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Kass Genealogy and Kass Family History Information

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  • Amy Judith Kass (1940 - 2015)
    Amy Judith Kass (née Apfel; September 17, 1940 – August 19, 2015)[1] was an American academic and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.[2] She spent most of her career as a professor of classic te...
  • Anna Kass (1896 - 1991)
    Sünnimeetrika:* Sünd 13.02.1896 VKJ (25.02 UKJ); abielu 29.06.1930Haud:* Helme kalmistu, Uus osa, 7, 36, 12-kohaline kirstuplats Eesnimi; Perenimi; Sünniaeg; Surmaaeg; Matuseaeg
  • Artur / Arthur Robert Kass (1888 - 1935)
    Sünd. vkj.12.07.1888 [ * Kihlus [* Abielu [Elulugu ja foto - - lk. 44.
  • Asta Kass (1938 - 1992)
    Asta Kass (1938 – 1992) oli eesti lastekirjanik. Ta töötas ka ajakirjaniku ja õpetajana. Asta Kassi raamatuid “Pahupidi puhkus” ja “Kloun Korgitsa kodune elu” peaks seitsmekümnendatel sündinud põlvkond...
  • Bari Weiss
    Bari Weiss (/ˈbæri waɪs/ BARR-ee WYSS; born March 25, 1984) is an American journalist, writer, and editor. She was an op-ed and book review editor at The Wall Street Journal (2013–2017)[1] and an op-...

About the Kass surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Kass surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Kass surname.

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