There are already 257 users and over 20,842 genealogy profiles with the Savolainen surname on Geni. Explore Savolainen genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Anneli Sauli invites you into battle Many of us are familiar Finnish illustrious film starring Anneli Saul, whose films and television appearances are seen on television over and over again. Last summe...
Nilsiä Kastetut
Nilsiä syntyneet 1837-1851 (AP I C:4) 1850 huhtikuu-toukokuu ; SSHY / Viitattu 31.10.2023
Syntynyt / Kastettu 23.5.1850 23.6.1850 Kylä / Talo Pajujärvi 1 Isä B. Elias Hiltunen Äiti ...
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