The church records for Walck/Walk (Valga in Estonia/Valka in Latvia) include a list of inhabitants who lived in the town in 1729. A digitized list is available at the Raduraksti website by the Latvian national archives. The profiles in this project are from this list of inhabitants.
Great Northern War==== The Great Northern War (1700–1721) was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. The initial leaders of the anti-Swedish alliance were Peter I of Russia, Frederick IV of Denmark–Norway and Augustus II the Strong of Saxony – Poland–Lithuania . Frederick IV...
Livonia= The aim of this project is to collect people who have born, lived, influenced or died in Livonia during the centuries under it. All the collaborators are welcome. Livonia is a historical region between the east and the west on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Given the location the borders of Livonia have changed to an extent but, by and large, Livonia refers to areas which now co...
Postal stations (Relais / "Postierung")=* Hupel's Topographischen Nachrichten provide a contemporary description of the postal systems and the so-called post roads on which the postal stations were situated * Carl von Bronsert's 1786 map shows the post roads and postal stations in Livonia: EAA.3724.5.1579 * ee.Wikipedia: Postimaantee (Estonian Wikipedia entry listing the postal stations in Esto...
Olete väga teretulnud projektiga liituma ja Jõõpre juurtega inimesi lisama! ▼ Allpool on viited Jõõprega seotud arhiiviallikatele alates aastast 1604 ▼ Jõõpre talusid on esmakordselt Jeckeper nime all mainitud 1500-ndate alguses, 1571 Jöckinper , 1601 Jacke Perre . 1618. aasta vakuraamatus esineb juba Jäepära By küla nimena. 1624. aastal Japerra , 1662. aastal Jeppra küla. Nimi oli algselt ...
Project start 10.6.2018. Under construction Narva I Tallinn-Reval I Tartto I Riga I Daugavpils I Historical affiliations Terra Mariana (condominium of Archbishops of Riga and Livonian Order) 1201–1561 Imperial Free City 1561–1582 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1582–1629 Swedish Empire 1629–1721 Russian Empire 1721–1917 German Empire 1917–1918
Also known as: Benkhausen Benkhusen Benckhusen Benckenhausen Bönnighausen Bennighausen Benningshausen Bonninghusen Bonnynghusen Bonykhusen Punninghusen Ponnynckhusen Bonnyckhusen Bonninckhuszen Bonichuse The family originated in Westphalia . Several representatives of the family were Riga city councilors or high-ranking guild members. Although some versions of...
Kavalleri-regemente i Ingermanland, Estland och Lifland Tiesenhausenin rakuunarykmentti 1700- 1721, myös nimeltään 'Kavalleri-regemente i Ingermanland, Estland och Lifland' sekä 'Nuoren kuningattaren henkirykmentti' eli 'Unga drottningens lifregemente till häst'. Toimi Virossa, Inkerin- ja Liivinmaalla, mutta moni sotilas jäi Suomeen. "Adam Lewenhauptin kirja "Karl XII:s officerare" tuntee kaks...
Korporatsioon Livonia, Korp! Livonia* ajalugu ulatub juba 1803. aastal asutatud Burschenschafti aega, mis pidi ühendama tervet üliõpilaskonda, kuid milles saavutasid kiiresti enamuse Liivimaalt pärit üliõpilased. Kui 1808. aastal eraldusid kuramaalased Landsmannschaft Curonia nime all, siis hakati järelejäänud Burschenschafti nimetama Landsmannschaft Livoniaks. 1810. aastal eraldusid sellest ka...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in (or were notable for their ties to) Brownsville, Brooklyn. Brownsville is a residential neighborhood in eastern Brooklyn in New York City. The neighborhood is generally bordered by Crown Heights to the northwest; Bedford-Stuyvesant and Cypress Hills to the north; East New York to the east; Canarsie to the south; and East Flatbush t...
This project aims to identify Battle of Kircholm participantcs . If in your family tree you have an individual who was in the Battle of Kircholm, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography added. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of co...
Prominent family from Riga (probably originally from Westphalia), several members of which were members (Ratsherr) of the Riga city council in the late 15th and throughout the 16th century, a few of whom were also mayors (Bürgemeister) of Riga during the 16th century. The family disappears from Riga around the middle of the 17th century. In documents, the name appears in a large number of perm...
Towards the end of the Great Northern War, glass manufacturies ("Glashütte"), staffed by foreign glassmakers were established in Ingria. From the 1740s onwards, other glass manufacturies were established by the Baltic nobility, first in Livonia and later in Estonia, frequently staffed by members of the same families of glassmakers (mostly German immigrants), who can be found among the workers a...
Also known as: Borgentrich Borgentric Borgenric Borgentrick Borgentriek Börgentreich Börrentreich Borgentrich Börentreich Borgentrik Bogentreich Borrentrick Bordentrich Bergentreich Borgendtreich This merchant family most probably originated in Westphalia. Several representatives of the family were high-ranking guild members in Riga. It appears that during th...
The vessel Livonia, Captain A. Huntemann, from Hamburg 20th November 1849, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 20th March 1850Sources:* The Ships Passenger List This is a great time to add the profile to an Occupation Project and also to the country they settled FROM, Irish ; German and Prussian ; English ; Cornish ; Scottish