Country-specific User Portals

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  • ג׳ני ישראל - Geni-Israel

    ברוכים הבאים לקהילה של משתמשי ג'ני בישראל. Welcome the community of Geni users from Israel.להלן מדריך וידאו בעברית (סרטון מבוא בסיסי בן 21 דקות), שהוכן ע״י שמחה גרשון בורר וכולל הדרכה ועקרונות בסיסיים לשימוש בג׳ני, אילן היוחסין העולמי ______________________________________________________===*להלן תזכורות תקופתיות===Geni-Israel ג׳ני-ישראלThis project is a “gate-way” to the extensive Israeli comm...

  • Argentina Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Argentina de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Existen varios curadores de Geni que se dedican a desarrollar la genealogía de las familias argentinas y que ayudarán con gusto ante cualquier pedido de ayuda. Sin perjuicio que puedan existir otro...

  • Australian Portal

    Welcome to the Australian Portal on Geni This Australian Portal has been created to: Link together existing Australian projects Encourage new Australian projects to be created Encourage collaboration between Australian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Australian interests and connections Promote and facilitate Australian genealogical research Promote Australia, i...

  • Bahamian Portal

    Welcome to the Bahamian Portal on Geni!==This is a project to focus on developing the profiles of the people of the Bahamas and members of the greater Bahamian diaspora on Geni. Special emphasis is made on using Bahamian sources, especially government records and credible Bahamian histories. Since modern Bahamians find their roots in many other ethnicities --Yoruba/West African, Mandinka, Bantu...

  • Barbados Portal

    Welcome to the Barbados Portal! =Welcome to the Barbados Portal, your starting point for all things Barbadian/Bajan on Geni. If you are new and would like to introduce yourself, or if you'd like to ask any questions, please use the "Discussions" link at the right.=About Barbados=Barbados is a sovereign island country in the Lesser Antilles, in the Americas. It is 34 kilometres (21 miles) in len...

  • Bermuda

    Scope of Project===This is a project to focus on developing the profiles of the people of Bermuda and members of the Bermudan diaspora on Geni. Special emphasis is made on using Bermudan sources, especially government records and credible Bermudan histories. Since modern Bermudans find their roots in many other ethnicities -- this project aims to also provide information on how these people cam...

  • Bolivia Portal

    For instructions on how to use Geni in English, refer to the Geni Help Portal For more information in the national language see the espanol tab.

  • Canadian Portal

    The Canadian Portal ~ Portail du Canada =The Canadian portal is a place to meet other researchers, share information and take part in discussions and find everything available on Geni related to Canada.In addition to the above this portal will also function as a research tool with the links and sources provided on this portal page.This project should not have profiles added to it. All profiles ...

  • Chile

    This project is to connect the Chilean trees, and to merge duplicate profiles. Also it has the objective to persuade the managers to make public the profiles of 19th century (and earlier) people, and that minimize the quantity of dead and defunct profiles of the 20th century. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal

  • China Portal

    This project is a general purpose Portal for Chinese users (in the Mainland). See also separate Portals for Taiwan and Hong Kong . If you need help with your genealogy, start a discussion within this project. For English-speakers, some basics can be found at House of Chinn , and at the online forum at Siyi Chinese genealogy .If you (are a Westerner who) have ancestors who worked and lived in Ch...

  • Colombia Portal

    Bienvenido al Portal de Colombia para colaborar con geni en relación a este portal primeramente le recomendamos la creación de una cuenta y el desarrollo de su propio árbol genealógico. También puede colaborar con nosotros en este hermoso proyecto que lograra digitalizar toda la vida y la historia de Colombia cómo unificar toda la información diseminada en Geni con relación a este país.. Pers...

  • Costa Rica Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Costa Rica de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derech...

  • Croatia Portal

    Welcome to the Croatia Portal Croatia Portal has been created to: Link all existing Croatian projects Encourage new Croatian projects to be created Encourage collaboration between Geni users who have Croatian interests and connections Promote and facilitate Croatian genealogical research Promote Croatia, its people, culture and tradition to the wider Geni community What can you ...

  • Cuban Portal

    This is the portal or master project for anything Cuban-related. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal ==Geni Cuban sub-projects==#  
Afrocuban Women Filmmakers#  
Banana Wars#  
Caribbean Migration (To and From U.S.) Prior to 1900#  
Chinese in the Caribbean#  
Colonial Americas Portal#  
Conquistadores españoles#  
Cuban and Other Hispanic, ...

  • Dominican Republic: Portal

    Bienvenido al Portal de la Republica Dominicana, para colaborar con geni en relación a este portal primeramente le recomendamos la creación de una cuenta y el desarrollo de su propio árbol genealógico. También puede colaborar con nosotros en este hermoso proyecto que lograra digitalizar toda la vida y la historia de la República Dominicana. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Gen...

  • Ecuador Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Ecuador de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha p...

  • El Salvador Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal El Salvador de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derec...

  • French Portal / Portail français

    Bienvenue sur le portail français de Geni !====== For an introduction in English, please go to the International French Portal =====.==Objectif==L’objectif du portail se résume en quatre points…* Faciliter la coopération entre francophones dans la recherche généalogique* L’amorce de nouveaux projets communs qui concernent la communauté francophone* L’ identification de sources permettant aux no...

  • Geni Bosna & Hercegovina Portal

    Traze se volonteri Kuratori za Geni - pogledajte nominacije --> Nominacije Radovi u toku - work in progress Hrvatsko podrucje vec godinu dana ima 3 Kuratora (Curator -Staratelj) koji su tu da pomognu korisnicima. Kuratori su volonteri koji su izabrani na temelju aktivnosti i kvalitete njihovih obiteljskih stabala -te imaju mogućnosti spajanja stabala i duplih profila, kao i neograničene moguć...

  • Geni Polska

    Zapraszamy do uczestniczenia w projekcie Geni Polska - który ma na celu skupienie jak największej liczby polskich użytkowników Geni w celu lepszej i wydajniejszej współpracy! W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań kliknij tutaj . 'For English language, please see In English thread in Geni Polska message board. 'Członków prosimy o zapraszanie współpracowników z Polski do tego projektu (Opcje > Add Coll...

  • Guatemala Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Guatemala de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Existen varios curadores de Geni que se dedican a desarrollar la genealogía de las familias guatemaltecas y que ayudarán con gusto ante cualquier pedido de ayuda. Sin perjuicio que puedan existir ...

  • Haiti Portal

    This is the Master Project or Portal for the Caribbean country of Haiti. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal (i/ˈheɪti/; French: Haïti [a.iti]; Haitian Creole: Ayiti [ajiti]), officially the Republic of Haïti (République d'Haïti; Repiblik Ayiti[7]), is a Caribbean country. It occupies the western, smaller portion of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Anti...

  • Honduras Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Honduras de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha ...

  • Hong Kong Portal

    This project is a general purpose Portal for Hong Kong users. See also separate portals for China and Taiwan . If you need help with your genealogy, start a discussion within this project. For English-speakers, some basics can be found at House of Chinn and at the online forum Siyi Chinese genealogy . For the new system for Chinese names on Geni, see the Geni Guide to Chinese Names project.

  • Hungary Portal

    Welcome to the Hungarian Portal on Geni= This Hungarian Portal has been created to: * Link together existing Hungarian projects * Encourage new Hungarian projects to be created * Encourage collaboration between Hungarian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Hungarian interests and connections * Promote and facilitate Hungarian genealogical research * Promote Hungary, its people, ...

  • Iceland Master Project

    This is a master project for Iceland and its history. Iceland[7][8] i/ˈaɪslənd/ (Icelandic: Ísland, IPA: [%CB%88islant]; see Names for Iceland), described as the Republic of Iceland by many foreign authorities,[6][4][5] is a Nordic European island country in the North Atlantic Ocean, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.[9] Iceland also refers to the main island of the country, which contains about 98...

  • International Lithuanian Portal

    This project is dedicated to tracing ancestors in Lithuania at its present territories and Lithuania Propria historical lands. This portal provides a list of online genealogy sources, such as registries and archives of Lithuanian documents. If you have Lithuanian ancestors or study ancestral lines deriving from Lithuania Propria, please follow and participate in this project. Lithuanian La...

  • Introduksjon til Geni - norsk

    Norway=Dette prosjektet har viktig informasjon for alle norske medlemmer av Geni! Prosjektet tar sikte på å forklare hvordan Geni fungerer, og være en veiledning til hvor man kan få hjelp. Om du nettopp er invitert til i prosjektet av en Kurator, er dette for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på denne informasjonen. Legg gjerne til andre brukere slik at informasjonen her når ut til flest mulig brukere som...

  • Introduktion til Geni for danske brugere

    Introduktion til Geni for danske brugere:==I dette dokument bedes der ikke laves ændringer. Hvis der er noget der skal vendes bedes det gøres over en debat.Når der kommer nyheder på, vil der stå Nyt, Nyt, over det nye emne.== In English== see here -- jer der er på. I må meget gerne gøre opmærksom på projektet hos dem i samarbejder med. Des flere des bedre. Vil gerne skabe et forum for danske br...

  • Irish Portal

    =About the Irish Portal=Portal for people who are interested in Irish genealogy.The aim of this portal is to make this a very useful tool for research, and a place to meet other people tracing their Irish ancestors=='''What can you do here?'''==* '''Ask questions.'''* '''Collaborate on your research.'''* '''Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area. '''...

  • Italian Portal

    Buongiorno. Vorrei provare a concentrare in questa pagina risorse genealogiche italiane, possibilmente consultabili via internet, dato che risiedo in Irlanda, anche se sto cercando (come molti di noi, credo) di rintracciare informazioni sulla mia famiglia. Se avete informazioni su anagrafi e altri archivi consultabili tramite internet, vi pregherei di aggiungere le risorse in questa pagina. ...

  • Jamaican Portal: "Out Of Many, One People"

    This is the Portal or Master Project for Jamaica: Jamaican Portal: "Out Of Many, One People" : you will find links to online civil records across Jamaica that may be very helpful in your quest). Important Events in Jamaica's History What can you do here? Ask questions. Collaborate on your research. Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area...

  • Japan portal

    This project is to facilitate the cooperation of Japanese users Please help with translating Geni Please help with translating the portal description into Japanese. How do I enable translations on Geni? Projects * Japanese Emperors * Monarchies of Asia Academia * Japan Prize * Kyoto Prize World War 2 * Japanese Civilian Internment Camps WWII

  • Makedonski portal / Geni Macedonia

    Kuratori za Geni - nominacije pogledajte --> Nominate == Ја Македонија== I Macedonia=✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄✄Оставете ги Вашите прашања или коментари на Форумот кој е приклучен кон овој проект или директно контактирајте со нас.За полесно да се снајдете овој проект е направен како портал - во него ќе бидат вклучени линкови кон сите останати проекти поврзани со македонското ст...

  • New Zealand Portal

    Kia ora! Welcome to the Aotearoa New Zealand Portal. This is the gateway for New Zealand users for resources and information to aid you in your search for your ancestors, and to promote cooperation in building the New Zealand shared family tree on Geni. For assistance with building your tree feel free to contact New Zealand Curators: Jason Scott Wills | Private User | Private User | Private U...

  • Nicaragua Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Nicaragua de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("epañol"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha ...

  • Panama Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Panamá de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha pa...

  • Paraguay Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Paraguay de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha...

  • Peru Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Perú de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Recursos Proyectos Uniéndose a un proyecto es una buena manera de comenzar su investigación. Contienen enlaces a las personas importantes y recursos útiles. Ver Proyectos relacionados a la derecha para...

  • Philippines Portal

    Image: The Boxer Codex of the 1590s contains vividly-colored illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippines and other nearby territories. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal If you can't get the answers you need on the Geni Knowledge Base or the Discussion Boards , all Geni curators are available to provide peer assistance. Concerns on Geni tools and on...

  • Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen

    laatst gewijzigd --29-juli-2019--Dimitri Gazan-- No profiles can be added to this project If you can read Dutch please look at the Dutch version of this project! For those who cannot read Dutch please see the International Dutch Portal TAAL instellen of wijzigen U kunt op de regel, geheel onderaan op elke pagina, een keuze maken voor de taal waarin u Geni wilt gaan gebruiken. Uw...

  • Portal Brasil

    Tradução: Este é um projeto de portal do país, que se destina a ser um recurso para usuários de um determinado país. Ele pode conter conselhos sobre a melhor forma de usar o Geni em seu país, como convenções de nomenclatura de perfis, instruções de tradução, onde encontrar recursos de genealogia e muito mais. Você pode participar do projeto para contribuir ou segui-lo se desejar receber apenas ...

  • Portal für Deutsch sprachige. Germany.

    Project "Portal für Deutsch-Sprachige. Germany", is an "umbrella" project where almost, all German projects on Geni can be found. It is easiest to write in English to this project such as people all over the world can understand the text. Some profiles of German people will also be added to this project. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal ====Projects on Geni N...

  • Singapore Portal

    This project is a general purpose Portal for Singaporean users. If you need help with Chinese genealogy, see also China Portal or start a discussion within this project. For English-speakers, some basics can be found at House of Chinn , and at the online forum Siyi Chinese genealogy . For the new system for Chinese names on Geni, see the Geni Guide to Chinese Names project. For instructions on...

  • Slovenski portal / Geni Slovenia

    This project aims to organise genealogical data for places and families of Slovenia. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Navodila za uporabo programa Geni najdete na Geni Help Portal ●▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬♥▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Slovensko rodoslovje Slovensko rodoslovno društvo

  • South Africans' Geni Landing Site. WELCOME CuZZins!

    CuZZin Hello!! Welcome to our Community The CuZZin Community is a South African GENi user driven initiative to encourage productive collaboration with the aim of working for the "good of all" and providing links to our most important South African based projects . Please join us, read our letter introducing you to Geni and Introduce yourself here . Tip Click on the 'Follow' button in the to...

  • Spain Portal

    Bienvenidos al portal España de Geni. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Conservadores Hay varios conservadores de Geni que se especializan en la genealogía española y están más que dispuestos a ayudar a responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener. Victar Philip J. Decker Iván Noé Vásquez Alburez

  • Suomalaisten käyttäjien portaali - Portal för finska användare - Finnish Users' Portal

    Tervetuloa mukaan yhteistyöhön! Välkommen till samarbeta! Welcome to collaborate! ==Uusi Genin käyttäjä== Ennen profiilien lisäämistä Geniin, aloita tutustumalla käyttöohje-sivustoon Ohjeet Suomi ja Karjala. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal ==Jos asut Suomessa==Olethan tietoinen, että tallettaessasi elossa olevien tietoja Geniin ja muihin Internetin sukutut...

  • Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles Portal

    About the Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles portal==The aim of this portal is to create a place to meet other people who are researching Suriname and the Antilles==What can you do here?==*Ask questions.*Collaborate on your research.*Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area.*Problem finding an ancestors , open a discussion here and we all try to hel...

  • Sweden

    Sweden The Sweden project is a forum for genealogy studies for families or persons living in Sweden or with any other connection to Sweden - or for any person who is interested in Swedish history. This page is a main portal for finding your way to local, regional, or tematic project groups in Sweden of today or that is connected to areas former belonging to Sweden. You can find muncipality proj...

  • Taiwan Portal

    This project is a general purpose Portal for Taiwan users. See also separate portals for China and Hong Kong . If you need help, start a discussion within this project. Some basics can be found on the online forum at Siyi Chinese genealogy , and House of Chinn . For the new system for Chinese names on Geni, see the Geni Guide to Chinese Names project. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer...

  • Thailand portal

    Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a country at the center of the Indochinese peninsula in Mainland Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Myanmar and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern extremity of Myanmar. Its maritime boundaries include Vie...

  • UK Portal

    Welcome, Fàilte, Croeso, Fáilte ! . Looking for your ancestors in the UK? Or, you're in the UK and searching for relatives elsewhere in the world? In this forum, we encourage everyone with links in England, Scotland and Wales to communicate and explore a common ancestry. What can you do here? Ask questions Collaborate on your research Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your...

  • USA Portal

    Welcome to the USA Portal! The USA Portal is here to facilitate those researching ancestors or relatives in the United States, or elsewhere in the world but with American roots. We encourage everyone with links in the United States to communicate and explore a common ancestry. In this portal you will find sources and discussions that will help you with your research. In case you have a partic...

  • Uruguay Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Uruguay de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Existen varios curadores de Geni que se dedican a desarrollar la genealogía de las familias uruguayas y que ayudarán con gusto ante cualquier pedido de ayuda. Sin perjuicio que puedan existir otros,...

  • Venezuela Portal

    Bienvenidos al Portal Venezuela de Geni para hablantes de castellano ("español"). For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal Apoyo de la comunidad Discusiones Curadores Existen varios curadores de Geni que se dedican a desarrollar la genealogía de las familias venezolanas y que ayudarán con gusto ante cualquier pedido de ayuda. Sin perjuicio que puedan existir ot...
