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The Unbroken Chain, by Dr. Neil Rosenstein

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Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from Dr. Neil Rosenstein's magnum opus The Unbroken Chain. The copyright in The Unbroken Chain is owned by Dr. Rosenstein. More information is available at Only names, dates, places, and family tree relationships from The Unbroken Chain should be included in this project.


Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th - 20th Century. Dr. Neil Rosenstein's magnum opus The Unbroken Chain was first published as a single volume in 1976. An expanded two-volume second edition of "The Unbroken Chain" was published in 1990.

The author announced in December 2012 that he was in the process of earnestly editing and preparing his manuscript, updated, corrected and significantly enlarged for a third edition. The projected date for publication was end 2014, beginning 2015. The plan was for 3 volumes, the last having a full name / surname index. According to Dr. Rosenstein's website, Volume One of The Unbroken Chain – Third Edition will be available before the end of 2017. Volume One includes Chapters One, Two, Three and Four, consisting of more than 750 pages of text and photos, plus a name index.

The third edition will be 7 volumes, 4,500 pages, 42,000 names with a full name index and will go up to 22 generations. To purchase copies of the Third Edition, see

The Unbroken Chain documents the descendants of Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen (MaHaRaM) of Padua (1482–1565) and Rabbi Judah Lowe (MaHaRaL) of Prague through 22 generations. Among the descendants of these two Torah Giants are numerous famous persons including Martin Buber, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, Karl Marx, Moses and Felix Mendelssohn, Yehudi Menuhin, Moses Montefiore, Helena Rubinstein, Judge Judy Sheindlin. A high proportion of genealogies are those of the leading Hassidic dynasties: Levi Isaac of Berdichev, Halberstam, Horowitz, Rabinowitz, Ro­ke­ach, Shapiro, Spira, Teitelbaum, Twersky and others.

Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been released and are available for purchase via Avotaynu.

Entry points for each of the book's chapters in the two-volume second edition are listed below, along with links to specific notable people, and these should be the only profiles added to this project:

Volume One:

Volume Two:


A surgeon, author, lecturer, Dr. Neil Rosenstein has accumulated as a result of five decades of investigative study of rare books and manuscripts, trips to libraries and cemeteries, travel and correspondence a vast matrix of material on Jewish genealogy, especially in the field of rabbinical dynasties for which he has become world famous.


Ha Magid CD-ROM

Besides his many books (see website above), he has produced a CD-ROM with the indexed obituaries of the first-ever Hebrew weekly, HaMagid, which was in print from 1856 to 1903.

All descendants of the Katzenellenbogen family and whal-Katzenellenbogen, descendant of the kozker rebbe