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Basch Genealogy and Basch Family History Information

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  • Abraham Basch (deceased)
    1919 Hungarian Marriage Record - Mor BASCH (born 22/6/1887 Kismacsed, son of Abraham BASCH and Katalia GROSZ) married Hermina WILHELM (born 22/2/1889 Turany, daughter of Sandor WILHELM and Amalia POLIT...
  • Arnošt Basch (1920 - d.)
    One of the few survivors of the Sep 43 transport to BIIb testified in the Belsen and later in the Frankfurt trial.
  • Batscheva Basch (1581 - 1661)
  • Bella Rosenberg (b. - 1745)
    Bila bt Isaac B”X Edels z”l e’ Zelman Rosenberg z”l 1744/45

About the Basch surname

Basch family may descend from Ash-Ayaba-Be,son of king A-Daya-Wa-De from Aba-Tesh-Ayag-Ra the daughter of Egra-Me-Wa'el, and ancestor of iberians both in Meegr'elia and near b'ashsks and bastétans in Hispania as well as of t'sigans called beash coming from India after the exile of native americans - the chosen nation - chased out of the Holy Land in America in more waves through history.

Jews and christians think or ast least say they would have been Shobab,Dawid,Bat-Shua and Aammi'el in "Palaistina".

Why not killing me then for the truth so that killing of civils,women and children could go on for a lie ?

Just like it happened until this very day.

See Cigány,Deutsch,Vajda !

Balázs Déri