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Clapp Genealogy and Clapp Family History Information

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  • Abigail King (1675 - 1713)
  • Abigail Clapp (1646 - 1682)
    “Ezra Clapp’s wife is called Abigail Pond in all sources. But no evidence was found that she was a Pond.” “The Great Migration Begins” AncestryImage . If she was a Pond, her father was William Pond, of...
  • Abigail Tilden (1660 - 1736)
    Abigail CLAPP, daughter of Thomas Clapp & his 3rd wife, Abigail Wright, was born 1, 2 on 29 Jan 1659/1660 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. She died 3 on 2 Feb 1736 in Marshfield, Pl...
  • Abigail Holbrook (1622 - 1712)
    Abigail Wright was born 1622 in England and died 18 May 1712 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. She is buried in the Milton Cemetery.Robert Sharp was her 1st husband. When Robert died at Muddy R...
  • Abigail Clapp (1674 - 1740)
    On 17 Jan 1694/5 when Joseph Clapp was 26, he married Abigail Allen, daughter of Dea. Joseph Allen (15 May 1650-20 Mar 1726/7) & Ruth Leeds (2 Oct 1652-), in Braintree, MA. Born on 28 Feb 1673/4 in Bra...

About the Clapp surname

The Clapp/Clap family appears to have originated in southwestern England. Records of family members probably began to appear there in the 15th century. English settlements common to the family include:

Some family members migrated out of England in the 17th century. Colonial settlements common to those members in the 17th century include:

earliest family member in the Geni database: _ Clapp