I have a family tree of the Munk family in Hebrew, including Harav Elie Munk, father of Amelie Jacobovits, going back three further generations to Michael Munk and Scheinde Rochel Hildesheimer. Other families appearing on the tree include Wetzlar, Strauss, Schlesinger etc. Just send me an email if you wish to receive a copy.
Dr. Susan E. Lifshitz, Patent Attorney
IP Israel Patents Ltd.
Mail: PO Box 45376 Jerusalem, Israel 91451 Tel.: 972-(0)2-5710444, Fax: 972-(0)2-5710443, Cell: 972-(0)528-620-506 email: patent@bezeqint.net www.IP-Israel.com
skype: shmoozy1
Office: Beck Science Center, Hartoum 8, Har Hahozvim, Jerusalem 91450 IL
Balázs Déri says :
Nek-ha Mawa-ha was among those who returned Iudaia after 70 years of captivity in Babylón.
He and his comrades insisted to fight against people,their own brothers ,who married "foreign" women,some of whom already bore children to their husbands - thus, they must have still not been as foreign as that. This example is followed by many still these days in order to fulfill the perverted wishes of their evil hearts to kill and to cause pain ,and not bothering themselves by simpliest facts for the sake of the survival of a small minority in endogamic secret to liquidate the whole of their own nation that God have chosen to be holy, and they have no fear to kill,robber,humiliate and chase people because of their - immaculate - ethnicity and true religion they usurpers want to expell them from,and to prepare massacre against their own blood.
This perverted paganity,the worse paganity of all ever lead to create world jewish congress still fighting against "mixed matrimonies " and all the other institutions that are depending from the state of ideology consisted of lies that never existed and will never exist and is nothing but a weapon against the better and normal part of humanity in the service of the murderer and liar evil : the Synagogue of Satan.
Reading the not canonic books about their activity in the time of Dareios and Artak-ha- Shaste'a one thinks that there were two houses build at the same time,one - the true one - build by descendants of the kings,and the other build by him and his accomplies - but still both of them in the Holy Land,in America.
Jews and christians tought by jews call him Nekhemyah.