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  • (Walton?) Richard Yancey (1708 - 1780)
    DAR Ancestor # A129375 YANCEY, RICHARD Ancestor #: A129375 Notice: FUTURE APPLICANTS MUST PROVE CORRECT SERVICE (WHY?) Birth: CIRCA 1710 Death: ANTE 2-12-1781 MECKLENBURG CO VIRGINIA Red Flagged:...
  • Alfred M. Yancey (c.1789 - 1871)
    Thelma Sargent's research says he is the son of John Yancey who was the son of Bartlett Yancey. === GEDCOM Source ===@R1603087236@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
  • Ann Nancy Yancey (Graves) (1737 - 1818)
    brief biography==Ann Graves died in 1818. She married Bartlett Yancey. He was born about 1736 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died in 1784. Bartlett, a native of Granville County, North Carolina, of W...
  • Ann Nalle (c.1744 - d.)
  • Bartlett Thornton Yancey, Sr. (1736 - 1784)
    brief biography==A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA==notes==possible father of Henry Graves Yancey of the American Revolution Ancestor #A205756==links==* GEDCOM Note ===== Biograph...

About the Yancey surname

message from Dennis Yancey (

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has any connections to the YANCEY/YANCY name

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