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  • Alfred Friedrich Kodumets (1925 - 2017)
    Nimemuutus Plau→Kodumets 14. august 1936 Saaga EAA.1226.1.321:101 KODUMETS Alfred, sotamies, s. 20. II 1925 Virumaal Järve vallas. Autojuht. Soome armeesse 20. XII 1943, väljaõppel Taavettis ja Jal...
  • Amram Blau (1903 - 1978)
  • R' Amram Blau (1900 - 1974)
    ‏Rabbi Amram Blau (1894–1974) הרב עמרם בלוי was a Haredi rabbi from the Hungarian community of Jerusalem misunderstood by most. He was one of the founders of the Neturei Karta. Many religious fanatics ...
  • Anna Maria Trabold (1750 - d.)
  • Baruch Yehuda Bloy (1905 - 1972)

About the Blau surname

Hello Family, We are from Felsogod, Hungary, please contact Zsuzsanna

looking forward to hear from you


Balázs Déri :

Some of the many ,especially Jewish Blau families' ancestoss might have had ancient connections to the t
ribe Balaw / Belew ( Belaw ) ,and to the state founded by them in Sudan and Eritrea ,a tribe of the people
now called Bedawie or Beja ,which approximately means the same as the Arabian Badawi ,
that is desert-dweller ,some of the clans and tribes whom may indeed be of Jewish origin .

There was namely a man from the family of Zhe-Rag-Ha,son of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,one of the twelve
forefathers of the twelve tribes of the Chosen People and generica ancestor of Dahas,now called Iranian
Aryans after his alternative Byblical name ,Ag-Ayar A'are-Wa ,whose name was A-Zha-Bet-Dawa ,
who may be the progenitor of these Jewish Beduins ,now called after him Bet-Zha-A or Betdawi .

Azha tribe of Tibet may be descended from him as well ,and this may be the reason the Beja are also called
Tibetdawi ,and if they lived in the traditional province of the country called Mang ,and hence Azha could have
been used as a synonym of the latter,then so may some of the deep-Sudanian Mang-Betu people do .
They ,by the way ,appear to be the successors of the so called XVIIIth dynasty of Aigypt ,that may have
been founded the successors of the last ruler of the previous one ,whose name was Keram-Mes-Sa ,
and who may be identical with a son or descendant of A-Zha-Bet-Dawa mentioned in hte Byble under
the name Keram-Mawa .
So this would mean these dynasties were at least partially of Beja or Jewish Beduin origin .

The cause they returned to Aigypt after the exodus of their people ,the Hyksós ,in about 1706 BC ,
might lie in the case of one of the members of the tribe ,sentenced to death by the majority for breaking
the law of their Holy War against the usurping natives of the Holy Land ,after 1666 BC, after the execution
of whom many of his relatives might as well have been excommunicated ,or chose by their own will to take
another path ,back to the comfortable slavery of Aigypt .
And thus they founded Belaw state and others in the course of history .

Ancestors of some Blau families thus might have been one of them .

See Bedawy,Mang,Beja,Zsidó,Zsédenyi,Kremsier,Messinger,Kohn,Hackel,Krieger,Badawy,Blauhorn,Blaustein,
Duleba,Balaguer,Baló,Nachmann,Munk and others !
