There are already 1,281 users and over 19,230 genealogy profiles with the Feldman surname on Geni. Explore Feldman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abraham was married to Masha . They only had 2 children-Ryetta and Benjamoin. There is no relationship tp the Sachs family-it is in error and Needs to be changed.
Andrew Feldman, Baron Feldman of Elstree is a British barrister, businessman and Conservative fundraiser and politician. The Financial Times described him as "David Cameron's oldest political friend" s...
Birth: Oct. 25, 1912 Newark Essex County New Jersey, USA Death: Aug. 9, 1997 Manhattan New York County (Manhattan) New York, USAFamily links: Parents: Jacob Saltzman (1879 - 1967) Zelda Krikun Saltzm...
the feldman family came from the plonsk area of poland
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