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There are already 966 users and over 12,883 genealogy profiles with the כהן surname on Geni. Explore כהן genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

כהן Genealogy and כהן Family History Information

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  • Morris "Two Gun" Cohen (1887 - 1970)
    Morris Abraham "Two-Gun" Cohen (1887–1970) was a British and Canadian adventurer of Jewish origin who became aide-de-camp to Sun Yat-sen and a major-general in the Chinese National Revolutionary Army.E...
  • Adi Tatarko Cohen
    Adi Tatarko is CEO of Houzz, a home design site she and her husband, Alon Cohen started in 2009. The couple launched the website after they had trouble finding ideas for remodeling their house. Houzz a...
  • Albert Cohen (1895 - 1981)
    Cohen (August 16, 1895 – October 17, 1981) was a Greek-born Romaniote Jewish Swiss novelist who wrote in French. He worked as a civil servant for various international organizations, such as the Intern...
  • Alexander Cohn (1912 - 2004)
    מהנדס עירית בני ברק, אלכסנדר כהן.
  • Alon Cohen
    Alon Cohen is the President and co-founder of Houzz, a platform for home remodeling and design, bringing together both professionals and homeowners via mobile, local and social tools. Alon and his wife...

About the כהן surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the כהן surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the כהן surname.

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