This project is dedicated to collect to one place documents, photos, maps, memoirs, and letters - everything related to the locality between and around Smalos and Santupiai villages, Zarasai district, Lithuania. If in your family tree you have persons who lived in above mentioned area, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile's description there would be a brief...
(ruotsi: Pyterlax) Perustettu 2018 Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Virolahden kunnan kylän Pyterlahti kyläprojekti . Vanha Kuninkaantie Viipurista Turkuun kulkee Pyterlahden kylän läpi, tien kaartaessa lounaaseen ja Pietarin kivilouhosten jäädessä tien kaakkoispuolelle. Itäpuolella sijaitsee Santaniemi Virolahden rannalla, vastarann...
Krasny Val (before 1930's - Molostvovka) human settlement in Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Lancashire Historic County of England. Related Projects Lancashire Famous People Lancashire Genealogical Resources Historical Lancashire incl. Manchester Merseyside Historic Buildings of Lancashire Greater Manchester post 1974 High Sheriff of Lancashire
Порфировка — исчезнувшее упразднённое село в Спасском районе Республики Татарстан Российской Федерации. Ныне — урочище на территории Краснослободского сельского поселения До 1896 года - приходская деревня села Три-Озера , Трёх-Озёрская волость, Казанская губерния. Wikipedia
NORTHERN IRELAND, United Kingdom - Place Projects=This is a sub-project of International Places Project Index Every person is born somewhere, marries, lives, works and dies somewhere. Places are a key component to family history research. This project aims to be the starting point in your search for a place in NORTHERN IRELAND on Geni to discover more about your ancestors. If a place you are lo...
SCOTLAND, United Kingdom - Place Projects====See Counties of Scotland - United Kingdom This is a sub-project of International Places Project Index Every person is born somewhere, marries, lives, works and dies somewhere. Places are a key component to family history research. This project aims to be the starting point in your search for a place in SCOTLAND on Geni to discover more about your anc...
Berezovaya Griva is a village in the Alekseevsky District of Tatarstan. It is part of the Lebedinsky rural settlement. 55°15'N, 49°45'E wikidata
Kozhayevka - a village in the Spassky district, Tatarstan, Russia.
Alkrington Hall, Manchester, Lancashire, England= Alkrington or Alkrington Garden Village [1] is an area of Middleton, in the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale, Greater Manchester England.[2]Historically a part of Lancashire, in the Middle Ages Alkrington was a township[3] in the parish of Prestwich-cum-Oldham in the hundred of Salford.[2][4] Once rolling farmland, in 1886 Alkrington was added t...
Hampshire - Main Page == Historic County of England =====Image right - County Flag of Hampshire . Attribution - By Hogweard - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>===== Hampshire Famous People >===== Hampshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Hampshire >===== Historic Buildings of Hampshire >===== Hampshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards
Cumberland ==Historic County of England===== Image right - County flag of Cumberland - By Hogweard - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>===== Cumberland Famous People >===== Cumberland Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Cumberland >===== Historic Buildings of Cumberland >===== Cumberland Cumbria Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards
Cornwall ==Historic County of England.===== Image right - St.Piran's Flag of Cornwall - Created by Jon Harald Søby - Own work; Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects===Cornish People>===== People Connected to Cornwall >===== Cornwall Famous People ===Cornish History>===== Historical Cornwall >===== Historic Buildings of Cornwall ===Cornish Resources>===== Cornwall - Bastardy Bonds and...
This is the Umbrella Project Page for Gloucestershire England.===== Image right - Flag of Gloucestershire - by Mjpovey - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>===== Gloucestershire Famous People >===== Gloucestershire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Gloucestershire >===== Historic Buildings of Gloucestershire >===== Gloucestershire Monumental Inscriptions
Cambridgeshire === Historical County of England.===== Image right - Flag of Historic Cambridgeshire by Hogweard - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>=====] People Connected to Cambridgeshire >=====Cambridgeshire Famous People >===== Cambridgeshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Cambridgeshire >===== Historical Buildings of Cambridgeshire
Middlesex, ===Inc. London== Histpric County of England ===Related Projects>===== Middlesex Famous People >===== London & Middlesex Genealogical Resources >===== Historic Buildings of Middlesex inc. London >===== Historical Middlesex >=====] People Connected to Middlesex >=====London - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
Essex ==Historic County of England.===== Image right - Flag of Essex; by Greentubing - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons ===Related Projects>===== Essex Famous People >===== Essex Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Essex >===== Historic Buildings of Essex >===== Essex Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards
Norfolk - Main Page == Histopric County of England. ===Related Projects>===== Norfolk Famous People >===== Norfolk Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Norfolk >===== Historic Buildings of Norfolk >===== Norfolk Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards >=====] People Connected to Norfolk >=====Visitations of Norfolk 1563 - 1589 & 1613/57
Oxfordshire - Main Page ==Historic County of EnglandThis is the Umbrella Project page for Oxfordshire===Related Projects are >=====Oxfordshire Burials - to follow>===== Oxfordshire - Famous People >===== Historic Buildings of Oxfordshire >===== Historical Oxfordshire >===== Oxfordshire Genealogical Resources >===== Oxfordshire - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
A project trying to restore the names of the holocaust victims of the village Oboltsy, Orsha district, Vitebsk region, Belarus.== History ==The town of Oboltsy, Tolochinsky district, has been known since the end of the 14th century. A brief history of the ancient Obolets can be found on Wikipedia. The landowner was the landowner Zaretsky. His estate consisted of two houses. Some rooms were loca...
Surrey Main Page == Histroic County of England. ===Related Projects>===== Surrey Famous People >===== Historic Buildings of Surrey >===== Historical Surrey >===== Surrey Genealogical Resources >===== Surrey Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards >===== People Connected to Surrey
Yorkshire ==Historic County of EnglandThis is the Umbrella Project Page for Yorkshire, England. Yorkshire Arms - image right =====Image from Yorkshire Heritage ===Related Projects>===== Yorkshire Famous People >===== Yorkshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Yorkshire >===== Historic Buildings of Yorkshire >===== Yorkshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards
This is the umbrella project for the County of Cheshire===Related Projects -===== Image right Cheshire county flag - by Vexilo - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wiki Commons * Cheshire - Famous People >* People Connected to Cheshire >* Cheshire - Genealogical Resources >* Historical Cheshire >* Historic Buildings of Cheshire >* Monumental Inscriptions and Graveyards of Cheshire
Westmorland == Historic County of England. ===Related Projects>===== Westmorland Burials >===== Westmorland Famous People >===== Historical Westmorland >===== Historic Buildings of Westmorland >===== Westmorland Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== People Connected to Westmoreland