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Frisch Genealogy and Frisch Family History Information

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  • Adam Bennett Frisch
    Adam Bennett Frisch is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party. Frisch's family lived on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana until he was five years old, then lived in Minnea...
  • Eduard Friš (1912 - 1978)
  • Eldor Raidna / Frisch (1908 - 1995)
    Abielu: Surmakuulutused - Eesti Päevaleht (Stockholm, Rootsi), 1995, 20. apr., nr. 16, lk. 11. FRISCH : EELK Tartu Peetri kogudus Personaalraamat. A-J (II pihtkond), I kd; EAA.3150.1.757; 1913-19...
  • Ingeborg Bachmann (1926 - 1973)
    brief biography and family From an unidentified source: Born in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austrian poet and writer Ingeborg Bachmann saw Nazi troops march through her town when she was 12 years old. S...

About the Frisch surname

Jewish ghetto, formed in Bohemia in 14 century was  one of larger Jewish communities in Europe.Jews of Brno went to Boskovice after they were banished from the Moravian Royal Towns in 1454.  Four family names Frisch are mentioned living in the ghetto in 17 .. 18 century.

I am researching descendants of people who are descendants of familiante numbers 61 (Glass), 133 Frisch Having relatives in nearby Benesov

Google map of the ghetto, which today is historically protected is here: Some pictures from the ghetto are here :