Lappalainen är ett finskt släktnamn.
Ordet syftar på samer (sv. lappar, fi. lappalaiset). Ännu på medeltiden återfanns samer i Satakunda, Tavastland och Sydösterbotten. I samband med det savolaxiska svedjebrukets expansion drevs samerna norrut. På grund av kontaktytan förekommer Lappalainen i den finska namnfloran.
Balázs Déri :
Some Lappalainen families and members of the people of the same name,
which nowadays is an exonym rather ,may be descended from A'ap-Pala-La ,
mentioned in the Byblical genealogies .He may also be the ancestor of Lapalapa
alias Leko tribe in the Holy Land of America .
His ancestor was a person called A-War-Reg-Har-Ge ,from Et-Sharra , who married
a woman from the tribe of A-Wa-Hayad-Daha ,the generic ancestor of Daha peoples .
Her ancesttry was A-Pa-Rad-Sa ,father of Ak-Ha-Cher-Aya-Na ,father of A'ayan-Na-Ma ,
after whom Maina region and people in Peru might well be named - and also Naiman in Asia .
This family included Sham-Mawa and Awad-Derge ,who may be the ancestors also of
some Samodi,as well as Sami peoples ,both basically from the Ganda tribe .
Sarra was the alternative name of Tyros in the antiquity, or even before ,so Et-Sharra ,
the home of A-War-Reg-Har-Ge might have been that of some Türk and Tyrrhén peoples too.
Tyr-Rhén would mean Türk of the Rein ,which is in fact a namesake of the Rha ,
which is the Volga ,so it is Volga-Türk .
A-War-Reg-Har-Ge though might have given his name to Georgia ,first in America,
and then,after the exile,in the Caucas,in Iberia .
Inhabitants of Ibir-Sibir ,perhaps also Iber-Siber ,might have moved there from that Ibéria .
In the original Georgia or around there still can be found tribes of possibly Tyrrhén kinship,
such as for example Tusk-Egee and Ital-Walako .
His family included A-Sa-Sa-Mawa too ,after whom Samoa ,and Samosa-Ta ,
the town of Samosa tribe in the exile might be named
A'ap-Pala-La himself,the Lappala ,may be the father of Appalachee ,
that is A'appala-(La)-Achee tribe.
Ache in the Lapalapa langauge means father .
See Dregovic,Amsterdamer,De Groot,Maina,Kulpin,Kölpényi,Tromsö,Radimec,Samoa,Tajti,
Adari,Suomi,Musk,Oklahoma,Dublin,Bakdi,Baksy,Kart,Leko,Loparev and others !