, Lord Mayor of London :The 1st Mayor of London • 1138-1212 • DANA
  95. Sir William de Tracy assassin of Thomas a Becket the Archbishop of Canterbury • 1133-1189 • TRACY ; also DANA > BANCROFT > ROGERS
  96. Geza II, king of Hungary • 1130-1162 • (multiple paths through PLUMER) > here is one
  97. Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León • 1199-1252 • path • PLUMER
  98. Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort of England • 1124-1204 • ALBERTSON > LEE > (Welsh royalty) and her son John I "Lackland", King of England
  99. Sverker I King of Sweden • 1100-1156 • DANA > CLARK photo
  100. Mathieu Bouchard Hervé de Montmorency (read profile notes) • 1095-1160 • {multiple paths} his wife, Alix FitzRoy , being an illegitimate dau. of Henry I of England
  101. Alexander I, King of Scots • 1077-1124 • TRACY & on the BEAN>ROSS line
  102. Marchweithian ap Tangwel, Lord of Is Aled in Rhufoniog born c. 1015 (Wales) • BEAN > ALBERTSON • Marchweithian and Gruffydd-ap-Cynan share a common Welsh ancestor: Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons (820-878)
  103. Gruffydd ap Cynan King of Gwynedd (Wales)• 1055-1137 • ALBERTSON >LEE & CURRIE>ROSS
  104. Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem • 1060-1131 • DANA > FOSTER
  105. William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke • 1146-1219 • Protedtor of Henry III of Caversham/ Henley
  106. Anne of Kiev • 1036-1075 • PLUMER • NOYES
  107. Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots • 1031-1093 • DAVENPORT > TRACY
  108. William "the Conqueror", king of England • 1024-1087 • TRACY > (Welsh royalty) > Henry I, King of England
  109. Romanos IV Diogenes, Byzantine emperor • 1020-1072 • multiple paths thru PLUMER > TRACY • wikipedia
  110. Hugues Capet, roi des Francs • 940-996 • both LEE on maternal side and FOSTER on paternal side • note that Hugues' mother was from Saxony/Anhalt like the ZIEGLER family
  111. Adalbert II, king of Italy • 932 - 971 • through Lane and Evans of Montgomery County
  112. Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy • 901-966 • MULTIPLE PATHS • here is one
  113. St. Olga of Kiev • 890-969 • DANA • the first ruler of Rus' to convert to Christianity
  114. Edward I "the Elder", king of The Anglo-Saxons (875-924) is both a Yardley (Wildman side) and a Plumer through the Tracy family
  115. Romanos I Lekapenos, Byzantine Emperor • 870-948 • PLUMER > TRACY • Ρωμανός Α΄ Λακαπήνος
  116. Robert I, king of West Francia • 866-923 • BEAN >LEE (and probably other paths)
  117. Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson • 860-931 • DANA •
  118. Kenneth I Mac Alpine, king of the Picts • 810-859 • WILDMAN > BROWN • arguably the first King of the Kingdom of Scotland
  119. c. 1800 Luidolf the Great of Saxony: founded the abbey of Gandersheim in 852, first at Brunshausen
  120. Charlemagne • born 742 • VAN BEUREN > (through German lines)
  121. Adarnase I of Tao-Klarjeti • c. 727 • EVANS
  122. Charles Martel Commander at Tours • 686-741 • DANA > Kings of France
  123. Egica, rey de los visigodos • 610-702 • WILDMAN > BAKER • a king of the Visigoths in Spain
  124. Saint Gwladys, Princess of Brycheiniog Wales, Queen-Consort of Gwynllwg Wales c.460 - c.520 • BEAN > HUNTER > LEWIS
  125. Godegisel, king of the Burgundians • c.443-c.501 • DANA
  126. Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland • c.387-c.420 • BEAN > LANE > EVANS and another path through the DANA line
  127. Marcus Antonius "Mark Antony" • -83 to -30 BC
  128. Cleopatra (two pedigrees) WILDMAN & DANA : one path and another path see Wildman diverging generation.
  129. Mithridates I Ctistes, king of Pontus (-440 {BC} - -377) • EVANS


My four grandparents:

Archbold van Beuren b. 1905 was an only child who had 4 children with Margaret Ziegler: 2 boys, then 2 girls. All four married. This woefully incomplete list relates to ancestors of all the descendants of the children of those 4 children.

Franklin Brown Wildman (b. 1906) & his wife Elizabeth Lee Bean also had four children: 3 girls and 1 boy. In order to be comprehensive (for my purposes, this project will also include ancestors of the daughter Phoebe Roberts Wildman (1932-2004) who is my (the author's) mother.

aunts and uncles & odds and ends

  1. Interactive map of Dutch manhattan < click on the lots in the lower left near the fort. You will see Jan Meyer's property. The immigrant van Beuren (Dr. Johannes) married into the Meyer family that lived on the tip of the island of Manhattan in the very early years of New Amsterdam.

// And castles made of sand / slip slowly to the sea / eventually ~• Jimi Hendrix

aunts and uncles