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  • Sir Peter Stanley, 2nd Baronet,of Stanley of Aderley (1626 - c.1683)
    Sir Peter Stanley, 2nd Bt.*M, b. 29 May 1626, d. circa 1 October 1683===Biography From Edited=30 Dec 2017Sir Peter Stanley, 2nd Bt. was born on 29 May 1626.1 He was the son of Sir Thomas Stanley, 1st B...
  • William de Praers (1252 - 1292)
    by Roberts Family Tree his ancestry is given as:William De Praers (him)* Birth 1265 in Barthomley, Nantwich, Cheshire, England, * Death in Y Randle De Praers (Father)* Birth 1240 in Bartho...
  • Agatha de Mascy (c.1143 - d.)
    Agatha de Mascy Birth: 1143 - Dunham Massey, Cheshire, England Death: (Cheshire), England daughter of Hamon de Masci, baron of Dunham-Massey and Agatha de Theray Agatha married Sir Joscerame d...

Historic Cheshire

Image right - The Coat of arms of Cheshire County Council licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

History of the County of Cheshire - England

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History - over view

The history of Cheshire can be traced back to the Hoxnian Interglacial, between 38,0000 BC and 40,0000 BC. Primitive tools that date to that period have been found. Stone Age remains has been found showing more permanent habitation during the Neolithic period, and by the Iron Age the area is known to have been occupied by the Celtic Cornovii tribe.

The Romans occupied Cheshire for almost 400 years, from 70 AD, and created the town and fort of Deva Victrix, now Chester. After the Romans withdrew, Cheshire formed part of Mercia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom, that saw invasions from the Welsh and Danes. The Norman Conquest in 1070 saw Cheshire harshly ruled by the occupiers as local people resented the invaders and rebelled. War again swept the county during the English Civil War in 1642, despite an attempt by local gentry to keep the county neutral.

The industrial revolution saw population changes in Cheshire as farm workers moved to the factories of Manchester and Lancashire. In the 18th and 19th centuries there was a resurgence in the country houses of Cheshire and canals and railways were built.

Contemporary Cheshire is now a ceremonial county administered by four unitary authorities; Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, Halton, and Warrington. (Warrington, formerly in Lancashire, was added to Chesire in 1974.) Cheshire retains the offices of Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff for ceremonial purposes.


Cheshire's name was originally derived from an early name for Chester, and was first recorded as Legeceasterscir in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles,[1] meaning the shire of the city of legions.[2] Although the name first appears in 980, it is thought that the county was created by Edward the Elder around 920.[2] In the Domesday Book, Chester was recorded as having the name Cestrescir (Chestershire), derived from the name for Chester at the time.[1] A series of changes that occurred as English itself changed, together with some simplifications and elision, resulted in the name Cheshire, as it occurs today.


Until around 10,000 B.C., Cheshire lay under ice as the last glacial period swept the United Kingdom. However, primitive tools have been found in Cheshire that date to the Hoxnian Interglacial, between 38,000 B.C. and 40,000 B.C., suggesting that there was a period when Cheshire was inhabited before the ice arrived.[3]

There is evidence of Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) occupation with axe heads being found at Tatton dating to 10,000 B.C.[4]

More permanent occupation of Cheshire occurred during the New Stone Age (Neolithic). For example there is a chambered tomb known as the Bridestones, near Congleton. It belongs to the "megalithic culture" characterised by the practice of collective burial in stone-built chambers beneath mounds of earth and stone. It lies approximately three miles east of Congleton and is the oldest megalithic structure in the whole of Cheshire.[4] Farming is also likely to have started to develop during the Neolithic period, with flint artefacts and burnt grain being found at Tatton dating to 2,600 B.C., and the Oversley Farm find.

During Bronze Age, occupation of upland hill sites at Beeston Castle[5] and Eddisbury hill fort suggested a move to a more military society.

Into the Iron Age, Cheshire became occupied by the Celtic Cornovii, bordering the Brigantes to the North and the Deceangli and Ordovices to the West. The Cornovii tribe had their capital at The Wrekin, Shropshire and were known to trade in salt from mines at Middlewich and Northwich.


The Romans arrived in the lands of the Cornovii in 48AD and defeated them at a battle at The Wrekin. By 70AD the Romans had founded the fortress and town of Deva Victrix, now Chester, according to ancient cartographer Ptolemy,[6][7] The fortress was 20% larger than other fortresses in Britannia built around the same time at York (Eboracum) and Caerleon (Isca Augusta);[8] this has led to the suggestion that the fortress, rather than London (Londinium), was intended to become the capital of the Roman province of Britannia Superior.[9] The civilian amphitheatre, which was built in the 1st century, could seat between 8,000 and 10,000 people.[10] It is the largest known military amphitheatre in Britain,[11] and is also a Scheduled Monument.[12]

The Romans developed the settlements at Condate (Northwich) and Salinae (Middlewich) due to the importance as their salt mines[13] Salt was very important in Roman society;[14] and highly valued by the Roman occupation forces. Other Roman industries included smelting of lead at Runcorn[15] and potteries at Wilderspool,[16] though the county retained most of its rural character and native Britons tended more towards agriculture than industry.[17]

Chester was garrisoned by the legion until at least the late 4th century.[18] Although the army had abandoned the fortress by 410 when the Romans retreated from Britannia,[19] the civilian settlement continued (probably with some Roman veterans staying behind with their wives and children) and its occupants probably continued to use the fortress and its defences as protection from raiders from the Irish Sea.[18]


The Roman Empire fell in the 5th century, and the Romano-British established a number of petty kingdoms in its place. The region was on the boundary of Northumbria, Mercia and Wales so turbulent times continued. In 616, Æthelfrith of Northumbria defeated a Welsh army at the Battle of Chester and probably established the Anglo-Saxon position in the area from then on.[20]

Offa's Dyke near ClunLater in the 7th century, Cheshire formed part of the kingdom of Mercia. However with increased invasions from Danes, the Anglo-Saxons extended and strengthened the walls of Chester for protection. They also built at least two defensive ditches Offa's Dyke, built by King Offa of Mercia between 760-780,[17] and the earlier Wat's Dyke.[21]

This did not stop the Danes from taking Chester until eventually King Alfred, of Wessex and eventually Mercia, drove them out of the city in 894-895[22] and a peace treaty was agreed granting the Danes settlements in the Wirral,[23] which can be seen by their Danish place names, such as Thingwall (from thing meaning 'a meeting place').[17]

Alfred's daughter Ethelfleda, Lady of the Mercians, built the new Anglo-Saxon 'burh' at Chester.

By the middle of the 7th century, Christianity had also become widespread, and one of the earliest churches was at Eccleston. Eccleston shows signs of Christian burials as early as 390 AD, the earliest known Christian burials in Cheshire.[24] Towards the end of the 7th century, Saint Werburgh founded a religious institution on the present site of Chester's St John's Church which later became the first cathedral.

By this time, the River Mersey is likely to have formed the natural boundary between Mercia and Northumbria. The threat was now from the Danish kingdom based at York, so the Mercian kingdom built a fort at Eddisbury in 914[25][26] to serve as a defence for Chester. All along the length of the River Mersey as far as Manchester, fortified defensive settlements were created, including Rhuddlan, Runcorn, Thelwall, Bakewell and Penwortham.[17]

During his reign of Edward the Elder parts of old Derbyshire were also added to the Mercian kingdom. These are now modern-day Longdendale and Macclesfield.[17] By 930, relative peace reigned across the area until the Norman occupation.

In 973, the Anglo Saxon Chronicle records that, two years after his coronation at Bath, King Edgar of England,[27] came to Chester where he held his court in a palace in a place now known as Edgar’s field near the old Dee bridge in Handbridge. After the kings swore fealty and allegiance they rowed him back to the palace. As he entered he is reported to have said that with so many kings' allegiance his successors could boast themselves to be kings of the English.

Chester became headquarters of Eadric Streona in 1007,[28] the King's ealdorman of Cheshire, Staffordshire and Shropshire. This transferred to the governship of the Earl of Mercia: firstly Leofric (c. 1030–1057); then Ælfgar (1057–1062); and finally Edwin (1062–1070).

Mercian place names can be seen throughout the county. They can be recognised by the suffix 'ham' (from the Saxon word 'hamm' meaning a settlement)-for example Frodsham, Eastham, Weaverham; and 'burgh' or 'bury' (meaning a fortified settlement or stronghold) such as Wrenbury and Prestbury.[17]


William I led the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. Confiscation of lands by the conquerors led to resistance and dissent for many year; and Cheshire, as a remote part of the kingdom, provided the Normans with stiff resistance. This led the Normans to treat Cheshire particularly harshly with land and villages being destroyed, crops burned and people made homeless.[29]

In 1069 the final attempt at resistance was finally put down and Edwin and other Saxon landlords had their property confiscated and their land was passed to Norman lords. Edwin attempted another rebellion in 1071, but was betrayed and killed.

Proof of the devastation can be seen from the Domesday survey of 1086 most of the lands in Cheshire were recorded as 'wasta', or wasteland, as "abandoned or useless lands".[30] Prior to the conquest the lands had been fertile. Chester was sieged in 1070 and eventually sacked, largely demolished and devastated.

With control of the county, William built a castle in Chester at a defensive location overlooking the River Dee from where it could dominate and control the city and therefore administer the county.[31] The old Roman wall were repaired making Chester probably one of the most heavily defended cities in Britain at that time.[17]

William abolished the Earldom of Mercia and created a new Earldom of Chester. William made Hugh d'Avranches the first Earl.[32] Hugh was nicknamed Hugh Lupus, or wolf and ruled almost autonomously and with the full authority of the King. Cheshire was therefore declared a County palatine, a title it still holds today.[33]

The county continued to be ruled and administered by Norman earls and they imposed their own courts of law, civil service and independent powers, until the 7th Earl, John, died without a male heir in 1237. By that time King Henry III had declared the female line of inheritance to be invalid and took back the title, passing it to his son, Prince Edward - later to become King Edward I. Ever since that time the eldest son of all English monarchs has held the title of Earl of Chester and the title was created in conjunction with the Prince of Wales. By the 13th century, so important were the city and castle at Chester regarded, that extensions were built to include a royal apartment for King Edward I during the various wars with the neighbouring Welsh.[17]

Many other Norman castles were subsequently constructed throughout the county of Cheshire in order to maintain the peace and to exert control over the disenchanted population of the region who bitterly hated their Norman overseers for many generations.

The Cheshire of 1086, as recorded in the Domesday Book, was a larger county than it is today. With minor variations in spelling across sources, the complete list of hundreds of Cheshire at this time are: Atiscross, Bochelau, Chester, Dudestan, Exestan, Hamestan, Middlewich, Riseton, Roelau, Tunendune, Warmundestrou and Wilaveston.[34]

It included two hundreds, Atiscross and Exestan, that later became part of Wales. At the time of the Domesday Book, it also included as part of Duddestan Hundred the area of land later known as Maelor Saesneg (which used to be a detached part of Flintshire) in Wales.[35] The area in between the Mersey and Ribble (referred to in the Domesday Book as "Inter Ripam et Mersam") formed part of the returns for Cheshire.[36][37] Although this has been interpreted to mean that at that time south Lancashire was part of Cheshire,[37][38] more exhaustive research indicates that the boundary between Cheshire and what was to become Lancashire remained the River Mersey.[39][40][41]

Markets had existed in Chester, Middlewich and Nantwich well before 1066, and the suffix "port" (meaning "market") suggests the likelihood in pre-Norman markets at towns like Stockport. However the 12th and 13th centuries saw an escalation of towns being granted market rights, probably as the local population grew more used to Norman rule. Aldford and Alderley markets were created in 1253; Macclesfield in 1261; Congleton in 1272 and Over in 1280. However competition was fierce and markets are known to have failed at Aldford, Coddington, Brereton and Burton before the start of the 14th century.[17]

In 1397 the county had lands in the march of Wales added to its territory, and was promoted to the rank of principality. This was because of the support the men of the county had given to King Richard II, in particular by his standing armed force of about 500 men called the "Cheshire Guard". As a result the King's title was changed to "King of England and France, Lord of Ireland, and Prince of Chester". No other English county has been honoured in this way, although it lost the distinction on Richard's fall in 1399.[42]

17th century

By the early 17th century, Cheshire had established its own gentry descended from the Normans stock. These families dominated trade, legal and community affairs and of course dominated land ownership.[17]

However, the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642 was to change all that. People aligned with either the Royalist or Parliamentarian causes regardless of social status, but more due to their own conscience. Chester was a Royalist stronghold, while the market towns of Stockport, Knutsford, Nantwich, Congleton, Middlewich and Northwich remained in Parliamentarian hands. After initial skirmishes in 1642, there was an attempt by Cheshire gentry to keep the county neutral during the civil war. The Bunbury Agreement was agreed locally,[43] but the strategic position of Cheshire and the port of Chester meant that national commanders could never accept the local neutrality and the forces ended up clashing in the First Battle of Middlewich in March 1643. The county saw many battles fought on its lands - notably, the sieges of Nantwich and Chester.[17]

In August 1655, England was placed under military rule and Cheshire, Lancashire and North Staffordshire were governed by Charles Worsley. Riots were planned, even by Parliamentarians, notably Sir George Booth of Dunham Massey near Altrincham, though these were quashed and the leaders executed. Eventually military rule ended in 1658 and the monarchy was restored with King Charles II of England.[45]

In 1689, Henry, Duke of Norfolk, raised a regiment on the little Roodee in Chester in an effort to resist any attempt by James II to re-take the English throne.[46] This regiment became the Cheshire Regiment and now forms part of the 1st Battalion, The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire).[47]

18th and 19th centuries
Tatton HallAt the end of the 18th century, land enclosure and district reorganisations took place. As well as local industries, industrialisation of the Lancashire and Manchester mill towns saw Cheshire farms abandoned as workers sought a better living in the industrial towns. These lands were absorbed into bigger estates culminating in 98% of Cheshire land belonging to only 26% of the population. For example, by 1870 Peckforton Castle was over 25,000 acres (100 km2).[17]

However, industrialisation also bought benefits to Cheshire. The completion of the Trent and Mersey Canal in 1777[48] and innovations such as the Anderton Boat Lift, allowed Cheshire cheese and salt to become major county exports. Also the silk industry was developing in Macclesfield, triggered by Charles Roe building a watermill in Macclesfield in 1744.

Cheshire continued to develop into a wealthy county in the 19th century.[17] Tatton Hall and Dunham Massey are examples of country houses developed during the period. The Egerton family extensively remodelled Tatton Hall between 1760 and 1820,[49] and the 17th century house at Dunham Massey saw significant 19th century development and expansion.

The railways came through Cheshire in the 1830s. The Grand Junction Railway was authorised by Parliament in 1833 and designed by George Stephenson and Joseph Locke. It opened for business on 4 July 1837, running for 82 miles (132 km) from Birmingham through Wolverhampton, Stafford, Crewe, Hartford and Warrington, then via the existing Warrington and Newton Railway to join the Liverpool and Manchester Railway at a triangular junction at Newton Junction.[50] The GJR established its chief engineering works at Crewe,[51] moving there from Edge Hill, in Liverpool.

In 1874, John Brunner and Ludwig Mond founded Brunner Mond in Winnington near Northwich and started manufacturing soda ash using the Solvay ammonia-soda process.[52] This process used salt as a main raw material. The chemical industry used the subsided land for the disposal of waste from the manufacture of soda-ash. The waste was transported through a network of cranes and rails to the produce limebeds. This was a dangerous alkaline substance and caused the landscape to be abandoned as unusable.

Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) described Cheshire's industry The chief rivers are the Mersey with its affluent the Bollin, the Weaver, and the Dee. The soil consists of marl, mixed with clay and sand, and is generally fertile. There are numerous excellent dairy farms, on which the celebrated Cheshire cheese is made; also extensive market gardens, the produce of which is sent to Liverpool, Manchester, and the neighbouring towns. Salt has been long worked; it is obtained from rock salt and saline springs; the principal works are at Nantwich, Northwich, and Winsford. Coal and ironstone are worked in the districts of Macclesfield and Stockport. There are manufacturers of cotton, silk, and ribbons, carried on chiefly in the towns of the East division; and shipbuilding, on the Mersey. The 19th century also saw the creation of formal civic organisations in Cheshire. Cheshire Constabulary was founded in 1857[54] and Cheshire County Council was created in 1889.

20th and 21st centuries

Through the Local Government Act 1972, which came into effect on 1 April 1974, some areas in the north-west became part of the metropolitan counties of Greater Manchester and Merseyside.[56] Stockport (previously a county borough), Hyde, Dukinfield and Stalybridge in the north-east became part of Greater Manchester. Much of the Wirral Peninsula in the north-west, including the county boroughs of Birkenhead and Wallasey, joined Merseyside. At the same time the Tintwistle Rural District was transferred to Derbyshire. The area of Lancashire south of the Merseyside/Greater Manchester area, including Widnes and the county borough of Warrington, was added to the new non-metropolitan county of Cheshire.[57]

Halton and Warrington became unitary authorities independent of Cheshire County Council on 1 April 1998, but remain part of Cheshire for ceremonial purposes and also for fire and policing.[58]

Four unitary authorities of Cheshire

A referendum for a further local government reform connected with an elected regional assembly was planned for 2004, but was abandoned

As part of the local government restructuring in April 2009, Cheshire County Council and the Cheshire districts were abolished and replaced by two new unitary authorities, Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester.[59] The existing unitary authorities of Halton and Warrington were not affected by the change.

Cheshire is now a ceremonial county administered by four unitary authorities; Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, Halton, and Warrington. Cheshire retains the offices of Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff for ceremonial purposes under the Lieutenancies Act 1997. Policing and fire and rescue services continue to be provided across all four areas together, with the Cheshire Police Authority and Cheshire Fire Authority consisting of members of the four councils.

The boundary of the Church of England Diocese of Chester follows most closely the pre-1974 county boundary of Cheshire, so it includes all of Wirral, Stockport, and the Cheshire panhandle that included Tintwistle Rural District council area.[60] In terms of Roman Catholic church administration, most of Cheshire falls into the Roman Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury

Lord Lieutenants of Cheshire

This is a list of people who have served as Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire. Since 1689, all Lords Lieutenant have also been Custos Rotulorum of Cheshire.

High Sherriffs of Cheshire

The High Sheriff is the oldest secular office under the Crown. Formerly the High Sheriff was the principal law enforcement officer in the county but over the centuries most of the responsibilities associated with the post have been transferred elsewhere or are now defunct, so that its functions are now largely ceremonial. The High Sheriff changes every March.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

List of High Sheriffs of Cheshire

  • 1184: Gilbert Pipehard
  • 1189: Richard de Pierpoint
  • 1199: Liulphus


  • 1200: Lidulph de Croxton
  • 1204: Lidulph de Twelmlow
  • 1230: de Sandbach
  • 1233: Richard de Sandbach
  • 10 July 1237: John de Lacy, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
  • 1239: Richard de Wrenbury
  • 6 December 1240: John Extraneus
  • 1244: Richard de Wibunbury
  • 1268: Jordan de Peulesdon
  • 1270–1274: Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton
  • 16 October 1274: Joscelin de Badlesmere
  • 1284–1287: Robert le Grosvenor (d. 1293)
  • Michaelmas 1287:William de Praers
  • 1292: David de Malpas
  • 1295–1296: Philip de Malpas (de Egerton)
  • Michaelmas 1296:William de Praers
  • Michaelmas 1299: William de Praers
  • Michaelmas 1301: Robert de Bresci
  • 29 September 1306: Richard de Fouleshurst
  • 1307: Robert le Grosvenor
  • 1308:Richard de Fouleshurst
  • 1309: Philip de Egerton
  • 1310: Richard de Witeleye
  • 1312: David de Egerton
  • 1319: William de Modburlegh
  • 17 December 1326: John de Wrennebury
  • 29 November 1328: Oliver de Ingham
  • 1332: William de Praers
  • 1334:David de Egerton
  • 30 September 1335: Adam le Parker
  • 29 September 1336: Henry de Ferrers
  • 30 September 1341: Randal de Oldington
  • Michaelmas 1342: Robert de Buckylegh
  • Michaelmas 1347: Nicholas de Riggelegh
  • 25 June 1348: Sir James de Audley
  • 1349: Sir William Preaus [4]
  • Michaelmas 1350: Thomas Danyers
  • 19 August 1353: Thomas de Dotton
  • 30 September 1359: Thomas le Yonge
  • Michaelmas 1361: Richard de Whitelegh
  • 30 June 1367: John de Scolehall
  • Michaelmas 1370: Sir Lawrence de Dutton
  • 1375–1377: Richard de la Legh
  • 27 October 1377: Hugh Venables, of Kinderton
  • 18 February 1383: Sir Nicholas de Vernon
  • 1384: Thomas del Wood
  • 1385: Hugh, Earl of Stafford
  • 1386: Richard Venables
  • 1388: John Massy
  • 1389: Robert le Grosvenor of Eaton
  • 1393:[ Robert Legh Sir Robert de Legh]
  • 1394: Robert le Grosvenor
  • 1398: Sir Robert de Legh
  • 1399–1400: John Massy of Puddingtom
  • 1401: Henry Ravenscroft
  • 1403-6: John Mainwaring of Over-Peover
  • 1409: William Bruerton of Bruerton
  • 1412: Laurence Merbury
  • 1418–1422: John Legh, of Norbury Booths
  • 1423: Hugh Dutton of Dutton
  • 1426: Richard Warburton of Arley
  • 1429: Ranulph Brereton of Brereton
  • 1437: John Troutbeck
  • 1438-1450: Sir Robert Booth of Dunham
  • 1450–1463: Sir William Booth (son of Robert)
  • 1463–1466: William Stanley of Hooton (died 1466)
  • 1466–1489: Sir William Stanley
  • 1489–1495: William Stanley (son of Sir William)
  • Thomas Stanley
  • 1495: John Warburton
  • [edit] 1500–15991 September 1502: Sir John Warburton
  • 4 April 1504: Sir John Warburton
  • 1506: Ralph Birkenhead
  • 19 July 1508 – 1524:Sir John Warburton, of Arley (for life)
  • 8 April 1524: Thomas Warburton
  • 24 September 1524: Sir George Holford, of Holford
  • 20 February 1526: Sir William Stanley, of Hooton
  • 19 December 1526: William Venables, of Kinderton
  • 30 November 1527: Sir William de la Pole
  • 19 December 1528: Thomas Fouleshurst
  • 19 November 1529: John Done, of Utkinton
  • 1530 Peter Warburton
  • 24 November 1531: Edward Fitton, of Gawsworth
  • 8 December 1532: George Poulett
  • 14 November 1537: Sir Henry Delves
  • 28 November 1538: Sir Robert Needham, of Cranage and Shavington[1]
  • 30 November 1539: Sir Alexander Radcliffe[1]
  • 17 November 1540: Edmund Trafford
  • 27 November 1541: John Holcroft
  • 22 November 1542: Sir Peter Dutton
  • 23 November 1543: Sir Edward Fitton, of Gawsworth Old Hall[7]
  • 22 November 1545: Sir Henry Delves
  • 23 November 1546: John Holcroft
  • 27 November 1547: Sir Hugh Cholmondeley
  • 3 December 1548: Sir William Brereton
  • 12 November 1549: Thomas Aston
  • 11 November 1550: Sir John Savage
  • 11 November 1551: Sir Lawrence Smythe
  • 10 November 1552: Sir William Brereton, of Brereton [8]
  • 26 August 1553: Sir Peter Legh, of Lyme Park [8]
  • 14 November 1554: Sir Hugh Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley [8]
  • 14 November 1555: Richard Wilbram, of Woodhey [8]
  • 13 November 1556: Sir Thomas Venables, of Kinderton [8]
  • 16 November 1557: Sir Philip Egerton, of Egerton [8]
  • 23 November 1558: Sir Edward Fytton [8]
  • 9 November 1559: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 12 November 1560: Sir Ralph Egerton, of Wrinehill
  • 8 November 1561: Sir John Warburton, of Arley Hall[9]
  • 19 November 1562: Richard Brooke, of Norton Priory[2]
  • 8 November 1563: William Massye, of Podyington
  • 9 November 1564: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 16 November 1565: Sir Hugh Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley
  • 18 November 1566: Sir Lawrence Smythe, of Hatherton
  • 18 November 1567: Ralph Done, of Flaxyards
  • 18 November 1568: George Calveley, of Lea
  • 12 November 1569:Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 13 November 1570: William Bothe, of Dunham
  • 14 November 1571: Thomas Stanley
  • 13 November 1572: Sir Hugh Cholmondeley
  • 10 November 1573: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 15 November 1574: Henry Mainwaring, of Carineham
  • 15 November 1575: Sir Roland Stanley, of Hooton
  • 13 November 1576: John Warren, of Poynton
  • 27 November 1577: Thomas Brooke, of Norton[2]
  • 17 November 1578: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 23 November 1579: Sir Ralph Egerton, of Wrinehill
  • 21 November 1580: Sir George Calveley, of Lea
  • 27 November 1581: William Brereton, of Brereton
  • 5 December 1582: Sir Peter Warburton, of Arley Hall[9]
  • 25 November 1583: William Leversage, of Wheelock[1]
  • 19 November 1584: Thomas Wilbraham, of Woodhey
  • 22 November 1585: Hugh Calveley, of Lea
  • 14 November 1586: Randle Davenport, of Henbury
  • 4 December 1587: Thomas Legh, of Adlington
  • 25 November 1588: Sir Hugh Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley
  • 24 November 1589: William Brereton, of Handford
  • 24 November 1590: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 25 November 1591: Thomas Brooke, of Norton[2]
  • 16 November 1592: Thomas Venables, of Kinderton
  • 26 November 1593: Peter Warburton, of Arley Hall
  • 21 November 1594: Peter Legh, of Lyme Park
  • 29 November 1595: John Done, of Utkinton
  • 22 November 1596: George Boothe, of Dunham Massey
  • 15 November 1597: Edward Warren, of Poynton
  • 28 November 1598: Thomas Holcroft, of Vale Royal
  • 2 December 1599: Thomas Smythe, of Hatherton
  • [edit] 1600–169924 November 1600: Thomas Aston, of Aston
  • 2 December 1601: Richard Grosvenor, of Eaton Boat
  • 7 December 1602: Sir George Leycester, of Toft
  • 1 December 1603: Sir William Davenport, of Bramall Hall
  • 5 November 1604: Sir Randle Mainwaring, of Over-Peover[6]
  • 2 February 1606: Sir Thomas Vernon, of Haslington
  • 17 November 1606: Sir John Savage, of Rocksavage
  • 9 November 1607: Sir Henry Bunbury, of Stanney
  • 12 November 1608: William Brereton, of Astley
  • 8 November 1609: Geoffrey Shakerley, of Hulme
  • c. November 1610: Thomas Dutton, of Dutton
  • c. November 1611: Sir William Brereton, of Brereton
  • c. November 1612: Sir Urian Legh, of Adlington
  • c. November 1613: Sir George Calveley, of Lea
  • c. November 1614: Sir Richard Lee, of Lea and Darnhall
  • 6 November 1615: Sir Richard Wilbraham, of Woodhey
  • 12 April 1617: Sir John Davenport, of Davenport
  • c. November 1617: Ralph Calveley, of Saighton
  • c. November 1618: Sir Randle Mainwaring, jnr., of Over-Peover[6]
  • c. November 1619: Sir Robert Cholmondeley, 1st Baronet, of Cholmley[2]
  • 9 December 1620: Thomas Marbury, of Marbury
  • 16 November 1621: Sir George Booth, 1st Baronet, of Dunham Massey
  • c. November 1622: Sir Thomas Smith, of Hatherton
  • c. November 1623: Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1st Baronet, of Eaton
  • 3 December 1624: Sir Thomas Brereton, of Wolvesacre
  • c. November 1625: Sir John Done, of Utkinton
  • c. November 1626: John Calveley, of Saighton
  • 7 November 1627: Sir Edward Stanley, 1st Baronet, of Bickerstaffe
  • c. November 1628: Thomas Legh, of Adlington Hall
  • c. November 1629: Peter Dutton, of Hatton
  • 7 November 1630: Thomas Stanley of Alderley Park
  • c. November 1631: Richard Brereton, of Ashley
  • c. November 1632: Sir Edward Fitton, 2nd Baronet of Gawsworth[10]
  • 10 November 1633: Peter Venables, of Kinderton
  • 5 November 1634: Sir Thomas Aston, 1st Baronet, of Aston[2]
  • c. November 1635: William Legh, of Norbury Booths
  • 3 October 1636: Sir Thomas Delves, 1st Baronet, of Doddington[11]
  • 30 September 1637: Thomas Cholmondeley, of Vale Royal
  • 4 November 1638: Philip Mainwaring of Over-Peover[6]
  • c. November 1639: Sir Thomas Powell, 1st Baronet, of Birkenhead
  • 15 November 1640: John Bellot, of Moreton[2]
  • 31 December 1641: Sir Hugh Calveley, of Lea
  • c. November 1642: Thomas Legh, of Adlington
  • 1 December 1643: Sir Richard Grosvenor, 2nd Baronet, of Eaton
  • 30 December 1643: Sir Henry Brooke, 1st Baronet, of Norton Priory[2]
  • 31 January 1645: Robert Tatton, of Withenshaw[12]
  • 17 November 1647: Roger Wilbraham[13]
  • 15 February 1649: Robert Dukinfield, of Dukinfield Hall[14]
  • 30 October 1649: Sir John Sairle
  • 7 November 1649: Sir Henry Delves, of Doddington[11]
  • 7 November 1650: Edmund Jodrell
  • 4 November 1651: John Crew, of Crewe
  • 12 November 1652: Peter Dutton, of Hatton
  • 10 November 1653: George Warburton, of Arley[15]
  • c. November 1654: Philip Egerton, of Oulton
  • 1657: Thomas Mainwaring, of Over-Peover[16]
  • 1657–1660: John Legh, of Norbury Booths
  • 28 June 1660: Sir Thomas Cholmondeley
  • 5 November 1660: Thomas Cholmondeley, of Vale Royal
  • 30 November 1661: Thomas Legh of Adlington Hall
  • 29 November 1662: John Bellott
  • 6 November 1663: Sir Thomas Wilbraham, 3rd Baronet
  • 26 November 1664: Sir Thomas Delves, 3rd Baronet, of Doddington[11]
  • 12 November 1665: Sir John Arderne[17]
  • 7 November 1666: John Crewe
  • 15 November 1666: Sir Richard Brooke, 2nd Baronet, of Norton Priory[2]
  • 6 November 1667: Roger Wilbraham
  • 6 November 1668: Sir Peter Brooke, of Mere Old Hall
  • 11 November 1669: Roger Wilbraham of Nantwich[18]
  • 4 November 1670: Edward (Edmund) Jodrell
  • 9 November 1671: William Lawton
  • 11 November 1672: Thomas Touchet
  • 12 November 1673: Thomas Bunbury[2]
  • November 1674: Thomas Stevens[19]
  • 12 December 1674: Sir Robert Dukinfield, 1st Baronet, of Dukinfield Hall[14]
  • 15 November 1675: Richard Walthal
  • 10 November 1676: John Davies, of Manley
  • 15 November 1677: Sir James Bradshaw
  • 17 November 1678: Sir Peter Stanley, 2nd Baronet[20]
  • 14 November 1678: Sir James Bradshaw
  • 13 November 1679: Edward Legh, of Baggerley
  • 4 November 1680: Sir Willoughby Aston, 2nd Baronet[2]
  • 10 November 1681: Sir Peter Pindar
  • 13 November 1682: Peter Wilbraham
  • 12 November 1683: James Davenport
  • 20 November 1684: Henry Davies
  • 25 November 1686: Robert Cholmondeley
  • 6 December 1687: Thomas Legh, of Adlington
  • 8 November 1688: Sir Thomas Grosvenor, 3rd Baronet
  • 18 March 1689: Sir Philip Egerton
  • 11 April 1689: Sir Peter Warburton, 2nd Baronet
  • 22 April 1689: Thomas Powell
  • 15 July 1689: Roger Mainwaring, of Kirmincham
  • 27 November 1690: Sir Willoughby Aston, 2nd Baronet[2]
  • 14 December 1691: Peter Legh, of Booths
  • 17 November 1692: Sir William Clegg
  • 16 November 1693: William Davenport, of Bramall
  • 6 December 1694: Richard Legh, of High Legh[2]
  • 5 December 1695: Thomas Delves
  • 16 December 1695: Charles Hurleston, of Newton
  • 3 December 1697: William Whitmore, of Tourstanton
  • 16 December 1697: Thomas Delves
  • 30 December 1697: Thomas Legh, of Dernhall
  • 22 December 1698: Thomas Delves, of Eardshaw
  • 20 November 1699: Jonathan Brewyn
  • 23 November 1699: Sir Henry Bunbury, 3rd Baronet, of Stanney
  • [edit] 1700–179928 November 1700: Lawrence Wright, of Mobberley
  • 1 January 1702: John Davenport, of Woodford
  • 3 December 1702: Sir John Chetwode, 1st Baronet, of Whitley
  • 2 December 1703: John Baskerville, of Old Withington
  • 21 December 1704: John Legh, of Adlington
  • 3 December 1705: Sir Francis Leicester, 3rd Baronet, of Tabley
  • 14 November 1706: Edmund Swettenham, of Somerford
  • 20 November 1707: Sir Samuel Daniel, of Tabley
  • 29 November 1708: William Domville, of Lymm
  • 1 December 1709: Clutton Wright, of Nantwich
  • 24 November 1710: John Ampson, of Lees
  • 13 December 1711: Joseph Linch
  • 10 January 1712: John Leche, of Carden
  • 11 December 1712: Sir Thomas Cotton, 2nd Baronet, of Combermere[2]
  • 30 November 1713: Randle Wilbraham, of Nantwich[21]
  • 16 November 1714: Richard Walthall, of Wistaton
  • 22 November 1715: Francis Jodrell, of Twemlow
  • 19 November 1716: Richard Alport, of Malpas, Cheshire
  • 5 December 1716: James Bayley, of Wistaton
  • c. November 1717: John Bromhall, of Hough
  • c. November 1718: Samuel Barrow, of Shepenhall
  • c. November 1719: Sir Thomas Brooke, 3rd Baronet, of Norton[2]
  • c. November 1720: Edmund Swetenham, of Somerford
  • c. November 1721: George Davenport, of Calveley
  • 18 January 1723: Sir Thomas Aston, 3rd Baronet, of Aston
  • c. November 1723: Edward Downes, of Shrigley
  • c. November 1724: John Parker, of Fallows
  • c. November 1725: Richard Rutter, of Moore
  • c. November 1726: Charles Hurleston, of Newton
  • 16 December 1727: Peter Brooke, of Mere
  • 18 December 1728: Robert Davis, of Manley[22]
  • 16 January 1729: John Spencer, of Huntington
  • 1 February 1729: Robert Davis, of Manley, Cheshire
  • 18 December 1729: John Daniel, of Daresbury
  • 14 December 1730: Edward Warren, of Poynton[23]
  • 9 December 1731: William Brock of Upton[24]
  • 14 December 1732: Jeffrey Shakerley
  • 11 January 1733: Leigh Page, of Hawthorne
  • 20 December 1733: Henry Bennett, of Chester[25]
  • 4 February 1735: Trafford Barnston, of Churton[26]
  • 18 December 1735: William Dodd, of Edge
  • 19 January 1737: Thomas Booth, of Twemlow[1]
  • 12 January 1738: William Tatton, of Withenshaw[27]
  • 21 December 1738: Robert Hide, of Cattenhall
  • 27 December 1739: John Spencer, of Huntington[28]
  • 7 February 1740: Sir John Byrne, 3rd Baronet, of Stanthorne[2]
  • 24 December 1740: William Cheshire, of Halton[29]
  • 31 December 1741: Peter Legh, of Calverly[30]
  • 16 December 1742: Philip Egerton, of Oulton[31]
  • 5 January 1744: Sir Peter Warburton, 4th Baronet, of Arley[32]
  • 7 February 1745: Thomas Starkey, of Wrenbury
  • 7 March 1745: Thomas Hall, of Armitage Hall[1]
  • 16 January 1746: Ralph Leycester, of Toft Hall[33]
  • 15 January 1747: Charles Legh, of Adlington
  • 14 January 1748: Samuel Jervis, of Chester
  • 10 February 1748: Edward Green, of Poulton
  • 11 January 1749: George Leigh of Oughtrington[2]
  • 17 January 1750: James Croxton, of Guilden Sutton
  • 6 December 1750: Sir William Dukinfield-Daniel, 3rd Baronet, of Dukinfield Hall[14]
  • 14 January 1752: Sir Richard Brooke, 4th Baronet, of Norton[2]
  • 7 February 1753: John Leche, of Carden[34]
  • 31 January 1754: Robert Lawton, of Lawton[35]
  • 29 January 1755: Thomas Slaughter, of Newton[36]
  • 27 January 1756: Thomas Prescot, of Overton[37]
  • 4 February 1757: William Robinson, of Whatcroft[38]
  • 27 January 1758: John Egerton, of Broxton[39]
  • 2 February 1759: Samuel Harrison, of Cranage[1]
  • 1 February 1760: Sir Peter Leicester, 4th Baronet, of Tabley
  • 28 January 1761: John Houghton, of Baghill
  • 16 February 1761: John Arderne, of Arderne
  • 15 February 1762: Hon. Richard Barry, of Marbury
  • 4 February 1763: John Alsager, of Alsager
  • 10 February 1764: John Crewe of Crewe[2]
  • 1 February 1765: Hon. John Smith Barry, of Belmont
  • 17 February 1766: Peter Brooke, of Mere Old Hall
  • 13 February 1767: Sir Lister Holte, 5th Baronet, of Brereton
  • 15 January 1768: Henry Hervey Aston, of Aston
  • 27 January 1769: Philip Egerton, of Oulton
  • 9 February 1770: Sir Robert Cunliffe, 2nd Baronet, of Saighton
  • 6 February 1771: John Crewe, of Bolsworth
  • 17 February 1772: Sir Henry Mainwaring, 4th Baronet, of Over-Peover
  • 8 February 1773: George Wilbraham, of Townshend
  • 7 February 1774: William Leche, of Carden
  • 6 February 1775: Thomas Patten, of Buerton
  • 5 February 1776: John Astley, of Duckenfield
  • 31 January 1777: Peter Kyffin Heron, of Moore
  • 28 January 1778: William Tatton, jnr., of Withenshaw
  • 1 February 1779: John Bower-Jodrell, of Yeardsley
  • 2 February 1780: Samuel Barrow, of Sheppenhall
  • 5 February 1781: William Davenport, of Bramall
  • 1 February 1782: Sir Peter Warburton, 5th Baronet, of Warburton
  • 10 February 1783: Davis Davenport, of Capesthorne
  • 9 February 1784: Thomas Willis, of Swettenham
  • 7 February 1785: Hon. Wilbraham Tollemache, of Woodhey
  • 13 February 1786: Henry Cornwall Legh, of High Legh[2]
  • 12 February 1787: Sir Richard Brooke, 5th Baronet, of Norton[2]
  • 8 February 1788: John Glegg, of Withington
  • 29 April 1789: Sir John Chetwode, 4th Baronet, of Agden[40]
  • 29 January 1790: John Arden, of Arden
  • 4 February 1791: Charles Watkin John Shakerley, of Somerford Park, Cheshire
  • 3 February 1792: Thomas Cholmondeley of Vale Royal[2]
  • 6 February 1793: John Egerton, of Oulton
  • 3 February 1794: Domville Poole, of Lymme
  • 11 February 1795: James Hugh Smith Barry, of Marbury
  • 5 February 1796: Hon. Booth Grey, of Wincham
  • 1 February 1797: John Leche, of Stretton
  • 1 March 1797: Thomas Langford Brooke, of Mere Old Hall
  • 7 February 1798: Robert Hibbert, of Birtles
  • 1 February 1799: Joseph Green, of Poulton Lancelyn
  • [edit] 1800–18995 February 1800: Roger Barnston, of Churton
  • 11 February 1801: William Rigby, of Oldfield
  • 17 March 1801: John Scott Waring, of Ince
  • 3 February 1802: Lawrence Wright, of Mottram St. Andrew
  • 3 February 1803: John Feilden, of Mollington Hall
  • 1 February 1804: Sir John Fleming Leicester, 5th Baronet, of Nether Tabley
  • 6 February 1805: George John Legh, of High Legh[2]
  • 1 February 1806: Francis Duckinfield Astley, of Duckinfield
  • 7 February 1806: Sir Henry Mainwaring, 1st Baronet, of Over-Peover
  • 4 February 1807: Francis Duckinfield Astley, of Duckinfield
  • 3 February 1808: Charles Trelawney Brereton, of Shotwick Park[41]
  • 24 February 1808: Robert Barnford, of Upton[42]
  • 16 March 1808: Wilbraham Egerton, of Tatton Park[2]
  • 6 February 1809: Thomas William Tatton, of Withenshaw
  • 31 January 1810: Robert Viner, of Bidston
  • 21 February 1810: Thomas Brook of Church Minshull[43]
  • 8 February 1811: Booth Grey, of Ashton Heys
  • 24 January 1812: Edmund Yates, of Ince
  • 10 February 1813: Francis Bower-Jodrell, of Henbury Hall
  • 4 February 1814: John Baskervyle Glegg, of Gayton
  • 13 February 1815: John Isherwood, of Marple
  • 12 February 1816: Samuel Aldersey, of Aldersey
  • 12 February 1817: Sir Richard Brooke, 6th Baronet, of Norton Priory[2]
  • 24 January 1818: Henry Charles Aston, of Aston
  • 10 February 1819: John Smith Barry, of Marbury
  • 12 February 1820: James France France, of Bostock
  • 6 February 1821: Thomas Wilson, of Llandican[44]
  • 4 February 1822: Charles Wicksted, of Baddeley[45]
  • 31 January 1823: James White, of Sutton in Wirral
  • 13 January 1824: Peter Langford Brooke, of Mere
  • 2 February 1825: John Smith Daintry, of Sutton
  • 9 February 1825: John Daintry, of North Rode
  • 30 January 1826: William Turner of Pott Shrigley
  • 5 February 1827: Peter Legh, of Norbury Booths
  • 13 February 1828: William Massey, of Moston
  • 11 February 1829: Lawrence Armitstead, of Cranage
  • 2 February 1830: George Walmsley, of Bolesworth Castle[46]
  • 31 January 1831: Sir Thomas Stanley-Massey-Stanley, 9th Baronet, of Hooton[47]
  • 6 February 1832: John Hurleston Leche, of Carden[48][49]
  • 1833: Rowland Eyles Egerton Warburton, of Arley[50]
  • 1834: William Astley, of Dukinfield Lodge was initially named,[51] but was replaced by Gibbs Craufurd Antrobus, of Eaton[52]
  • 1835: Joseph Leigh, of Belmont Hall, was initially named[53] but was replaced by James Heath Leigh, of Grappenhall Lodge, his son.[54]
  • 1836: Egerton Leigh, of High Legh [55]
  • 1837: Charles Peter Shakerley, of Somerford Park, Cheshire[56]
  • 1838: George Cornwall Legh, of High Legh[57]
  • 1839: Thomas Hibbert, of Birtles[58]
  • 1840: John Tollemache, of Tilstone Lodge[59]
  • 1841: John Ryle, of Henbury Hall[60]
  • 1842: Edward Davies Davenport, of Capesthorne[61]
  • 1843: John Dixon, of Astle[62]
  • 1844: George Wilbraham, of Delamere House[63][64]
  • 1845: Sir William Thomas Stanley Massey Stanley, Bt, of Hooton[65]
  • 1846: James Hugh Smith Barry, of Marbury Hall[66]
  • 1847: Ralph Gerard Leycester, of Toft Hall[67]
  • 1848: Henry Brooke, of the Grange[68]
  • 1849: Thomas William Tatton, of Withenshaw[69]
  • 1850: Sir Arthur Ingram Aston GCB, of Aston[70]
  • 1851: Thomas Marsland, of Henbury Hall[71]
  • 1852: George Holland Ackers, of Mereton[72]
  • 1853: John Hurleston Leche, of Carden[73]
  • 1854: Francis Duckinfield Palmer Astley, of Duckinfield[74]
  • 1855: John Chapman, of Hill-End, Mottram in Longdendale[75]
  • 1856: Richard Christopher Naylor, of Hooton Hall[76]
  • 1857: William Atkinson, of Ashton Hayes, near Kelsall[77]
  • 1858: George Fortescue Wilbraham, of Delamere House, near Northwich[78]
  • 1859: Arthur Henry Davenport, of Capesthorne Hall[79]
  • 1860: Clement Swetenham, of Somerford Booths Hall, near Congleton[80]
  • 1861: Edward Holt Glegg, of Backford Hall[81]
  • 1862: Thomas Aldersey, of Aldersey Hall[82]
  • 1863: Sir Charles Watkin Shakerley, 2nd Baronet, of Somerford Park, Cheshire[83]
  • 1864: John Ralph Shaw, of Arrowe Park, Birkenhead[84]
  • 1865: Wilbraham Spencer Tollemache, of Dorfold Hall[85]
  • 1866: Robert Barbour, of Bolesworth Castle[86]
  • 1867: Thomas Henry Lyon, of Appleton Hall, near Warrington[87]
  • 1868: John Coutts Antrobus, of Eaton Hall, Congleton[88]
  • 1869: Samuel Woodhouse, of Norley Hall, Frodsham[89]
  • 1870: Sir Richard Brooke, 7th Baronet, of Norton Priory, Halton, Runcorn[90]
  • 1871: George Baillie-Hamilton-Arden, 11th Earl of Haddington, of Eaton Bank[91]
  • 1872: Egerton Leigh, of Jodrell Hall[92]
  • 1873: Gilbert Greenall, of Walton Hall[93]
  • 1874: Sir Edward William Watkin, of Rose Hill[94]
  • 1875: Richard Barton, of Caldy Manor, Birkenhead[95]
  • 1876: John Baskervyle Glegg, of Withington Hall, Chelford[96]
  • 1877: Thomas Unett Brocklehurst, of Henbury Hall[97]
  • 1878: Philip Stapleton Humberston, of Glan-y-wern, near Denbigh[98]
  • 1879: Charles Hosken France-Hayhurst, of Bostock Hall, Middlewich[99]
  • 1880: Cudworth Halsted Poole, of Marbury, Whitchurch[100]
  • 1881: George Dixon, of Astle Hall, Chelford[101]
  • 1882: Egerton Leigh, of West Hall, High Legh, Knutsford[102]
  • 1883: Arthur Hugh Smith Barry, of Marbury, Northwich[103]
  • 1884: Colonel Henry Martin Cornwall Legh, of High Legh, Knutsford[104]
  • 1885: Colonel Hugh Robert Hibbert, of Birtles Hall, near Chelford[105]
  • 1886: Francis Dicken Brocklehurst, of Hare Hill, Macclesfield[106]
  • 1887: James Tomkinson, of Willington Hall, Tarporley[107]
  • 1888: Baron William Henry Von Schröder[108]
  • 1889: James Jardine[109]
  • 1890: George Barbour[110]
  • 1891: Christopher Kay[111]
  • 1892: Thomas Henry Ismay[112]
  • 1893: Robert Charles de Grey Viner[113]
  • 1894: Frederic James Harrison[114]
  • 1895: Hugh Lyle Smyth[115]
  • 1896: Ralph Brocklebank[116]
  • 1897: William Henry Verdin[117]
  • 1898: Richard Hobson[118]
  • 1899: Thomas Hardcastle Sykes[119]
  • [edit] 1900–19991900: Benjamin Chaffers Roberts[120]
  • 1901: Thomas Brocklebank[121]
  • 1902: John Sutherland Harmood Banner[122]
  • 1903: Thomas Bland Royden[123]
  • 1904: George Littleton Dewhurst[124]
  • 1905: Arthur Hornby Lewis[125]
  • 1906: William Watson[126]
  • 1907: Sir Gilbert Greenall, 2nd Baronet[127]
  • 1908: Sir William Pollitt[128]
  • 1909: Herbert Wheeler Hind[129]
  • 1910: Francis Aylmer Frost[130]
  • 1911: John Brooks Close-Brooks[131]
  • 1912: Joseph Battersby Duckworth[132]
  • 1913: Alfred Watkin[133]
  • 1914: Robert Walter Douglas Phillips Brocklehurst[134]
  • 1915: Frederick Hynde Fox[135]
  • 1916: Frederick William Wignall[136]
  • 1917: Thomas Royden[137]
  • 1918: James Edgar Dennis[138]
  • 1919: Sir Kenneth Irwin Crossley, Bt.[139]
  • 1920: Sir Percy Elly Bates, Bt.[140]
  • 1921: Captain Cuthbert Leicester-Warren[141]
  • 1922: John Graham Peel[142]
  • 1923: The Honorable William Lever[143]
  • 1924: Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Lyon[144]
  • 1925: Major Robert Barbour[145]
  • 1926: Sir John Herbert Vernon, Bt.[146]
  • 1927: Major Charles William Tomkinson[147]
  • 1928: Major Philip Durning Holt[148]
  • 1929: Captain William Hosken France-Hayhurst[149]
  • 1930: Frank Brocklehurst[150]
  • 1931: Edward Peter Jones[151]
  • 1932: William Gavin Clegg[152]
  • 1933: Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Norman Harrison Verdin[153]
  • 1934: Major Arthur Harold Bibby DSO[154]
  • 1935: Sir William Rylands[155]
  • 1936: Robert Henry Grenville Tatton[156]
  • 1937: Sir Robert Noton Barclay[157]
  • 1938: Major Walter Wynnefield Higgin[158]
  • 1939: Charles Legh Shuldham Cornwall-Legh[159]
  • 1940: Sir Robert Abraham Burrows[160]
  • 1941: Philip Reginald le Belward Egerton[161]
  • 1942: Edward Howard Brocklehurst[162]
  • 1943: Duncan Thomas Norman MC[163]
  • 1944: Brevet Colonel James Geoffrey Bryden Beazley MC TD[164]
  • 1945: Colonel Harry Johnson DSO TD[165]
  • 1946: Major Hugh Kelsall Frost[166]
  • 1947: Colonel Benjamin William Heaton MC[167]
  • 1948: Edgar Rennie Bowring[168]
  • 1949: Brevet Colonel George Bentham Leathart Rae DSO TD[169]
  • 1950: Thomas Humphrey Naylor of the Grange[170]
  • 1951: Humphrey Bagnall Vernon MC of Forest Lodge, Bracknell[171]
  • 1952: Captain Oscar Dunstan Winterbottom of Tilston House[172]
  • 1953: Randle John Baker Wilbraham of Rode Hall[173]
  • 1954: Colonel Laurence Millington Synge TD of the Old Rectory[174]
  • 1955: Hugh Rupert Granger of Littleton Hall[175]
  • 1956: Alexander Ludovic Grant TD of Marbury Hall[176]
  • 1957: Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Douglas Fergusson Phillips Brocklehurst of Hare Hill[177]
  • 1958: Major Vere Arbuthnot Arnold MC TD of Ardmore[178]
  • 1959: Col. Gerald Hugh Grosvenor DSO of Saighton Grange[179]
  • 1960: Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald Henry Antrobus MC[180]
  • 1961: Lieutenant-Colonel David Mayhew Bateson DSO TD[180]
  • 1962: Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Leslie Orme OBE TD[181]
  • 1963: Major John Neville Davies-Colley MC[182]
  • 1964: Colonel Geoffrey Vardon Churton MBE MC TD[183]
  • 1965: Lieutenant-Colonel John Leighton Byrne Leicester-Warren TD[184]
  • 1966: Brevet Colonel Ronald Prinsep Langford-Brooke TD[185] of Mere Old Hall
  • 1967: Richard Jeffery Lockett CBE[186]
  • 1968: Francis Moore Dutton[187]
  • 1969: Colonel Sir William Loris Mather OBE MC TD[188]
  • 1970: Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Ernald Sparrow MC TD[189]
  • 1971: Joseph Charlton Taylor TD[190]
  • 1972: Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander James Watkin Grubb[191]
  • 1973: George Henry Kenyon[192]
  • 1974: Lieutenant-Colonel John Aylmer Christie-Miller CBE TD[193]
  • 1975: Lieutenant-Colonel James Malcolm Harrison TD[194]
  • 1976: Cecil Charlton Taylor[195]
  • 1977: Anthony Kirk Wolley Dod[196]
  • 1978: Ewart Agnew Boddington[197]
  • 1979: John Kemp Barlow[198]
  • 1980: John Meredith Temple, of Picton Gorse[199]
  • 1981: Commander Richard Tan Gilchrist, MBE VRD RNR (Rtd)[200]
  • 1982: Robert John Posnett[201]
  • 1983: William Arthur Bromley-Davenport, of The Kennels[202]
  • 1984: Richard Charles Roundell[203]
  • 1985: Robert Donald Wilson[204]
  • 1986: Peter James Brocklehurst[205]
  • 1987: Anthony George Barbour[206]
  • 1988: Sebastian Basil Joseph Ziani de Ferranti[207]
  • 1989: Jeffrey Bannerman Lockett[208]
  • 1990: David Maurice Stern[209]
  • 1991: Sir Richard Baker-Wilbraham, Bt.[210]
  • 1992: Hon. Peter Gilbert Greenall[211]
  • 1993: Hon. Richard Henry Cornwall-Legh[212]
  • 1994: Robert James McAlpine[213]
  • 1995: John Michael Pickering[214]
  • 1996: Sir Antony Richard Pilkington[215]
  • 1997: Edward Simon Tudor-Evans[216]
  • 1998: Michael Anthony Tudor Trevor-Barnston[217]
  • 1999: Miles David Astley Clarke[218]
  • [edit] 2000 to date2000: Simon Chantler[219]
  • 2001: Anthony William Assheton Spiegelberg TD[220]
  • 2002: John Anthony Edward Relf Richards[221]
  • 2003: Mrs Diana Mary McConnell CBE[222]
  • 2004: Simon Patrick Sherrard[223]
  • 2005: Mrs Carolin Mary Paton-Smith[224]
  • 2006: David Briggs MBE[225][226]
  • 2007: Nicholas Walter Bromley-Davenport[227]
  • 2008: Alastair Maxwell Stoddard[228]
  • 2009: William Gordon Fergusson[229]
  • 2010: Diana Caroline Barbour, of Bolesworth Castle[230]
  • 2011: John Lea, of Crewe[231]
  • 2012: William G.R. Lees-Jones

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