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Avraham Shapira (Hebrew: אברהם אלקנה כהנא שפירא; 20 May 1914, Jerusalem[1] – 27 September 2007) was a prominent rabbi in the Religious Zionist world. Shapira had been the head of the Rabbinical court ...
עמיצור שפירא ז"ל
Amitzur Shapira (Hebrew: עמיצור שפירא; July 9, 1932 - September 6, 1972) was an Israeli short distance runner in the 1950s and a coach for the Isaeli track and field team at the 19...
אניטה שפירא באתר מקבלי פרס ישראל תשס"ח Anita Shapira (Hebrew: אניטה שפירא, born 1940) is an Israeli historian. She is the founder of the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies, a Ruben Merenfeld Prof...
Arie Shapira (Hebrew: אריה שפירא; born in Afikim November 29, 1943) is a noted Israeli composer and music researcher.___________________________________
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