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  • Hermann Finkelstein (1899 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Finkelstein, Hermann geboren am 06. April 1899 in Ellernthal/Pillkallen (Schloßberg)/Ostpreußen wohnhaft in Berlin (Wedding) Deportation ab Berl...
  • Israel Finkelstein
    Israel Finkelstein (Hebrew: ישראל פינקלשטיין‎; born March 29, 1949) is an Israeli archaeologist, professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University and the head of the School of Archaeology and Maritime Culture...
  • Rabbi Issachar Dov (Beresh) Finkelstein (1890 - 1977)
    Rabbi Finklestein was born in Radom, Poland to a family of Izbice-Radzin chasidim. He was an outstanding scholar in the field of rabbinic literature, kabbalah and chasidic thought. After receiving semi...
  • Jerry Finkelstein (1916 - 2012)
    Jerry Finkelstein (January 26, 1916 – November 28, 2012) was an American publisher, businessman and political insider. Among his publications were The New York Law Journal and The Hill. He was the fath...

About the Finkelstein surname

According to the England and Wales Censes, 1891 the name was sometimes spelt "FINKELSTONE". Stan Saacks

Finkelstein literally means Flintstone