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Image: The Boxer Codex of the 1590s contains vividly-colored illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippines and other nearby territories.
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International Projects with Filipino Profiles
Entertainment Industry People :: Google Doodle :: Killed in Action (War) :: Namesakes :: Novelists :: Poets :: Town Founders
Filipino Projects
American Colonists in the Philippines :: Ayala Young Leaders Congress :: Bantayog ng mga Bayani :: Bataan Death March :: Battle of Bataan (1942) :: Battle of Bessang Pass :: Battle of Leyte :: Battle of Luzon :: Battle of Maguindanao :: Battle of Manila (1945) :: Battle of the Philippine Sea :: Battle of Visayas :: Congress of the Philippines :: Criminals, Outlaws and Bandits of the Philippines :: Filipino Architects :: Filipino Athletes :: Filipino Beauty Queens :: Filipino Entrepreneurs and Corporate Giants :: Filipino Jurists :: Filipino Malays :: Filipino Martyrs :: Filipino Musicians :: Filipino Nampo Tokubetsu Ryugakusei (Nantoku) :: Filipino Politicians :: Filipino Religious :: Founders of Philippine Churches :: Filipino Recipients of US Military Honors :: Filipino Scientists :: Filipino Visual Artists :: Filipino Writers and Journalists :: Filipinos in Entertainment :: Forbes Asia's 50 Richest Filipinos :: Freemasons in the Philippines :: Governor-Generals of the Philippines :: Governors of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao :: Governors of Metro Manila :: Hazing victims in the Philippines :: High Commissioner to the Philippines :: Maguindanao massacre :: Manila Carnival Royalty :: Members of the Revolutionary Katipunan :: Notable Filipino Americans :: Notable Naturalized Filipinos :: Panay, Philippines :: People Power Revolution :: Philippine Commission :: Philippine Heritage Homes :: Philippine-American War :: Philippine Drug War :: Philippine Revolution :: Piedra China: Chinese Tombstones in the Spanish Philippines :: Presidents of the Philippines :: Prime Ministers of the Philippines :: Recuerdo de Patay :: Representatives who voted on the ABS-CBN Franchise Issue :: Resident Commissioners of the Philippines :: Spanish-American War :: Sultanate of Maguindanao :: Sultanate of Sulu :: The First Philippine Republic :: The Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines :: The Jewish Community of the Philippines :: The Kenpeitai and the Makapili :: The Loves of José Rizal :: The Pensionado Act of the Philippines :: The Rajahnates of the Philippines :: The Sinking of the SS Corregidor :: The Thomasites :: The Tragedy of the 11th World Scout Jamboree :: The Women of Malolos :: US Congressional Gold Medal: Filipino WWII Veteran Recipients
By Surnames
Legend ...{*} Sixty (60) families were identified in the 1950s by society writer Torrosa Subido as members of Manila's elite. See the References below for the link....(+) Found in the Catálogo Alfabético de Apellidos of 1849. See References below for link.
Disclaimer: Only Filipino citizens, whether active, relinquished or revoked, will be added to these projects.
A :: Abad(+) :: Abad Santos(*) :: Ábalos(+) :: Abaya(+) :: Abella(+) :: Acosta(+) :: Acuña :: Afable(+) :: Agcaoili(+) :: Aglipay(+) :: Agoncillo(+) :: Agudo(+) :: Aguilar(+) :: Aguinaldo{*}(+) :: Alas(*)(+) :: Albano(+) :: Albert(*)(+) :: Alberto :: Alcántara(+) :: Alejandrino(+) :: Alejandro :: Alfelor :: Almeda(+) :: Almendras(+) :: Alonso(+) :: Alonto(+) :: Alunan :: Álvarez :: Amatong(+) :: Ampatuan :: Ancheta(+) :: Andaya(+) :: Ang :: Angara(+) :: Ángeles(+) :: Antonio :: Apacible(+) :: Aquino{*}(+) :: Araneta{*}(+) :: Araullo :: Arceo(+) :: Arcinas :: Arellano(+) :: Arenas(+) :: Arévalo(+) :: Argüelles(+) :: Arrastia :: Arroyo(+) :: Asistio :: Aspillera(+) :: Atienza(+) :: Avanceña :: Avelino :: Avellana(+) :: Ayala(+)
B :: Bagatsing :: Balmori :: Baltazar :: Baluyut(+) :: Barón :: Barretto(+) :: Barzaga :: Basa(+) :: Basco(+) :: Bathan(+) :: Bautista(+) :: Bello(+) :: Belmonte(+) :: Beltrán(+) :: Bengzon(+) :: Benítez{*}(+) :: Bernal(+) :: Bernardo :: Bersamín(+) :: Binay(+) :: Bokingo :: Bondoc(+) :: Bonifacio :: Borbón(+) :: Borja(+) :: Borromeo(+) :: Braganza(+) :: Briones(+) :: Buencamino{*} :: Buendía(+) :: Bulaon(+) :: Bulut :: Burgos(+) :: Bustos(+) :: Butao
C :: Cabahug(+) :: Cabrera(+) :: Cabreza :: Cadiao(+) :: Cádiz(+) :: Cailles :: Cajucom(+) :: Calderón(+) :: Calixto :: Calleja(+) :: Calma :: Calumpang :: Campos(+) :: Canónigo :: Capulong(+) :: Caralde(+) :: Cariño(+) :: Carpio :: Carreón(+) :: Castañeda(+) :: Castelo(+) :: Castillejos(+) :: Castillo(+) :: Castro(+) :: Catibayan(+) :: Cayetano :: César :: Chanco :: Chávez(+) :: Chiongbian :: Chipeco :: Chua(+) :: Clímaco(+) :: Cojuangco{*} :: Collantes(+) :: Concepción :: Constantino :: Corpus(+) :: Cortés :: Crisólogo :: Crisóstomo :: Cruz(+) :: Cuenca(+) :: Cuenco(+) :: Cunanan(+) :: Cuneta :: Cuyugan(+)
D :: David(+) :: Dayanghirang(+) :: Dayrit(+) :: Daza(+) :: Defensor :: Delgado(+) :: Díaz(+) :: Dimaporo :: Diokno(+) :: Dizon(+) :: Domingo :: Domínguez(+) :: Duavit :: Duque(+) :: Durano :: Duterte(+) :: Dy
E :: Echávez :: Ecleo(+) :: Ejército(+) :: Elizalde(+) :: Encarnación(*) :: Enríquez :: Enverga(+) :: Escudero(+) :: Espina(+) :: Espino(+) :: Espinosa(+) :: Espíritu(+) :: Estrada(+) :: Estrella(+) :: Eusebio :: Evangelista(+)
F :: Fabella(+) :: Fabié(+) :: Fajardo :: Falcón(+) :: Feliciano :: Felipe :: Feria(*) :: Fernández{*} :: Fernando :: Ferrer(+) :: Festín(+) :: Floirendo :: Florentino :: Flores(+) :: Fonacier(+) :: Fortich(*) :: Francisco :: Fuentebella
G :: Gabaldón(*)(+) :: Gacula(+) :: Galang(+) :: Gallego(+) :: Gálvez(+) :: Gamboa :: García(+) :: Garchitorena :: Garín(+) :: Garingalao(+) :: Gatchalian(+) :: Gerona(+) :: Gil :: Go :: Gómez(+) :: Gonzaga(+) :: González{*}(+) :: Grageda :: Grivialde :: Guanzón(+) :: Guerrero{*}(+) :: Guevara(+) :: Guingona(+) :: Guinto(+) :: Gutiérrez(+) :: Guzmán
H :: Henson(+) :: Hernández(+) :: Herrera(+) :: Hidalgo(+) :: Hilario(+) :: Hizon(+) :: Hofileña :: Hontiveros{*}
I :: Ibáñez :: Ibarra :: Ilagan(+) :: Imperial :: Inciong :: Isaac :: Ismael(*)
J :: Jacinto(*) :: Jalandoni :: Jalosjos(+) :: Jaranilla(+) :: Jardenil :: Javier :: Jesús :: Jiménez(+) :: Joaquín :: José :: Joson(+) :: Joven(+) :: Jurado
K :: Kalaw{*} :: Katigbak{*} :: Kho :: Khonghun :: Kintanar
L :: Lacónico(+) :: Lacsamana(+) :: Lacson{*}(+) :: Lacuna(+) :: Lagmán(+) :: Lao(+) :: Lapid(+) :: Lara(+) :: Lardizábal(+) :: Laurel{*}(+) :: Lazatín :: Ledesma{*} :: Legarda{*}(+) :: Legazpi(+) :: León{*}(+) :: Leuterio(+) :: Leviste :: Licauco :: Lichauco(*) :: Lim :: Limjap :: Lingad(+) :: Liongson :: Liwanag(+) :: Lizares :: Llamas(+) :: Locsín(+) :: López{*}(+) :: Loreto(+) :: Lovina(*)(+) :: Loyzaga :: Luciano :: Lukbán(+) :: Lumanlan(+) :: Luna(+) :: Luz(+)
M :: Macapagal(+) :: Macaraeg(+) :: Macaspac(+) :: Maceda(+) :: Maclang(+) :: Madrigal(*)(+) :: Madrona(+) :: Magalona(*)(+) :: Magbanua(+) :: Magdaluyo(+) :: Magdangal(+) :: Magsaysay(+) :: Malicsi(+) :: Mallari :: Malvar(+) :: Manahan(+) :: Manalang(+) :: Manalo(+) :: Manglapus(+) :: Mangubat(+) :: Mangudadatu :: Manuel :: Mapa(+) :: Mar :: Marañón :: Marasigan(+) :: Maravilla(+) :: Marcelo :: Marcos :: Mariano :: Maronilla :: Márquez{*}(+) :: Martínez(+) :: Mascardo(+) :: Mastura :: Matalam :: Mateo :: Matugas :: Mayo :: Medina :: Mendoza(+) :: Mercader(+) :: Mercado(+) :: Miraflores :: Miranda(+) :: Mitra(+) :: Mójica(+) :: Molina(+) :: Montano(+) :: Montelíbano(*) :: Montemayor :: Montilla :: Montinola :: Monzón(+) :: Morales(+) :: Morán(+) :: Morató(+) :: Moreno(*)(+) :: Muhlach :: Mundo(+) :: Muñoz(+)
N :: Nakpil{*} :: Natividad(+) :: Navarro :: Nepomuceno :: Neri(+) :: Noble(+) :: Noel :: Nograles(+) :: Noguera(+) :: Nolasco(+) :: Noriel(+)
O :: Oaminal(+) :: Ocampo :: Olivares(+) :: Ong :: Ongpin :: Ongsiako :: Orig :: Orosa(+) :: Ortega(+) :: Osías(+) :: Osmeña{*}
P :: Pablo :: Pacheco(+) :: Pacquiao(+) :: Padilla{*}(+) :: Palma(+) :: Pamintuan(+) :: Pangan(+) :: Panganiban(+) :: Pangilinan(+) :: Panlilio :: Pañares(+) :: Papa(+) :: Parás(+) :: Pardo{*}(+) :: Paredes(+) :: Pascual :: Paterno(*) :: Paulino :: Payumo(+) :: Paz(+) :: Pecson :: Peláez(+) :: Peña(+) :: Peralta(+) :: Pérez(+) :: Petilla(+) :: Pichay(+) :: Pidal(+) :: Pimentel(+) :: Pineda(+) :: Planas(+) :: Plaza(+) :: Ponce(+) :: Ponce Enrile :: Prieto{*}(+) :: Puno(+) :: Puyat{*}(+)
Q :: Quezon :: Quiambao(+) :: Quiboloy(+) :: Quijano(+) :: Quinto(+) :: Quiñones(+) :: Quirino{*} :: Quisumbing :: Quizon(+)
R :: Rama(+) :: Ramírez(+) :: Ramos(+) :: Ranillo(+) :: Raymundo :: Razon(+) :: Recto{*}(+) :: Regala(+) :: Remulla :: Resurrección(+) :: Reyes(+) :: Revilla(+) :: Reynaldo(+) :: Rivera(+) :: Rizal(+) :: Roa(+) :: Robles(+) :: Robredo :: Roces{*}(+) :: Rodríguez{*}(+) :: Roman(+) :: Romero(+) :: Romualdez{*} :: Romulo{*}(+) :: Roque :: Rosa :: Rosales(+) :: Rosario{*}(+) :: Roxas{*}(+) :: Roy(+) :: Rubio(+) :: Rufino{*} :: Ruiz(+)
S :: Salazar(+) :: Salceda(+) :: Salcedo(+) :: Sales(+) :: Salonga(+) :: Salvador :: Samaco :: Samonte :: Samson(+) :: Sánchez(+) :: San Diego :: Sandoval(+) :: Sangalang(+) :: Santarin(+) :: Santiago :: Santiaguel(+) :: Santos{*} :: Sapinoso(+) :: Saquilayan(+) :: Sarmiento(+) :: Sarreal :: Saulog(+) :: Savellano :: Sayo(+) :: Sebastián :: Serapio :: Serna(+) :: Serrano(+) :: Severino :: Sevilla(*)(+) :: Siguión Reyna :: Silva(+) :: Singson(*) :: Sinsuat :: Sio(+) :: Sisón{*}(+) :: Solís(+) :: Songco(+) :: Soriano(+) :: Soto(+) :: Suárez(+) :: Sumulong(+) :: Sunico(*)(+) :: Sy :: Syquia{*}(+)
T :: Tagle(+) :: Tamayo(+) :: Tan(+) :: Tañada(+) :: Tanchangco :: Tantoco :: Taruc(+) :: Tavera :: Tecson(+) :: Teodoro :: Teves(+) :: Ting :: Tinio :: Tiongson :: Tirol(+) :: Tirona(+) :: Tiu :: Tolentino :: Topacio(+) :: Torres(+) :: Tría(+) :: Trías(+) :: Trinidad :: Tuasón{*}(+) :: Tulfo(+) :: Tupas(+) :: Ty
V :: Valdés{*}(+) :: Valencia(+) :: Valenzuela(+) :: Valera(+) :: Vallarta(+) :: Vargas(+) :: Velarde(+) :: Velasco(+) :: Velázquez(+) :: Veloso :: Vélez(+) :: Veluz(+) :: Venecia(+) :: Vera(+) :: Verano(+) :: Vidal :: Villaflor(+) :: Villafuerte(+) :: Villamor(+) :: Villanueva(+) :: Villar(+) :: Villarreal(+) :: Villarosa :: Villegas :: Villongco :: Viola :: Virata :: Vitug
Y :: Yabut(+) :: Yanson :: Yap :: Ynares :: Yu :: Yulo(*)(+)
Z :: Zabala(+) :: Zamora(+) :: Ziálcita :: Ziga :: Zóbel :: Zorilla :: Zubiri :: Zulueta(+)
By Specific Clans
- Agustin-Bautista Family
- Alcala Family of Quezon
- Alunan-Lizares Clan
- Arthur Gubisch
- Boholano Surnames
- Capulong Clan
- Damaso Pueblos
- Gordon Family of Zambales
- Herrederos de Jose Rizal
- Jose and Baltazar de Araneta
- Julian Afalla
- Julian Felipe
- Kaamiño-Sanchez-Atega Family
- Leander Family
- Panahon Clan
- Pelagia Radaza
- Valmonte Family of Nueva Ecija
- Villanueva Family
By Constitution
- Malolos Constitution - see The First Philippine Republic project
- 1935 Constitution - Philippine Constitutional Convention of 1934
- 1943 Constitution - Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence
- 1973 Constitution - Philippine Constitutional Convention of 1971
- 1987 Constitution - Philippine Constitutional Commission of 1986
By Constitutional Commission
By Court
- Court of Appeals of the Philippines
- Ombudsman of the Philippines
- Sandiganbayan
- Supreme Court of the Philippines
By Geography
- Region I: Ilocos Region
- Ilocos Norte - Adams :: Bacarra :: Badoc :: Bangui :: Banna :: Batac{*} :: Burgos :: Carasi :: Currimao :: Dingras :: Dumalneg :: Laoag{*}(+) :: Marcos :: Nueva Era :: Pagudpud :: Paoay :: Pasuquin :: Piddig :: Pinili :: San Nicolas :: Sarrat :: Solsona :: Vintar
- Ilocos Sur - Alilem :: Banayoyo :: Bantay :: Burgos :: Cabugao :: Candon{*} :: Caoayan :: Cervantes :: Galimuyod :: Gregorio del Pilar :: Lidlidda :: Magsingal :: Nagbukel :: Narvacan :: Quirino :: Salcedo :: San Emilio :: San Esteban :: San Ildefonso :: San Juan :: San Vicente :: Santa :: Santa Catalina :: Santa Cruz :: Santa Lucia :: Santa Maria :: Santiago :: Santo Domingo :: Sigay :: Sinait :: Sugpon :: Suyo :: Tagudin :: Vigan{*}(+)
- La Union - Agoo :: Aringay :: Bacnotan :: Bagulin :: Balaoan :: Bangar :: Bauang :: Burgos :: Caba :: Luna :: Naguilian :: Pugo :: Rosario :: San Fernando{*}(+)(++) :: San Gabriel :: San Juan :: Santo Tomas :: Santol :: Sudipen :: Tubao
- Pangasinan - Agno :: Aguilar :: Alaminos{*} :: Alcala :: Anda :: Asingan :: Balungao :: Bani :: Basista :: Bautista :: Bayambang :: Binalonan :: Binmaley :: Bolinao :: Bugallon :: Burgos :: Calasiao :: Dagupan{**} :: Dasol :: Infanta :: Labrador :: Laoac :: Lingayen(+) :: Mabini :: Malasiqui :: Manaoag :: Mangaldan :: Mangatarem :: Mapandan :: Natividad :: Pozorrubio :: Rosales :: San Carlos{*} :: San Fabian :: San Jacinto :: San Manuel :: San Nicolas :: San Quintin :: Santa Barbara :: Santa Maria :: Santo Tomas :: Sison :: Sual :: Tayug :: Umingan :: Urbiztondo :: Urdaneta{*} :: Villasis
- Cordillera Administrative Region
- Abra - Bangued(+) :: Boliney :: Bucay :: Bucloc :: Daguioman :: Danglas :: Dolores :: La Paz :: Lacub :: Lagangilang :: Lagayan :: Langiden :: Licuan-Baay :: Luba :: Malibcong :: Manabo :: Peñarrubia :: Pidigan :: Pilar :: Sallapadan :: San Isidro :: San Juan :: San Quintin :: Tayum :: Tineg :: Tubo :: Villaviciosa
- Apayao - Calanasan :: Conner :: Flora :: Kabugao(+) :: Luna :: Pudtol :: Santa Marcela
- Benguet - Atok :: Baguio{***} :: Bakun :: Bokod :: Buguias :: Itogon :: Kabayan :: Kapangan :: Kibungan :: La Trinidad(+) :: Mankayan :: Sablan :: Tuba :: Tublay
- Ifugao - Aguinaldo :: Alfonso Lista :: Asipulo :: Banaue :: Hingyon :: Hungduan :: Kiangan :: Lagawe(+) :: Lamut :: Mayoyao :: Tinoc
- Kalinga - Balbalan :: Lubuagan :: Pasil :: Pinukpuk :: Rizal :: Tabuk{*}(+) :: Tanudan :: Tinglayan
- Mountain Province - Barlig :: Bauko :: Besao :: Bontoc{*} :: Natonin :: Paracelis :: Sabangan :: Sadanga :: Sagada :: Tadian
- Region II: Cagayan Valley
- Batanes - Basco(+) :: Itbayat :: Ivana :: Mahatao :: Sabtang :: Uyugan
- Cagayan - Abulug :: Alcala :: Allacapan :: Amulung :: Aparri :: Baggao :: Ballesteros :: Buguey :: Calayan :: Calamaniugan :: Claveria :: Enrile :: Gattaran :: Gonzaga :: Iguig :: Lal-lo :: Lasam :: Pamplona :: Peñablanca :: Piat :: Rizal :: Sanchez-Mira :: Santa Ana :: Santa Praxedes :: Santa Teresita :: Santo Niño :: Solana :: Tuao :: Tuguegarao{*}(+)(++)
- Isabela - Alicia :: Angadanan :: Aurora :: Benito Soliven :: Burgos :: Cabagan :: Cabatuan :: Cauayan{*} :: Cordon :: Delfin Albano :: Dinapigue :: Divilacan :: Echague :: Gamu :: Ilagan{*}(+) :: Jones :: Luna :: Maconacon :: Mallig :: Naguilian :: Palanan :: Quezon :: Quirino :: Ramon :: Reina Mercedes :: Roxas :: San Agustin :: San Guillermo :: San Isidro :: San Manuel :: San Mariano :: San Mateo :: San Pablo :: Santa Maria :: Santiago{**} :: Santo Tomas :: Tumauini
- Nueva Vizcaya - Alfonso Castañeda :: Ambaguio :: Aritao :: Bagabag :: Bambang :: Bayombong(+) :: Diadi :: Dupax del Norte :: Dupax del Sur :: Kasibu :: Kayapa :: Quezon :: Santa Fe :: Solano :: Villaverde
- Quirino - Aglipay :: Cabarroguis(+) :: Diffun :: Maddela :: Nagtipunan :: Saguday
- Region III: Central Luzon
- Aurora - Baler(+) :: Casiguran :: Dilasag :: Dinalungan :: Dingalan :: Dipaculao :: Maria Aurora :: San Luis
- Bataan - Abucay :: Bagac :: Balanga{*}(+) :: Dinalupihan :: Hermosa :: Limay :: Mariveles :: Morong :: Orani :: Orion :: Pilar :: Samal
- Bulacan - Angat :: Balagtas :: Baliwag{*} :: Bocaue :: Bulakan :: Bustos :: Calumpit :: Doña Remedios Trinidad :: Guiguinto :: Hagonoy :: Malolos{*}(+) :: Marilao :: Meycauayan{*} :: Norzagaray :: Obando :: Pandi :: Paombong :: Plaridel :: Pulilan :: San Ildefonso :: San Jose del Monte{*} :: San Miguel :: San Rafael :: Santa Maria
- Nueva Ecija - Aliaga :: Bongabon :: Cabanatuan{*} :: Cabiao :: Carrangalan :: Cuyapo :: Gabaldon :: Gapan{*} :: General Mamerto Natividad :: General Tinio :: Guimba :: Jaen :: Laur :: Licab :: Llanera :: Lupao :: Muñoz{*} :: Nampicuan :: Palayan{*}(+) :: Pantabangan :: Peñaranda :: Quezon :: Rizal :: San Antonio :: San Isidro :: San Jose{*} :: San Leonardo :: Santa Rosa :: Santo Domingo :: Talavera :: Talugtug :: Zaragoza
- Pampanga - Angeles City{***} :: Apalit :: Arayat :: Bacolor :: Candaba :: Floridablanca :: Guagua :: Lubao :: Mabalacat{*} :: Macabebe :: Magalang :: Masantol :: Mexico :: Minalin :: Porac :: San Fernando{*}(+)(++) :: San Luis :: San Simon :: Santa Ana :: Santa Rita :: Santo Tomas :: Sasmuan
- Tarlac - Anao :: Bamban :: Camiling :: Capas :: Concepcion :: Gerona :: La Paz :: Mayantoc :: Moncada :: Paniqui :: Pura :: Ramos :: San Clemente :: San Jose :: San Manuel :: Santa Ignacia :: Tarlac City{*}(+) :: Victoria
- Zambales - Botolan :: Cabangan :: Candelaria :: Castillejos :: Iba(+) :: Masinloc :: Olongapo{***} :: Palauig :: San Antonio :: San Felipe :: San Marcelino :: San Narciso :: Santa Cruz :: Subic
- National Capital Region: Metro Manila - Caloocan{***} :: Las Piñas{***} :: Makati{***} :: Malabon{***} :: Mandaluyong{***} :: Manila{***}(++) :: Marikina{***} :: Muntinlupa{***} :: Navotas{***} :: Parañaque{***} :: Pasay{***} :: Pasig{***} :: Pateros :: Quezon City{***} :: San Juan{***} :: Taguig{***} :: Valenzuela{***}
- Manila - Binondo :: Ermita :: Intramuros :: Malate :: Paco :: Pandacan :: Port Area :: Quiapo :: Sampaloc :: San Andres :: San Miguel :: San Nicolas :: Santa Ana :: Santa Cruz :: Santa Mesa :: Tondo
- Region IV-A: Calabarzon
- Batangas - Agoncillo :: Alitagtag :: Balayan :: Balete :: Batangas City{*}(+) :: Bauan :: Calaca{*} :: Calatagan :: Cuenca :: Ibaan :: Laurel :: Lemery :: Lian :: Lipa{*} :: Lobo :: Mabini :: Malvar :: Mataasnakahoy :: Nasugbu :: Padre Garcia :: Rosario :: San Jose :: San Juan :: San Luis :: San Nicolas :: San Pascual :: Santa Teresita :: Santo Tomas{*} :: Taal :: Talisay :: Tanauan{*} :: Taysan :: Tingloy :: Tuy
- Cavite - Alfonso :: Amadeo :: Bacoor{*} :: Carmona{*} :: Cavite City{*} :: Dasmariñas{*} :: General Emilio Aguinaldo :: General Mariano Alvarez :: General Trias{*} :: Imus{*}(+) :: Indang :: Kawit :: Magallanes :: Maragondon :: Mendez :: Naic :: Noveleta :: Rosario :: Silang :: Tagaytay{*} :: Tanza :: Ternate :: Trece Martires{*}
- Laguna - Alaminos :: Bay :: Biñan{*} :: Cabuyao{*} :: Calamba{*}(++) :: Calauan :: Cavinti :: Famy :: Kalayaan :: Liliw :: Los Baños :: Luisiana :: Lumban :: Mabitac :: Magdalena :: Majayjay :: Nagcarlan :: Paete :: Pagsanjan :: Pakil :: Pangil :: Pila :: Rizal :: San Pablo{*} :: San Pedro{*} :: Santa Cruz(+) :: Santa Maria :: Santa Rosa{*} :: Siniloan :: Victoria
- Quezon - Agdangan :: Alabat :: Atimonan :: Buenavista :: Burdeos :: Calauag :: Candelaria :: Catanauan :: Dolores :: General Luna :: General Nakar :: Guinayangan :: Gumaca :: Infanta :: Jomalig :: Lopez :: Lucban :: Lucena{***}(+) :: Macalelon :: Mauban :: Mulanay :: Padre Burgos :: Pagbilao :: Panukulan :: Patnanungan :: Perez :: Pitogo :: Plaridel :: Polillo :: Quezon :: Real :: Sampaloc :: San Andres :: San Antonio :: San Francisco :: San Narciso :: Sariaya :: Tagkawayan :: Tayabas{*} :: Tiaong :: Unisan
- Rizal - Angono :: Antipolo{*}(+) :: Baras :: Binangonan :: Cainta :: Cardona :: Jalajala :: Morong :: Pililla :: Rodriguez :: San Mateo :: Tanay :: Taytay :: Teresa
- Region IV-B: Mimaropa
- Marinduque - Boac(+) :: Buenavista :: Gasan :: Mogpog :: Santa Cruz :: Torrijos
- Occidental Mindoro - Abra de Ilog :: Calintaan :: Looc :: Lubang :: Magsaysay :: Mamburao(+) :: Paluan :: Rizal :: Sablayan :: San Jose :: Santa Cruz
- Oriental Mindoro - Baco :: Bansud :: Bongabong :: Bulalacao :: Calapan{*}(+)(++) :: Gloria :: Mansalay :: Naujan :: Pinamalayan :: Pola :: Puerto Galera :: Roxas :: San Teodoro :: Socorro :: Victoria
- Palawan - Aborlan :: Agutaya :: Araceli :: Balabac :: Bataraza :: Brooke's Point :: Busuanga :: Cagayancillo :: Coron :: Culion :: Cuyo :: Dumaran :: El Nido :: Kalayaan :: Linapacan :: Magsaysay :: Narra :: Puerto Princesa{***}(+) :: Quezon :: Rizal :: Roxas :: San Vicente :: Sofronio Española :: Taytay
- Romblon - Alcantara :: Banton :: Cajidiocan :: Calatrava :: Concepcion :: Corcuera :: Ferrol :: Looc :: Magdiwang :: Odiongan :: Romblon(+) :: San Agustin :: San Andres :: San Fernando :: San Jose :: Santa Fe :: Santa Maria
- Region V: Bicol Region
- Albay - Bacacay :: Camalig :: Daraga :: Guinobatan :: Jovellar :: Legazpi{*}(+)(++) :: Libon :: Ligao{*} :: Malilipot :: Malinao :: Manito :: Oas :: Pio Duran :: Polangui :: Rapu-Rapu :: Santo Domingo :: Tabaco{*} :: Tiwi
- Camarines Norte - Basud :: Capalonga :: Daet(+) :: Jose Panganiban :: Labo :: Mercedes :: Paracale :: San Lorenzo Ruiz :: San Vicente :: Santa Elena :: Talisay :: Vinzons
- Camarines Sur - Baao :: Balatan :: Bato :: Bombon :: Buhi :: Bula :: Cabusao :: Calabanga :: Camaligan :: Canaman :: Caramoan :: Del Gallego :: Gainza :: Garchitorena :: Goa :: Iriga{*} :: Lagonoy :: Libmanan :: Lupi :: Magarao :: Milaor :: Minalabac :: Nabua :: Naga{**} :: Ocampo :: Pamplona :: Pasacao :: Pili(+) :: Presentacion :: Ragay :: Sagñay :: San Fernando :: San Jose :: Sipocot :: Siruma :: Tigaon :: Tinambac
- Catanduanes - Bagamanoc :: Baras :: Bato :: Caramoran :: Gigmoto :: Pandan :: Panganiban :: San Andres :: San Miguel :: Viga :: Virac(+)
- Masbate - Aroroy :: Baleno :: Balud :: Batuan :: Cataingan :: Cawayan :: Claveria :: Dimasalang :: Esperanza :: Mandaon :: Masbate City{*}(+) :: Milagros :: Mobo :: Monreal :: Palanas :: Pio V. Corpus :: Placer :: San Fernando :: San Jacinto :: San Pascual :: Uson
- Sorsogon - Barcelona :: Bulan :: Bulusan :: Casiguran :: Castilla :: Donsol :: Gubat :: Irosin :: Juban :: Magallanes :: Matnog :: Pilar :: Prieto Diaz :: Santa Magdalena :: Sorsogon City{*}(+)
- Region VI: Western Visayas
- Aklan - Altavas :: Balete :: Banga :: Batan :: Buruanga :: Ibajay :: Kalibo(+) :: Lezo :: Libacao :: Madalag :: Makato :: Malay :: Malinao :: Nabas :: New Washington :: Numancia :: Tangalan
- Antique - Anini-y :: Barbaza :: Belison :: Bugasong :: Caluya :: Culasi :: Hamtic :: Laua-an :: Libertad :: Pandan :: Patnongon :: San Jose de Buenavista(+) :: San Remigio :: Sebaste :: Sibalom :: Tibiao :: Tobias Fornier :: Valderrama
- Capiz - Cuartero :: Dao :: Dumalag :: Dumarao :: Ivisan :: Jamindan :: Maayon :: Mambusao :: Panay :: Panitan :: Pilar :: Pontevedra :: President Roxas :: Roxas City{*}(+) :: Sapian :: Sigma :: Tapaz
- Guimaras - Buenavista :: Jordan(+) :: Nueva Valencia :: San Lorenzo :: Sibunag
- Iloilo - Ajuy :: Alimodian :: Anilao :: Badiangan :: Balasan :: Banate :: Barotac Nuevo :: Barotac Viejo :: Batad :: Bingawan :: Cabatuan :: Calinog :: Carles :: Concepcion :: Dingle :: Dueñas :: Dumangas :: Estancia :: Guimbal :: Igbaras :: Iloilo City{***}(+)(++) :: Janiuay :: Lambunao :: Leganes :: Lemery :: Leon :: Maasin :: Miagao :: Mina :: New Lucena :: Oton :: Passi{*} :: Pavia :: Pototan :: San Dionisio :: San Enrique :: San Joaquin :: San Miguel :: San Rafael :: Santa Barbara :: Sara :: Tigbauan :: Tubungan :: Zarraga
- Region VII: Central Visayas
- Bohol - Alburquerque :: Alicia :: Anda :: Antequera :: Baclayon :: Balilihan :: Batuan :: Bien Unido :: Bilar :: Buenavista :: Calape :: Candijay :: Carmen :: Catigbian :: Clarin :: Corella :: Cortes :: Dagohoy :: Danao :: Dauis :: Dimiao :: Duero :: Garcia Hernandez :: Getafe :: Guindulman :: Inabanga :: Jagna :: Lila :: Loay :: Loboc :: Loon :: Mabini :: Maribojoc :: Panglao :: Pilar :: President Carlos P. Garcia :: Sagbayan :: San Isidro :: San Miguel :: Sevilla :: Sierra Bullones :: Sikatuna :: Tagbilaran{*}(+) :: Talibon :: Trinidad :: Tubigon :: Ubay :: Valencia
- Cebu - Alcantara :: Alcoy :: Alegria :: Aloguinsan :: Argao :: Asturias :: Badian :: Balamban :: Bantayan :: Barili :: Bogo{*} :: Boljoon :: Borbon :: Carcar{*} :: Carmen :: Catmon :: Cebu City{***}(+)(++) :: Compostela :: Consolacion :: Cordova :: Daanbantayan :: Dalaguete :: Danao{*} :: Dumanjug :: Ginatilan :: Lapu-Lapu City{***} :: Liloan :: Madridejos :: Malabuyoc :: Mandaue{***} :: Medellin :: Minglanilla :: Moalboal :: Naga{*} :: Oslob :: Pilar :: Pinamungajan :: Poro :: Ronda :: Samboan :: San Fernando :: San Francisco :: San Remigio :: Santa Fe :: Santander :: Sibonga :: Sogod :: Tabogon :: Tabuelan :: Talisay{*} :: Toledo{*} :: Tuburan :: Tudela
- Region VIII: Eastern Visayas
- Biliran - Almeria :: Biliran :: Cabucgayan :: Caibiran :: Culaba :: Kawayan :: Maripipi :: Naval(+)
- Eastern Samar - Arteche :: Balangiga :: Balangkayan :: Borongan{*}(+) :: Can-avid :: Dolores :: General MacArthur :: Giporlos :: Guiuan :: Hernani :: Jipapad :: Lawaan :: Llorente :: Maslog :: Maydolong :: Mercedes :: Oras :: Quinapondan :: Salcedo :: San Julian :: San Policarpo :: Sulat :: Taft
- Leyte - Abuyog :: Alangalang :: Albuera :: Babatngon :: Barugo :: Baybay{*} :: Burauen :: Calubian :: Capoocan :: Carigara :: Dagami :: Dulag :: Hilongos :: Hindang :: Inopacan :: Isabel :: Jaro :: Javier :: Julita :: Kananga :: La Paz :: Leyte :: MacArthur :: Mahaplag :: Matag-ob :: Matalom :: Mayorga :: Merida :: Ormoc{**} :: Palo :: Palompon :: Pastrana :: San Isidro :: San Miguel :: Santa Fe :: Tabango :: Tabontabon :: Tacloban{***}(+)(++) :: Tanauan :: Tolosa :: Tunga :: Villaba
- Northern Samar - Allen :: Biri :: Bobon :: Capul :: Catarman(+) :: Catubig :: Gamay :: Laoang :: Lapinig :: Las Navas :: Lavezares :: Lope de Vega :: Mapanas :: Mondragon :: Palapag :: Pambujan :: Rosario :: San Antonio :: San Isidro :: San Jose :: San Roque :: San Vicente :: Silvino Lobos :: Victoria
- Samar - Almagro :: Basey :: Calbayog{*} :: Calbiga :: Catbalogan{*}(+) :: Daram :: Gandara :: Hinabangan :: Jiabong :: Marabut :: Matuguinao :: Motiong :: Pagsanghan :: Paranas :: Pinabacdao :: San Jorge :: San Jose de Buan :: San Sebastian :: Santa Margarita :: Santa Rita :: Santo Niño :: Tagapul-an :: Talalora :: Tarangan :: Villareal :: Zumarraga
- Southern Leyte - Anahawan :: Bontoc :: Hinunangan :: Hinundayan :: Libagon :: Liloan :: Limasawa :: Maasin{*}(+) :: Macrohon :: Malitbog :: Padre Burgos :: Pintuyan :: Saint Bernard :: San Francisco :: San Juan :: San Ricardo :: Silago :: Sogod :: Tomas Oppus
- Negros Island Region
- Negros Occidental - Bacolod{***}(+) :: Bago{*} :: Binalbagan :: Cadiz{*} :: Calatrava :: Candoni :: Cauayan :: Don Salvador Benedicto :: Enrique B. Magalona :: Escalante{*} :: Himamaylan{*} :: Hinigaran :: Hinoba-an :: Ilog :: Isabela :: Kabankalan{*} :: La Carlota :: La Castellana :: Manapla :: Moises Padilla :: Murcia :: Pontevedra :: Pulupandan :: Sagay{*} :: San Carlos{*} :: San Enrique :: Silay{*} :: Sipalay{*} :: Talisay{*} :: Toboso :: Valladolid :: Victorias{*}
- Negros Oriental - Amlan :: Ayungon :: Bacong :: Bais{*} :: Basay :: Bayawan{*} :: Bindoy :: Canlaon{*} :: Dauin :: Dumaguete{*}(+) :: Guihulngan{*} :: Jimalalud :: La Libertad :: Mabinay :: Manjuyod :: Pamplona :: San Jose :: Santa Catalina :: Siaton :: Sibulan :: Tanjay{*} :: Tayasan :: Valencia :: Vallehermoso :: Zamboanguita
- Siquijor - Enrique Villanueva :: Larena :: Lazi :: Maria :: San Juan :: Siquijor(+)
- Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula
- Zamboanga del Norte - Baliguian :: Dapitan{*} :: Dipolog{*}(+) :: Godod :: Gutalac :: Jose Dalman :: Kalawit :: Katipunan :: La Libertad :: Labason :: Leon B. Postigo :: Liloy :: Manukan :: Mutia :: Piñan :: Polanco :: President Manuel A. Roxas :: Rizal :: Salug :: Sergio Osmeña Sr. :: Siayan :: Sibuco :: Sibutad :: Sindangan :: Siocon :: Sirawai :: Tampilisan
- Zamboanga del Sur - Aurora :: Bayog :: Dimataling :: Dinas :: Dumalinao :: Dumingag :: Guipos :: Josefina :: Kumalarang :: Labangan :: Lakewood :: Lapuyan :: Mahayag :: Margosatubig :: Midsalip :: Molave :: Pagadian{*}(+)(++) :: Pitogo :: Ramon Magsaysay :: San Miguel :: San Pablo :: Sominot :: Tabina :: Tambulig :: Tigbao :: Tukuran :: Vincenzo A. Sagun :: Zamboanga City{***}
- Zamboanga Sibugay - Alicia :: Buug :: Diplahan :: Imelda :: Ipil(+) :: Kabasalan :: Mabuhay :: Malangas :: Naga :: Olutanga :: Payao :: Roseller Lim :: Siay :: Talusan :: Titay :: Tungawan
- Region X: Northern Mindanao
- Bukidnon - Baungon :: Cabanglasan :: Damulog :: Dangcagan :: Don Carlos :: Impasugong :: Kadingilan :: Kalilangan :: Kibawe :: Kitaotao :: Lantapan :: Libona :: Malaybalay{*}(+) :: Malitbog :: Manolo Fortich :: Maramag :: Pangantucan :: Quezon :: San Fernando :: Sumilao :: Talakag :: Valencia{*}
- Camiguin - Catarman :: Guinsiliban :: Mahinog :: Mambajao(+) :: Sagay
- Lanao del Norte - Bacolod :: Baloi :: Baroy :: Iligan{***} :: Kapatagan :: Kauswagan :: Kolambugan :: Lala :: Linamon :: Magsaysay :: Maigo :: Matungao :: Munai :: Nunungan :: Pantao Ragat :: Pantar :: Poona Piagapo :: Salvador :: Sultan Naga Dimaporo :: Tagoloan :: Tangcal :: Tubod(+)
- Misamis Occidental - Aloran :: Baliangao :: Bonifacio :: Calamba :: Clarin :: Concepcion :: Don Victoriano Chiongbian :: Jimenez :: Lopez Jaena :: Oroquieta{*}(+) :: Ozamiz{*} :: Panaon :: Plaridel :: Sapang Dalaga :: Sinacaban :: Tangub{*} :: Tudela
- Misamis Oriental - Alubijid :: Balingasag :: Balingoan :: Binuangan :: Cagayan de Oro{***}(+)(++) :: Claveria :: El Salvador{*} :: Gingoog{*} :: Gitagum :: Initao :: Jasaan :: Kinoguitan :: Lagonglong :: Laguindingan :: Libertad :: Lugait :: Magsaysay :: Manticao :: Medina :: Naawan :: Opol :: Salay :: Sugbongcogon :: Tagoloan :: Talisayan :: Villanueva
- Region XI: Davao Region
- Davao de Oro - Compostela :: Laak :: Mabini :: Maco :: Maragusan :: Mawab :: Monkayo :: Montevista :: Nabunturan(+) :: New Bataan :: Pantukan
- Davao del Norte - Asuncion :: Braulio E. Dujali :: Carmen :: Kapalong :: New Corella :: Panabo{*} :: Samal{*} :: San Isidro :: Santo Tomas :: Tagum{*}(+) :: Talaingod
- Davao del Sur - Bansalan :: Davao City{***}(++) :: Digos{*}(+) :: Hagonoy :: Kiblawan :: Magsaysay :: Malalag :: Matanao :: Padada :: Santa Cruz :: Sulop
- Davao Occidental - Don Marcelino :: Jose Abad Santos :: Malita(+) :: Santa Maria :: Sarangani
- Davao Oriental - Baganga :: Banaybanay :: Boston :: Caraga :: Cateel :: Governor Generoso :: Lupon :: Manay :: Mati{*}(+) :: San Isidro :: Tarragona
- Region XII: Soccsksargen
- Cotabato - Alamada :: Aleosan(^) :: Antipas :: Arakan :: Banisilan :: Carmen(^) :: Kabacan(^) :: Kidapawan{*}(+) :: Libungan :: M'lang :: Magpet :: Makilala :: Matalam :: Midsayap(^) :: Pigcawayan(^) :: Pikit(^) :: President Roxas :: Tulunan
- Sarangani - Alabel(+) :: Glan :: Kiamba :: Maasim :: Maitum :: Malapatan :: Malungon
- South Cotabato - Banga :: General Santos{***} :: Koronadal{*}(+)(++) :: Lake Sebu :: Norala :: Polomolok :: Santo Niño :: Surallah :: T'Boli :: Tampakan :: Tantangan :: Tupi
- Sultan Kudarat - Bagumbayan :: Columbio :: Esperanza :: Isulan(+) :: Kalamansig :: Lambayong :: Lebak :: Lutayan :: Palimbang :: President Quirino :: Senator Ninoy Aquino :: Tacurong{*}
- Region XIII: Caraga
- Agusan del Norte - Buenavista :: Butuan{***}(++) :: Cabadbaran{*}(+) :: Carmen :: Jabonga :: Kitcharao :: Las Nieves :: Magallanes :: Nasipit :: Remedios T. Romualdez :: Santiago :: Tubay
- Agusan del Sur - Bayugan{*} :: Bunawan :: Esperanza :: La Paz :: Loreto :: Prosperidad(+) :: Rosario :: San Francisco :: San Luis :: Santa Josefa :: Sibagat :: Talacogon :: Trento :: Veruela
- Dinagat Islands - Basilisa :: Cagdianao :: Dinagat :: Libjo :: Loreto :: San Jose(+) :: Tubajon
- Surigao del Norte - Alegria :: Bacuag :: Burgos :: Claver :: Dapa :: Del Carmen :: General Luna :: Gigaquit :: Mainit :: Malimono :: Pilar :: Placer :: San Benito :: San Francisco :: San Isidro :: Santa Monica :: Sison :: Socorro :: Surigao City{*}(+) :: Tagana-an :: Tubod
- Surigao del Sur - Barobo :: Bayabas :: Bislig{*} :: Cagwait :: Cantilan :: Carmen :: Carrascal :: Cortes :: Hinatuan :: Lanuza :: Lianga :: Lingig :: Madrid :: Marihatag :: San Agustin :: San Miguel :: Tagbina :: Tago :: Tandag{*}(+)
- Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
- Basilan - Akbar :: Al-Barka :: Hadji Mohammad Ajul :: Hadji Muhtamad :: Isabela{*}(^^) :: Lamitan{*}(+) :: Lantawan :: Maluso :: Sumisip :: Tabuan-Lasa :: Tipo-Tipo :: Tuburan :: Ungkaya Pukan
- Lanao del Sur - Amai Manabilang :: Bacolod-Kalawi :: Balabagan :: Balindong :: Bayang :: Binindayan :: Buadiposo-Buntong :: Bubong :: Butig :: Calanogas :: Ditsaan-Ramain :: Ganassi :: Kapai :: Kapatagan :: Lumba-Bayabao :: Lumbaca-Unayan :: Lumbatan :: Lumbayanague :: Madalum :: Madamba :: Maguing :: Malabang :: Marantao :: Marawi{*}(+) :: Marogong :: Masiu :: Mulondo :: Pagayawan :: Piagapo :: Picong :: Poona Bayabao :: Pualas :: Saguiaran :: Sultan Dumalondong :: Tagoloan :: Tamparan :: Taraka :: Tubaran :: Tugaya :: Wao
- Maguindanao del Norte - Barira :: Buldon :: Cotabato City{**} :: Datu Blah T. Sinsuat :: Datu Odin Sinsuat(+) :: Kabuntalan :: Matanog :: Northern Kabuntalan :: Parang(++) :: Sultan Kudarat :: Sultan Mastura :: Talitay :: Upi
- Maguindanao del Sur - Ampatuan :: Buluan(+) :: Datu Abdullah Sangki :: Datu Anggal Midtimbang :: Datu Hoffer Ampatuan :: Datu Montawal :: Datu Paglas :: Datu Piang :: Datu Salibo :: Datu Saudi Ampatuan :: Datu Unsay :: General Salipada K. Pendatun :: Guindulungan :: Mamasapano :: Mangudadatu :: Pagalungan :: Paglat :: Pandag :: Rajah Buayan :: Shariff Aguak :: Shariff Saydona Mustapha :: South Upi :: Sultan sa Barongis :: Talayan
- Sulu - Banguingui :: Hadji Panglima Tahil :: Indanan :: Jolo(+) :: Kalingalan Caluang :: Lugus :: Luuk :: Maimbung :: Omar :: Panamao :: Pandami :: Panglima Estino :: Pangutaran :: Parang :: Pata :: Patikul :: Siasi :: Talipao :: Tapul
- Tawi-Tawi - Bongao(+) :: Languyan :: Mapun :: Panglima Sugala :: Sapa-Sapa :: Sibutu :: Simunul :: Sitangkai :: South Ubian :: Tandubas :: Turtle Islands
(+) - Provincial capital
(++) - Regional center
(^) - Some barangays are under the administrative jurisdiction of Bangsamoro called Special Geographic Area.
(^^) - Geographically part of Bangsamoro, but under the administrative jurisdiction of Zamboanga Peninsula
{*} - Component city
{**} - Independent component city
{***} - Highly urbanized city
By Provincial Governors
- Luzon - Abra :: Albay :: Apayao :: Aurora :: Bataan :: Batanes :: Batangas :: Benguet :: Bulacan :: Cagayan :: Camarines Norte :: Camarines Sur :: Catanduanes :: Cavite :: Ifugao :: Ilocos Norte :: Ilocos Sur :: Isabela :: Kalinga :: La Union :: Laguna :: Marinduque :: Masbate :: Mountain Province :: Nueva Ecija :: Nueva Vizcaya :: Occidental Mindoro :: Oriental Mindoro :: Palawan :: Pampanga :: Pangasinan :: Quezon :: Quirino :: Rizal :: Romblon :: Sorsogon :: Tarlac :: Zambales
- Visayas - Aklan :: Antique :: Biliran :: Bohol :: Capiz :: Cebu :: Eastern Samar :: Guimaras :: Iloilo :: Leyte :: Negros Occidental :: Negros Oriental :: Northern Samar :: Samar :: Siquijor :: Southern Leyte
- Mindanao - Agusan del Norte :: Agusan del Sur :: Basilan :: Bukidnon :: Camiguin :: Cotabato :: Davao de Oro :: Davao del Norte :: Davao del Sur :: Davao Occidental :: Davao Oriental :: Dinagat Islands :: Lanao del Norte :: Lanao del Sur :: Maguindanao del Norte :: Maguindanao del Sur :: Misamis Occidental :: Misamis Oriental :: Sarangani :: South Cotabato :: Sultan Kudarat :: Sulu :: Surigao del Norte :: Surigao del Sur :: Tawi-Tawi :: Zamboanga del Norte :: Zamboanga del Sur :: Zamboanga Sibugay
- Former provinces - Davao :: Maguindanao
By Cemeteries
- Baguio Cemetery
- Balic-Balic Cemetery
- Clark Veterans Cemetery
- Himlayang Pilipino
- La Loma Cemetery
- Libingan ng mga Bayani
- Loyola Memorial Park
- Manila American Cemetery
- Manila Chinese Cemetery
- Manila Memorial Park – Sucat
- Manila North Cemetery
- Manila South Cemetery
- Paco Park
- Quezon Memorial Shrine
- The Heritage Park
Italicized - Defunct, demolished or closed
By Education
- Adamson University
- Angeles University Foundation
- Arellano University
- Asian Institute of Management
- Assumption College of San Lorenzo
- Ateneo de Davao University
- Ateneo de Manila University
- Ateneo de Naga University
- Benguet State University
- Bicol University
- Central Luzon State University
- Central Philippine University
- Centro Escolar University
- Colegio de San Juan de Letran
- De La Salle–College of Saint Benilde
- De La Salle University
- De La Salle University – Dasmariñas
- Divine Word University of Tacloban
- Don Honorio Ventura State University
- Emilio Aguinaldo College
- Far Eastern University
- FEATI University
- Guagua National Colleges
- Holy Angel University
- José Rizal University
- La Salle Green Hills
- Lyceum-Northwestern University
- Lyceum of the Philippines University
- Manila Central University
- Manila High School
- Manila Law College
- Manuel L. Quezon University
- Mapúa University
- Mindanao State University
- Miriam College
- National College of Business and Arts
- National Defense College of the Philippines
- National University (Philippines)
- New Era University
- Notre Dame of Dadiangas University
- Our Lady of Fatima University
- Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila)
- Pampanga High School
- Philippine Christian University
- Philippine College of Criminology
- Philippine Law School
- Philippine Merchant Marine Academy
- Philippine Military Academy
- Philippine National Police Academy
- Philippine Normal University
- Philippine Women's University
- PMI Colleges
- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
- Saint Louis University (Philippines)
- Saint Mary's University (Philippines)
- San Beda College Alabang
- San Beda University
- St. Paul University System
- San Pedro College
- San Sebastian College – Recoletos
- St. Scholastica's College, Manila
- Saint Francis of Assisi College
- Saint Theresa's College of Quezon City
- Silliman University
- Technological Institute of the Philippines
- Technological University of the Philippines
- Trinity University of Asia, Quezon City
- University of Asia and the Pacific
- University of the Assumption
- University of Baguio
- University of Batangas
- University of the Cordilleras
- University of the East
- University of Iloilo
- University of Makati
- University of Manila
- University of Mindanao
- University of Nueva Caceres
- University of Pangasinan
- University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
- University of San Agustin
- University of San Carlos
- University of San Jose–Recoletos
- University of Santo Tomas
- University of the Philippines
- University of the Philippines Baguio
- University of the Philippines Cebu
- University of the Philippines Diliman
- University of the Philippines Los Baños
- University of the Philippines Manila
- University of the Philippines Mindanao
- University of the Philippines Visayas
- University of the Philippines Open University
- University of Southern Philippines Foundation
- University of Southeastern Philippines
- University of the Visayas
- UST Angelicum College
- West Visayas State University
- Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
General Disclaimer: You may add students, faculty members and staff into respective projects, but not honorary degree recipients.
By Fraternities and Sororities
- Alpha Kappa Rho
- Alpha Phi Beta
- Alpha Phi Omega (Philippines)
- Aquila Legis
- Beta Epsilon Fraternity
- Guardians Brotherhood
- Lex Talionis Fraternitas
- Phi Kappa Mu
- Pi Sigma
- Scouts Royale Brotherhood
- Sigma Rho
- Tau Alpha
- Tau Gamma Phi
- Tau Gamma Sigma
- Upsilon Sigma Phi
By Presidency
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Manuel L. Quezon
- José P. Laurel
- Sergio Osmeña
- Manuel Roxas
- Elpidio Quirino
- Ramon Magsaysay
- Carlos P. Garcia
- Diosdado Macapagal
- Ferdinand Marcos
- Corazon Aquino
- Fidel V. Ramos
- Joseph Estrada
- Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
- Benigno Aquino III
- Rodrigo Duterte
- Bongbong Marcos
By Diplomacy
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Argentina
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Australia
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Austria
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Brunei
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to the Czech Republic
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to East Timor
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Egypt
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to France
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Japan
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Lebanon
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to the New Zealand
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Peru
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Saudi Arabia
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Singapore
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to South Korea
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Spain
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to Turkey
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to the United Kingdom
- Ambassadors of the Philippines to the United States
- Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations
By Executive Departments
- Department of Agrarian Reform
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Budget and Management
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources
- Department of Finance
- Department of Foreign Affairs
- Department of Health
- Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development
- Department of Information and Communications Technology
- Department of the Interior and Local Government
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor and Employment
- Department of Migrant Workers
- Department of National Defense
- Department of Public Works and Highways
- Department of Science and Technology
- Department of Social Welfare and Development
- Department of Trade and Industry
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Tourism
By Government Agencies
- Commission on Higher Education
- Dangerous Drugs Board
- Film Development Council of the Philippines
- Games and Amusements Board
- Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
- National Economic and Development Authority
- National Historical Commission of the Philippines
- National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
- Movie and Television Review and Classification Board
- Optical Media Board
- Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
- Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation
- Philippine Space Agency
- Philippine Sports Commission
- Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority
By Institution
By Law Enforcement
- Bureau of Corrections
- National Bureau of Investigation
- Civil Guard (Philippines)
- Integrated National Police
- Philippine Coast Guard
- Philippine Constabulary
- Philippine National Police
By Military
- Armed Forces of the Philippines
- Philippine Department
- Philippine National Guard
- Philippine Revolutionary Army
- Philippine Scouts
- United States Army Forces in the Far East
By Olympics
(see Philippines at the Olympics)
By Orders, Decorations and Medals
- Armed Forces Conduct Medal
- Armed Forces of the Philippines Medal of Valor
- Outstanding Achievement Medal
- Congressional Medal of Excellence
- Distinguished Conduct Star
- Distinguished Service Star
- Gawad sa Kaunlaran
- Gawad Mabini
- Gold Cross (Philippines)
- Silver Cross (Philippines)
- Bronze Cross Medal
- Military Civic Action Medal
- Military Commendation Medal
- Military Merit Medal (Philippines)
- National Hero of the Philippines
- Knights of Rizal
- Order of Gabriela Silang
- Order of the Golden Heart (Philippines)
- Order of Lakandula
- Order of Lapu-Lapu
- Order of Sikatuna
- Philippine Defense Medal
- Philippine Independence Medal
- Philippine Liberation Medal
- Philippine Legion of Honor
- Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation
- Presidential Medal of Merit (Philippines)
- Quezon Service Cross
- Ramon Magsaysay Award
- Sagisag ng Ulirang Kawal
- Silver Wing Medal
- National Artist of the Philippines
- National Scientist of the Philippines
- National Social Scientist of the Philippines
- Wounded Personnel Medal
By Organizations
By Pageant
By Political Parties
By Religion
- Iglesia ni Cristo
- Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide
- Members Church of God International
- Philippine Independent Church
- United Church of Christ in the Philippines
By Scouting
By Sports
- Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation
- Philippine Basketball Association
- Philippine Olympic Committee
- "Catalogo alfabetico de apellidos". Filipinas Heritage Library, 2022. https://issuu.com/filipinasheritagelibrary/docs/catalogo_alfabetico.... Retrieved 05 August 2022.
- Lazatin, Hannah. "The Society Families On Manila’s First 400 List." Town and Country, 3 Jan 2018. http://bit.ly/2AtA4mK. Date accessed: 5 Jan 2018.
- Sison, George. "Who Were Manila’s Original Society Families?." Philippine Daily Inquirer, 9 Feb 2014. http://bit.ly/2AsDMNa. Date accessed: 5 Jan 2018.
How to Contribute
- First step is to follow or collaborate on this, the master project.
- Please collaborate on the sub-project of interest.
- After getting yourself added as a collaborator for that sub-project, select the profile of the prominent person you wish to add.
- Navigate to the profile of the prominent person. Under the "More Actions" link, choose "Add to Project" and select sub-project in which this person should be included .
- Include in the "About Me" section of each person a brief biographical sketch of their lives, summarizing their significant contributions and accomplishments. No need to elaborate on parents, sibling and children as this will be redundant with the .
- Please list your sources in the bottom of the biographical sketch, or if possible, attach the documents to the profile.
- Include a photograph of your ancestor if one exists. Acknowledgements about ownership and/or link source of images used in this project should be added in the description field of each individual photo.
- Mark the profile as "public" and not "private".
- If you wish to add a surname that is not yet here, create a new sub-project, following this project name format: "<Surname> Family of the Philippines". The same steps above apply.
Simple Courtesies
- If you feel a private profile will contribute immensely to the development of a tree, please communicate with the profile owner first before triggering any merge. Some families prefer to keep their tree free from external merges, and we should be sensitive to those preferences.
- There is no need to add duplicate profiles. Simply send a note to the manager and ask (very kindly) to co-manage the profile. It will save us the task of merging duplicate trees later.
- To avoid "spam" updates, do not unilaterally add collaborators to this or any project, unless the collaborator-to-be makes an explicit request. If you wish to Invite someone, send an message-invite with the link, then let the collaborator-to-be decide for himself if he wishes to join the project.
Privacy and Copyright
Information featured in this study is available on public on-line platforms and widely circulated publications. Citations and references is a standard and must be added at all times, especially on historical profiles. There is no intention to infringe on personal privacy or proprietary research. Claimed profiles who do not wish to be featured in the studies should simply mark themselves or the individuals they manage as "private". Their names will consequently be taken out of this study.
Collaborator Notes
- Complete surname projects. Check project photos, etymology, "1842 Catalogo de Apelyidos" inclusion and fields where family members excel. Check: http://www.geni.com/surnames. Last worked on by Mona on 06 May 2012. Start here: https://www.geni.com/projects/%25C3%2581lvarez-Family-of-the-Philippines/3146.