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Wildman Genealogy and Wildman Family History Information

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About the Wildman surname

Ancient Wildman family ancestors in the North of England

As this map indicates, there was a lot of Norse ancestry in Lancashire a long time ago. It is likely that Wildman ancestors were included in this gene pool. (Jump top related projects from the links included there)

Many, if not all of the Wildmans of North Yorkshire exhibit language and word-linked traits that link them to Old Norse influences if not genetic roots too.

In ancient times Wildmans lives in remote areas and farmed and worked on a subsistence level. They lived in laithe-houses, that is, dwellings with other farm buildings, including a barn, as a single structural unit, with separate entrances for human and livestock areas. The Ribble Valley and the Lune were common places to find large populations of Wildmans in the 16th and 17th centuries, not that they weren't elsewhere.

Quaker Wildman Family in America

  • A Quaker group of Wildman came from Yorkshire/Lancashire where they were persecuted to Middletown township (Neshaminy area) in the 1680s
  • Many lines stayed in Bucks County through the 20th century
  • there are several Wildman related projects on geni
  • for the first few generations in Pennsylvania, Wildmans primary married other Quakers.