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  • Ania Bukstein
    Ania Bukstein (Hebrew: אניה בוקשטיין‎; Russian: Аня Букштейн, Anya Bukshteyn; born 7 June 1982) is an Israeli actress, singer-songwriter, pianist and voice actress, performing in Hebrew, Russian, Frenc...
  • Anthony Weiner
    David Weiner (/ˈwiːnər/; born September 4, 1964), is an American politician and former U.S. representative who served New York's 9th congressional district from January 1999 until June 2011. A member o...
  • August Veiner (1913 - 1941)
    sünd vkj. 21. jaanuarRaamatust: Suvesõda Harjumaal 1941 / Herbert Lindmäe. Tartu, 2015. VI peatükk Võõrvõimu vahetus Harjumaal ja kättemaks nõukogude võimu kuritegude eest. 2. Kättemaks nõukogude võimu...
  • Ehud Manor (1941 - 2005)
    Ehud Manor (born Ehud Weiner, July 13, 1941; died April 12, 2005) was an Israeli songwriter, translator, and radio and TV personality. In 1998, Manor was awarded the Israel Prize for Hebrew song. Ehud ...
  • Esther Levit (1904 - 1987)
    Esther Levit won the Israel Prize in 1977 for her special contribution to society.

About the Weiner surname'Aguilar


Balázs Déri :

Ancestors of some Weiner families might have had been members of Wayana tribe in the Holy Land , in Amazonia before the exile some 600 years ago by the invading Rhómans .This word in the local language ,as well as in the Byblical one ,means a dove or pigeon .

This suggests also that the tribe's ancestor might be Wayana-Ha ,who was ,as it is written,swallowed by a whale and stayed in his / her stomach for 3 days .It must have thus been a nice ,polite whale - like most of whales are - letting him out after this period .

He was sent to the city of Nawa-Nawaya-Ha after ,which may also be where Nonuya tribe also in Amazonia might have had been living . They are related to Airassu ,who may be of Assyrian origin : A-Assu-Ir . The city was founded by An-Nam-Mara-Da son of Ak-Eya-Sha , of the Shakya race ,to which Nama and Damara may also belong to .

Later Ar-Ra'aya-Ban-Na also had a son called Assha-Da-Wa-'Ayar .

See Dessner,Braumann,Denkstein,Pernambuco,Dutch,Aragón,Weinmann,Deák,Garcia,Káldy,Görögh ,Moldván,Radnai,Hanák,Capua,Al-Yamani,Neugeboren,Bohrmann and more !
