Some Schweiger families possibly descend from lakónian Syagros (Su-i-wa-ger ) from Sparta who lived in the time of persian war : Su-wa-i-ger.
Spain is called by jews S'part-Da where colonies of lakóns were founded,some of whom being aware in old times of their relation to Iudaians are likely to have tended to accept some of the rituals practiced by them and to become "jews "
Ancestor of Sparta in counter with those of Argos coming from A-zhe-reg-ha (like Troians of Askanios-Zeus and Brutos ) may have been his brother A-pa-rat-sa or A-pa-ras-ta called by greeks perhaps Parastatés Héraklés and by jews and christans Perets.
See Sidó,Dömölky,Szanki,Szebényi,Gyönki,Világosi,Alcoy,Levkovits,Vilkovits and others !
Balázs Déri