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Image: The Boxer Codex of the 1590s contains vividly-colored illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippines and other nearby territories.
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International Projects with Filipino Profiles

Entertainment Industry People :: Google Doodle :: Killed in Action (War) :: Namesakes :: Novelists :: Poets :: Town Founders

Filipino Projects

American Colonists in the Philippines :: Ayala Young Leaders Congress :: Bantayog ng mga Bayani :: Bataan Death March :: Battle of Bataan (1942) :: Battle of Bessang Pass :: Battle of Leyte :: Battle of Luzon :: Battle of Maguindanao :: Battle of Manila (1945) :: Battle of the Philippine Sea :: Battle of Visayas :: Congress of the Philippines :: Criminals, Outlaws and Bandits of the Philippines :: Filipino Architects :: Filipino Athletes :: Filipino Beauty Queens :: Filipino Entrepreneurs and Corporate Giants :: Filipino Jurists :: Filipino Malays :: Filipino Martyrs :: Filipino Musicians :: Filipino Nampo Tokubetsu Ryugakusei (Nantoku) :: Filipino Politicians :: Filipino Religious :: Founders of Philippine Churches :: Filipino Recipients of US Military Honors :: Filipino Scientists :: Filipino Visual Artists :: Filipino Writers and Journalists :: Filipinos in Entertainment :: Forbes Asia's 50 Richest Filipinos :: Freemasons in the Philippines :: Governor-Generals of the Philippines :: Governors of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao :: Governors of Metro Manila :: Hazing victims in the Philippines :: High Commissioner to the Philippines :: Maguindanao massacre :: Manila Carnival Royalty :: Members of the Revolutionary Katipunan :: Notable Filipino Americans :: Notable Naturalized Filipinos :: Panay, Philippines :: People Power Revolution :: Philippine Commission :: Philippine Heritage Homes :: Philippine-American War :: Philippine Drug War :: Philippine Revolution :: Piedra China: Chinese Tombstones in the Spanish Philippines :: Presidents of the Philippines :: Prime Ministers of the Philippines :: Recuerdo de Patay :: Representatives who voted on the ABS-CBN Franchise Issue :: Resident Commissioners of the Philippines :: Spanish-American War :: Sultanate of Maguindanao :: Sultanate of Sulu :: The First Philippine Republic :: The Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines :: The Jewish Community of the Philippines :: The Kenpeitai and the Makapili :: The Loves of José Rizal :: The Pensionado Act of the Philippines :: The Rajahnates of the Philippines :: The Sinking of the SS Corregidor :: The Thomasites :: The Tragedy of the 11th World Scout Jamboree :: The Women of Malolos :: US Congressional Gold Medal: Filipino WWII Veteran Recipients

By Surnames

Legend ...{*} Sixty (60) families were identified in the 1950s by society writer Torrosa Subido as members of Manila's elite. See the References below for the link....(+) Found in the Catálogo Alfabético de Apellidos of 1849. See References below for link.

Disclaimer: Only Filipino citizens, whether active, relinquished or revoked, will be added to these projects.

A :: Abad(+) :: Abad Santos(*) :: Ábalos(+) :: Abaya(+) :: Abella(+) :: Acosta(+) :: Acuña :: Afable(+) :: Agcaoili(+) :: Aglipay(+) :: Agoncillo(+) :: Agudo(+) :: Aguilar(+) :: Aguinaldo{*}(+) :: Alas(*)(+) :: Albano(+) :: Albert(*)(+) :: Alberto :: Alcántara(+) :: Alejandrino(+) :: Alejandro :: Alfelor :: Almeda(+) :: Almendras(+) :: Alonso(+) :: Alonto(+) :: Alunan :: Álvarez :: Amatong(+) :: Ampatuan :: Ancheta(+) :: Andaya(+) :: Ang :: Angara(+) :: Ángeles(+) :: Antonio :: Apacible(+) :: Aquino{*}(+) :: Araneta{*}(+) :: Araullo :: Arceo(+) :: Arcinas :: Arellano(+) :: Arenas(+) :: Arévalo(+) :: Argüelles(+) :: Arrastia :: Arroyo(+) :: Asistio :: Aspillera(+) :: Atienza(+) :: Avanceña :: Avelino :: Avellana(+) :: Ayala(+)

B :: Bagatsing :: Balmori :: Baltazar :: Baluyut(+) :: Barón :: Barretto(+) :: Barzaga :: Basa(+) :: Basco(+) :: Bathan(+) :: Bautista(+) :: Bello(+) :: Belmonte(+) :: Beltrán(+) :: Bengzon(+) :: Benítez{*}(+) :: Bernal(+) :: Bernardo :: Bersamín(+) :: Binay(+) :: Bokingo :: Bondoc(+) :: Bonifacio :: Borbón(+) :: Borja(+) :: Borromeo(+) :: Braganza(+) :: Briones(+) :: Buencamino{*} :: Buendía(+) :: Bulaon(+) :: Bulut :: Burgos(+) :: Bustos(+) :: Butao

C :: Cabahug(+) :: Cabrera(+) :: Cabreza :: Cadiao(+) :: Cádiz(+) :: Cailles :: Cajucom(+) :: Calderón(+) :: Calixto :: Calleja(+) :: Calma :: Calumpang :: Campos(+) :: Canónigo :: Capulong(+) :: Caralde(+) :: Cariño(+) :: Carpio :: Carreón(+) :: Castañeda(+) :: Castelo(+) :: Castillejos(+) :: Castillo(+) :: Castro(+) :: Catibayan(+) :: Cayetano :: César :: Chanco :: Chávez(+) :: Chiongbian :: Chipeco :: Chua(+) :: Clímaco(+) :: Cojuangco{*} :: Collantes(+) :: Concepción :: Constantino :: Corpus(+) :: Cortés :: Crisólogo :: Crisóstomo :: Cruz(+) :: Cuenca(+) :: Cuenco(+) :: Cunanan(+) :: Cuneta :: Cuyugan(+)

D :: David(+) :: Dayanghirang(+) :: Dayrit(+) :: Daza(+) :: Defensor :: Delgado(+) :: Díaz(+) :: Dimaporo :: Diokno(+) :: Dizon(+) :: Domingo :: Domínguez(+) :: Duavit :: Duque(+) :: Durano :: Duterte(+) :: Dy

E :: Echávez :: Ecleo(+) :: Ejército(+) :: Elizalde(+) :: Encarnación(*) :: Enríquez :: Enverga(+) :: Escudero(+) :: Espina(+) :: Espino(+) :: Espinosa(+) :: Espíritu(+) :: Estrada(+) :: Estrella(+) :: Eusebio :: Evangelista(+)

F :: Fabella(+) :: Fabié(+) :: Fajardo :: Falcón(+) :: Feliciano :: Felipe :: Feria(*) :: Fernández{*} :: Fernando :: Ferrer(+) :: Festín(+) :: Floirendo :: Florentino :: Flores(+) :: Fonacier(+) :: Fortich(*) :: Francisco :: Fuentebella

G :: Gabaldón(*)(+) :: Gacula(+) :: Galang(+) :: Gallego(+) :: Gálvez(+) :: Gamboa :: García(+) :: Garchitorena :: Garín(+) :: Garingalao(+) :: Gatchalian(+) :: Gerona(+) :: Gil :: Go :: Gómez(+) :: Gonzaga(+) :: González{*}(+) :: Grageda :: Grivialde :: Guanzón(+) :: Guerrero{*}(+) :: Guevara(+) :: Guingona(+) :: Guinto(+) :: Gutiérrez(+) :: Guzmán

H :: Henson(+) :: Hernández(+) :: Herrera(+) :: Hidalgo(+) :: Hilario(+) :: Hizon(+) :: Hofileña :: Hontiveros{*}

I :: Ibáñez :: Ibarra :: Ilagan(+) :: Imperial :: Inciong :: Isaac :: Ismael(*)

J :: Jacinto(*) :: Jalandoni :: Jalosjos(+) :: Jaranilla(+) :: Jardenil :: Javier :: Jesús :: Jiménez(+) :: Joaquín :: José :: Joson(+) :: Joven(+) :: Jurado

K :: Kalaw{*} :: Katigbak{*} :: Kho :: Khonghun :: Kintanar

L :: Lacónico(+) :: Lacsamana(+) :: Lacson{*}(+) :: Lacuna(+) :: Lagmán(+) :: Lao(+) :: Lapid(+) :: Lara(+) :: Lardizábal(+) :: Laurel{*}(+) :: Lazatín :: Ledesma{*} :: Legarda{*}(+) :: Legazpi(+) :: León{*}(+) :: Leuterio(+) :: Leviste :: Licauco :: Lichauco(*) :: Lim :: Limjap :: Lingad(+) :: Liongson :: Liwanag(+) :: Lizares :: Llamas(+) :: Locsín(+) :: López{*}(+) :: Loreto(+) :: Lovina(*)(+) :: Loyzaga :: Luciano :: Lukbán(+) :: Lumanlan(+) :: Luna(+) :: Luz(+)

M :: Macapagal(+) :: Macaraeg(+) :: Macaspac(+) :: Maceda(+) :: Maclang(+) :: Madrigal(*)(+) :: Madrona(+) :: Magalona(*)(+) :: Magbanua(+) :: Magdaluyo(+) :: Magdangal(+) :: Magsaysay(+) :: Malicsi(+) :: Mallari :: Malvar(+) :: Manahan(+) :: Manalang(+) :: Manalo(+) :: Manglapus(+) :: Mangubat(+) :: Mangudadatu :: Manuel :: Mapa(+) :: Mar :: Marañón :: Marasigan(+) :: Maravilla(+) :: Marcelo :: Marcos :: Mariano :: Maronilla :: Márquez{*}(+) :: Martínez(+) :: Mascardo(+) :: Mastura :: Matalam :: Mateo :: Matugas :: Mayo :: Medina :: Mendoza(+) :: Mercader(+) :: Mercado(+) :: Miraflores :: Miranda(+) :: Mitra(+) :: Mójica(+) :: Molina(+) :: Montano(+) :: Montelíbano(*) :: Montemayor :: Montilla :: Montinola :: Monzón(+) :: Morales(+) :: Morán(+) :: Morató(+) :: Moreno(*)(+) :: Muhlach :: Mundo(+) :: Muñoz(+)

N :: Nakpil{*} :: Natividad(+) :: Navarro :: Nepomuceno :: Neri(+) :: Noble(+) :: Noel :: Nograles(+) :: Noguera(+) :: Nolasco(+) :: Noriel(+)

O :: Oaminal(+) :: Ocampo :: Olivares(+) :: Ong :: Ongpin :: Ongsiako :: Orig :: Orosa(+) :: Ortega(+) :: Osías(+) :: Osmeña{*}

P :: Pablo :: Pacheco(+) :: Pacquiao(+) :: Padilla{*}(+) :: Palma(+) :: Pamintuan(+) :: Pangan(+) :: Panganiban(+) :: Pangilinan(+) :: Panlilio :: Pañares(+) :: Papa(+) :: Parás(+) :: Pardo{*}(+) :: Paredes(+) :: Pascual :: Paterno(*) :: Paulino :: Payumo(+) :: Paz(+) :: Pecson :: Peláez(+) :: Peña(+) :: Peralta(+) :: Pérez(+) :: Petilla(+) :: Pichay(+) :: Pidal(+) :: Pimentel(+) :: Pineda(+) :: Planas(+) :: Plaza(+) :: Ponce(+) :: Ponce Enrile :: Prieto{*}(+) :: Puno(+) :: Puyat{*}(+)

Q :: Quezon :: Quiambao(+) :: Quiboloy(+) :: Quijano(+) :: Quinto(+) :: Quiñones(+) :: Quirino{*} :: Quisumbing :: Quizon(+)

R :: Rama(+) :: Ramírez(+) :: Ramos(+) :: Ranillo(+) :: Raymundo :: Razon(+) :: Recto{*}(+) :: Regala(+) :: Remulla :: Resurrección(+) :: Reyes(+) :: Revilla(+) :: Reynaldo(+) :: Rivera(+) :: Rizal(+) :: Roa(+) :: Robles(+) :: Robredo :: Roces{*}(+) :: Rodríguez{*}(+) :: Roman(+) :: Romero(+) :: Romualdez{*} :: Romulo{*}(+) :: Roque :: Rosa :: Rosales(+) :: Rosario{*}(+) :: Roxas{*}(+) :: Roy(+) :: Rubio(+) :: Rufino{*} :: Ruiz(+)

S :: Salazar(+) :: Salceda(+) :: Salcedo(+) :: Sales(+) :: Salonga(+) :: Salvador :: Samaco :: Samonte :: Samson(+) :: Sánchez(+) :: San Diego :: Sandoval(+) :: Sangalang(+) :: Santarin(+) :: Santiago :: Santiaguel(+) :: Santos{*} :: Sapinoso(+) :: Saquilayan(+) :: Sarmiento(+) :: Sarreal :: Saulog(+) :: Savellano :: Sayo(+) :: Sebastián :: Serapio :: Serna(+) :: Serrano(+) :: Severino :: Sevilla(*)(+) :: Siguión Reyna :: Silva(+) :: Singson(*) :: Sinsuat :: Sio(+) :: Sisón{*}(+) :: Solís(+) :: Songco(+) :: Soriano(+) :: Soto(+) :: Suárez(+) :: Sumulong(+) :: Sunico(*)(+) :: Sy :: Syquia{*}(+)

T :: Tagle(+) :: Tamayo(+) :: Tan(+) :: Tañada(+) :: Tanchangco :: Tantoco :: Taruc(+) :: Tavera :: Tecson(+) :: Teodoro :: Teves(+) :: Ting :: Tinio :: Tiongson :: Tirol(+) :: Tirona(+) :: Tiu :: Tolentino :: Topacio(+) :: Torres(+) :: Tría(+) :: Trías(+) :: Trinidad :: Tuasón{*}(+) :: Tulfo(+) :: Tupas(+) :: Ty

U :: Umali(+) :: Unson :: Uy

V :: Valdés{*}(+) :: Valencia(+) :: Valenzuela(+) :: Valera(+) :: Vallarta(+) :: Vargas(+) :: Velarde(+) :: Velasco(+) :: Velázquez(+) :: Veloso :: Vélez(+) :: Veluz(+) :: Venecia(+) :: Vera(+) :: Verano(+) :: Vidal :: Villaflor(+) :: Villafuerte(+) :: Villamor(+) :: Villanueva(+) :: Villar(+) :: Villarreal(+) :: Villarosa :: Villegas :: Villongco :: Viola :: Virata :: Vitug

Y :: Yabut(+) :: Yanson :: Yap :: Ynares :: Yu :: Yulo(*)(+)

Z :: Zabala(+) :: Zamora(+) :: Ziálcita :: Ziga :: Zóbel :: Zorilla :: Zubiri :: Zulueta(+)

By Specific Clans

By Constitution

By Constitutional Commission

By Court

By Geography

(+) - Provincial capital
(++) - Regional center
(^) - Some barangays are under the administrative jurisdiction of Bangsamoro called Special Geographic Area.
(^^) - Geographically part of Bangsamoro, but under the administrative jurisdiction of Zamboanga Peninsula
{*} - Component city
{**} - Independent component city
{***} - Highly urbanized city

By Provincial Governors

By Cemeteries

Italicized - Defunct, demolished or closed

By Education

General Disclaimer: You may add students, faculty members and staff into respective projects, but not honorary degree recipients.

By Fraternities and Sororities

By Presidency

By Diplomacy

By Executive Departments

By Government Agencies

By Institution

By Law Enforcement

By Military

By Olympics

(see Philippines at the Olympics)

By Orders, Decorations and Medals

By Organizations

By Pageant

By Political Parties

By Religion

By Scouting

By Sports


How to Contribute

  1. First step is to follow or collaborate on this, the master project.
  2. Please collaborate on the sub-project of interest.
  3. After getting yourself added as a collaborator for that sub-project, select the profile of the prominent person you wish to add.
  4. Navigate to the profile of the prominent person. Under the "More Actions" link, choose "Add to Project" and select sub-project in which this person should be included .
  5. Include in the "About Me" section of each person a brief biographical sketch of their lives, summarizing their significant contributions and accomplishments. No need to elaborate on parents, sibling and children as this will be redundant with the .
  6. Please list your sources in the bottom of the biographical sketch, or if possible, attach the documents to the profile.
  7. Include a photograph of your ancestor if one exists. Acknowledgements about ownership and/or link source of images used in this project should be added in the description field of each individual photo.
  8. Mark the profile as "public" and not "private".
  9. If you wish to add a surname that is not yet here, create a new sub-project, following this project name format: "<Surname> Family of the Philippines". The same steps above apply.

Simple Courtesies

  1. If you feel a private profile will contribute immensely to the development of a tree, please communicate with the profile owner first before triggering any merge. Some families prefer to keep their tree free from external merges, and we should be sensitive to those preferences.
  2. There is no need to add duplicate profiles. Simply send a note to the manager and ask (very kindly) to co-manage the profile. It will save us the task of merging duplicate trees later.
  3. To avoid "spam" updates, do not unilaterally add collaborators to this or any project, unless the collaborator-to-be makes an explicit request. If you wish to Invite someone, send an message-invite with the link, then let the collaborator-to-be decide for himself if he wishes to join the project.

Information featured in this study is available on public on-line platforms and widely circulated publications. Citations and references is a standard and must be added at all times, especially on historical profiles. There is no intention to infringe on personal privacy or proprietary research. Claimed profiles who do not wish to be featured in the studies should simply mark themselves or the individuals they manage as "private". Their names will consequently be taken out of this study.

Collaborator Notes