Grünwald family may descend from Grimwald king of Longobardia until about 125 of "our aera" corresponding to 671 of Persians counting years from 546 b.c. when the end of the Magicians' rule in Persia was taken,and to 1512 according to one that began 1387 b.c. and is nowadays in use .
After the violent liquidation of formal Aryanism and yet before public reformation movements there was no choice left for its followers than either to obey to the romans' "Pope" or to take refuge somewhere among Jews ,and that might have been done also by many noblemen of the epoche, being of Idumaian and Iuadaian origin anyway, as the better way to keep at least material facilities they were in possession of in that time .
Grimwald's son was named Garibald,so it is possible he himself was the descendant of the earlier Garibald - died in the 40s -,who may be identical with Agrippa son of Aristobul,brother and father-in-law of Héródés of Khalkis . Agrippa might have in Tibet called Gragspa whereas in the Holy Land Peruvians might have used for him the name they did for the grandson Héródés' ,namely Pariakaka ( Pa-Reyak-Aga ) - son of Coniraya Viracocha .
Kurrpako tribe may also partly descend from him : Kur-Reyak-Pa-Aga-Wa .
See Longobardi,Lombard,Brill,Burgund,Horpatzky,Canarias,Dósa,Hermannstadter,Albahary,Rotariu,Garibaldi, Arauco,Huron,Déry,Dér,Wycliffe,Canada,Katscher,Czafik,Zibler,Kerbler and more !
Balázs Déri