There are already 826 users and over 25,989 genealogy profiles with the Miles surname on Geni. Explore Miles genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abigail (twin to Rebecca) b. 26 Jan 1651; daughter of John "the farmer" Thompson & Dorothy his 2nd wife* m. (1) 25 Nov 1672 Joseph Alsop Jr. (b. abt 1649, d. 12 Jan 1691),* m. (2) Capt. John Miles Jr. ...
FamilyMILES [Mighill], (John, Thomas), was born ca. 1666 and married first at Suffield, MA 12 Dec. 1700 Abigail, b. 19 March 1675 at Wenham, MA, dau. of Robert and Joanna (Warner) McLaflin. He lived Ki...
Abigail Kingsley , of Pomfret, Connecticut married as his second wife (intention dated November 6, 1762) to Daniel, son of Thomas Mighill (born about 1710; died in 1777.) He was known in some records a...
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