There are already 76 users and 3,232 genealogy profiles with the Bing surname on Geni. Explore Bing genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Aage Bing, til Dybæk=* Suffiks : til Dybæk * Død : eft. 1495 ==Notater==* beseglede 1456 (10. juli) til vitterlighed m. sin bror, hr. Jens B.* solgte 1487 Dybæk til Tage Henriksen Hollunger* 1488 (11....
No proof that she was a daughter of Abraham Bing!She was only known as Antje, Alida or Aaltje KorperAbraham Bing (b. Circa 1754, d. 20 May 1807)Aaltje Abraham Bing (daughter of Abraham Bing) was born C...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Bing, Albert Felix
geboren am 20. Oktober 1919 in Mannheim / - / Baden wohnhaft in Mannheim
Emigration: 24. Februar 1934, Niederlande
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Rein, Amalie Fanny
geb. Bing
geboren am 28. August 1878
in Nürnberg/Bayern
wohnhaft in München
ab Drancy...
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